Greasy Fork

Tabview Youtube

Make comments and lists into tabs

目前为 2022-05-01 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

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97.9 KB

Version 1.8.40

  • Fixed Youtube CSS Change (dated 2022.04.20) Related Issues
  • Effective Fix for Show More/Less not displaying correctly (-webkit-line-clamp bug)
  • Fixed Comments Not loaded before clicking
  • Details

    MIT license;


    Please install this userscript with Tampermonkey (Edge/Firefox/Chrome/Waterfox) or Violentmoneky (Waterfox Classic).
    Using latest modern browser (Edge/Firefox/Chrome) is encouraged but backward compatible is also available for some browsers like Waterfox Classic.

    At this moment, I have no plan to publish this in Chrome Web Store as I do not have such a time to deal with Chrome Web Store's requirement.
    Please do NOT publish this in Chrome Web Store on behalf of youself.

    The source code and design were orginally inspired by SuperYouTube (Extension for Youtube™), but I have done many coding improvement and design changes for better and faster experience (for example, dark / light theme adaptation). This userscript has NO relationship with SuperYouTube.

    The reason I created this userscript is, I do not like there are so many settings in SuperYouTube and waste my RAM for just watching youtube as a separate extension, and also I feel buggy and slow for SuperYouTube.

    As for performance boost, I imposed many CSS hacks for this userscript to maximize the user experience (contain and content-visibility). Some might make other userscripts or plugins broken. So please let me know and I will try to fix the bugs.

    Preview (Dark Theme - Two Columns)

    Theater Mode

    Live Chat - Live / Replay

    Video Info

    Normal Comment Mode, if available

    Related Videos

    Playlist, if available

    Chapter & Caption, if available

    Known Issues

    1. abnormal attribute "hidden" in invisible layout - Sometimes the playlist is still hidden after clicking the playlist item.
    2. Youtube Coding Bug: No chat replay if the video is paused
    3. always see the videos tab first before it automatically switches to comments.
    4. Webkit bug - comments lines clamped without "show more" button
    5. Show More / Show Less Button might be always visible for full content after resizing the comments section
    6. MiniView Switching Video Not Available Yet
    7. Outstanding Feature - 94022
    8. Sometime the player go miniview after the page is just loaded

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