// ==UserScript==
// @name Tabview Youtube
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.8.35
// @description Make comments and lists into tabs
// @author CY Fung
// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
// @resource contentCSS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyfung1031/Tabview-Youtube/6f66b99be32b22ce15e2fcfeb883e61a109c0e19/css/style_content.css
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// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @run-at document-start
// @license MIT https://github.com/cyfung1031/Tabview-Youtube/blob/main/LICENSE
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion:6 */
function main($){
// MIT License
// https://github.com/cyfung1031/Tabview-Youtube/raw/main/js/content.js
-(function() {
function inIframe() {
try {
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} catch (e) {
return true;
if (inIframe()) return;
if (!$) return;
* SVG resources:
* <div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons" title="Smashicons">Smashicons</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div>
const scriptVersionForExternal = '2021/07/03';
const githubURLBase = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyfung1031/Tabview-Youtube";
const githubURLCommit = "bdf401045266e5224663f80b276bc7f56d122b8d";
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z M91,39h43v34H91V39z M61,259H30v-34h31V259z M61,73H30V39h31V73z M134,259H91v-34h43V259z M123,176.708v-55.417
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// --- Youtube Video Testing :
// Square Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0RXVnRbFg8
// Square Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK_rKhMIotU
// ---
const mtoInterval1 = 40;
const mtoInterval2 = 150;
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function tracer(key, cmp) {
if (cmp > 0) return tracer[key] === cmp;
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function racer(key, f) {
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requestAnimationFrame(() => {
racer[kCount] = 0;
g = null;
} else {
racer[kTime] = now + 16;
class ScriptEF {
constructor() {
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isValid() {
return this._id === scriptEC;
class Timeout {
set(f, d, repeatCount) {
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if (repeatCount > 0) {
let rc = repeatCount;
const g = () => {
this.cid = 0;
if (!sEF.isValid()) return;
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if (--rc <= 0) return;
if (res === true) this.cid = setTimeout(g, d);
} else {
const g = () => {
this.cid = 0;
if (!sEF.isValid()) return;
if (f() === true) this.cid = setTimeout(g, d);
this.cid = setTimeout(g, d);
clear() {
if (this.cid > 0) clearTimeout(this.cid);
isEmpty() {
return !this.cid
class Mutex {
constructor() {
this.p = Promise.resolve()
lockWith(f) {
this.p = this.p.then(() => {
return new Promise(f)
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return !!(elem.offsetWidth || elem.offsetHeight || elem.getClientRects().length);
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// 101, 102, ... 799, 101
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let timeout_resize_for_layout_change = new Timeout();
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if (old_layoutStatus === new_layoutStatus) return;
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!cssElm) return;
const new_isExpandedChat = !(new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_CHATROOM_COLLASPED) && (new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_CHATROOM)
const new_isCollaspedChat = (new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_CHATROOM_COLLASPED) && (new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_CHATROOM)
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const new_isTheater = new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_THEATER;
const new_isTabExpanded = new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_TAB_EXPANDED;
const new_isFullScreen = new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN;
const new_isExpandEPanel = new_layoutStatus & LAYOUT_ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_EXPAND;
function showTabOrChat() {
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
if (lastShowTab == '#chatroom') {
if (new_isTabExpanded) switchTabActivity(null)
if (!new_isExpandedChat) ytBtnExpandChat();
} else if (lastShowTab && lastShowTab.indexOf('#engagement-panel-') == 0) {
if (new_isTabExpanded) switchTabActivity(null)
if (!new_isExpandEPanel) ytBtnOpenEngagementPanel(lastShowTab);
} else {
if (new_isExpandedChat) ytBtnCollapseChat()
if (!new_isTabExpanded) setToActiveTab();
setTimeout(unlock, 40);
function hideTabAndChat() {
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
if (new_isTabExpanded) switchTabActivity(null)
if (new_isExpandedChat) ytBtnCollapseChat()
if (new_isExpandEPanel) ytBtnCloseEngagementPanels();
setTimeout(unlock, 40);
if (new_isExpandedChat || new_isTabExpanded || new_isExpandEPanel) {
if (statusCollasped !== 1) statusCollasped = 1;
} else {
if (statusCollasped === 1) statusCollasped = 2;
let changes = 0;
if (old_layoutStatus !== null) changes = old_layoutStatus ^ new_layoutStatus;
let chat_collasped_changed = !!(changes & LAYOUT_CHATROOM_COLLASPED)
let tab_expanded_changed = !!(changes & LAYOUT_TAB_EXPANDED)
let theater_mode_changed = !!(changes & LAYOUT_THEATER)
let column_mode_changed = !!(changes & LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMNS)
let fullscreen_mode_changed = !!(changes & LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN)
let epanel_expanded_changed = !!(changes & LAYOUT_ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_EXPAND)
let tab_change = (tab_expanded_changed ? 1 : 0) | (chat_collasped_changed ? 2 : 0) | (epanel_expanded_changed ? 4 : 0);
let isChatOrTabExpandTriggering = tab_change == 0 ? false : (
(tab_expanded_changed && new_isTabExpanded) ||
(chat_collasped_changed && new_isExpandedChat) ||
(epanel_expanded_changed && new_isExpandEPanel)
let isChatOrTabCollaspeTriggering = tab_change == 0 ? false : (
(tab_expanded_changed && !new_isTabExpanded) ||
(chat_collasped_changed && new_isCollaspedChat) ||
(epanel_expanded_changed && !new_isExpandEPanel)
let moreThanOneShown = (new_isTabExpanded + new_isExpandedChat + new_isExpandEPanel) > 1
let requestVideoResize = false;
if (fullscreen_mode_changed || new_isFullScreen) {
} else if (tab_change == 0 && column_mode_changed && new_isTwoColumns && !new_isTheater && statusCollasped === 1 && moreThanOneShown) {
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (tab_change == 2 && new_isExpandedChat && new_isTwoColumns && !new_isTheater && statusCollasped === 1 && new_isTabExpanded && !column_mode_changed) {
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (isChatOrTabExpandTriggering && new_isTwoColumns && new_isTheater && statusCollasped === 1 && !theater_mode_changed && !column_mode_changed) {
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (new_isTwoColumns && new_isTheater && statusCollasped === 1) {
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (isChatOrTabCollaspeTriggering && new_isTwoColumns && !new_isTheater && statusCollasped === 2 && !column_mode_changed) {
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (tab_change == 0 && (column_mode_changed || theater_mode_changed) && new_isTwoColumns && !new_isTheater && statusCollasped !== 1) {
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (!new_isFullScreen && new_isTwoColumns && !new_isTheater && !new_isTabExpanded &&
(new_isCollaspedChat || !new_isExpandedChat) &&
) {
// bug fix for restoring from mini player
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
if (new_isExpandedChat) ytBtnCollapseChat()
setTimeout(unlock, 40);
requestVideoResize = true;
} else if (tab_expanded_changed) {
requestVideoResize = true;
if (column_mode_changed && !chat_collasped_changed && new_isExpandedChat) {
if (requestVideoResize) {
timeout_resize_for_layout_change.set(() => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'))
}, 92)
} else if (timeout_resize_for_layout_change.isEmpty() && (Date.now()) - lastResizeAt > 600) {
timeout_resize_for_layout_change.set(() => {
if ((Date.now()) - lastResizeAt > 600) window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
}, 62)
const $ws = {
_layoutStatus: null,
layoutStatus_pending: false
let wls = new class {
get layoutStatus() {
return this._layoutStatus;
set layoutStatus(nv) {
if (nv === null) {
this._layoutStatus = null;
statusCollasped = 0;
if (nv === this._layoutStatus) return;
if (!this.layoutStatus_pending) {
this.layoutStatus_pending = true;
const old_layoutStatus = this._layoutStatus;
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
this.layoutStatus_pending = false;
const new_layoutStatus = this._layoutStatus;
layoutStatusChanged(old_layoutStatus, new_layoutStatus);
setTimeout(unlock, 40)
this._layoutStatus = nv;
const svgElm = (w, h, vw, vh, p) => `<svg width="${w}" height="${h}" viewBox="0 0 ${vw} ${vh}" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">${p}</svg>`
let settings = {
defaultTab: "#tab-videos"
let mtoInterval = mtoInterval1;
function isVideoPlaying(video) {
return video.currentTime > 0 && !video.paused && !video.ended && video.readyState > video.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA;
function wAttr(elm, attr, kv) {
if (!elm || kv === null) {} else if (kv === true) { elm.setAttribute(attr, '') } else if (kv === false) { elm.removeAttribute(attr) } else if (typeof kv == 'string') { elm.setAttribute(attr, kv) }
function hideTabBtn(tabBtn) {
var isActiveBefore = tabBtn.classList.contains('active');
if (isActiveBefore) {
function hasAttribute(obj, key) {
return obj && obj.hasAttribute(key);
function isTheater() {
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
return (cssElm && cssElm.hasAttribute('theater'))
function isFullScreen() {
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
return (cssElm && cssElm.hasAttribute('fullscreen'))
function isChatExpand() {
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
return cssElm && cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-chatblock') && !cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-chat-collapsed')
function isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() {
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
return (cssElm && cssElm.hasAttribute('is-two-columns_'))
function isAnyActiveTab() {
return $('#right-tabs .tab-btn.active').length > 0
function isEngagementPanelExpanded() {
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
return (cssElm && +cssElm.getAttribute('userscript-engagement-panel') > 0)
function engagement_panels_() {
let res = [];
let v = 0,
k = 1,
count = 0;
for (const ePanel of document.querySelectorAll('ytd-watch-flexy ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer[tabview-attr-checked]')) {
switch (visibility) {
v |= k;
res.push({ ePanel, k, visible: true });
res.push({ ePanel, k, visible: false });
res.push({ ePanel, k, visible: false });
k = k << 1;
return { list: res, value: v, count: count };
function ytBtnOpenEngagementPanel(panel_id) {
if (typeof panel_id == 'string') {
panel_id = panel_id.replace('#engagement-panel-', '');
panel_id = parseInt(panel_id);
if (panel_id >= 0) {} else return false;
let panels = engagement_panels_();
for (const { ePanel, k, visible } of panels.list) {
if ((panel_id & k) === k) {
if (!visible) ePanel.setAttribute('visibility', "ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_EXPANDED");
} else {
if (visible) ytBtnCloseEngagementPanel(ePanel);
function ytBtnCloseEngagementPanel(s) {
let btn = s.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy ytd-engagement-panel-title-header-renderer #header>#visibility-button>ytd-button-renderer');
if (btn) {
function ytBtnCloseEngagementPanels() {
if (isEngagementPanelExpanded()) {
for (const s of document.querySelectorAll('ytd-watch-flexy ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer[tabview-attr-checked]')) {
if (s.getAttribute('visibility') == "ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_EXPANDED") ytBtnCloseEngagementPanel(s);
function ytBtnSetTheater() {
if (!isTheater()) {
const sizeBtn = document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy #ytd-player button.ytp-size-button')
if (sizeBtn) sizeBtn.click();
function ytBtnCancelTheater() {
if (isTheater()) {
const sizeBtn = document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy #ytd-player button.ytp-size-button')
if (sizeBtn) sizeBtn.click();
function ytBtnExpandChat() {
let button = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat[collapsed]>.ytd-live-chat-frame#show-hide-button')
if (button) button.querySelector('ytd-toggle-button-renderer').click();
function ytBtnCollapseChat() {
let button = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed])>.ytd-live-chat-frame#show-hide-button')
if (button) button.querySelector('ytd-toggle-button-renderer').click();
function hackImgShadow(imgShadow) {
// add to #columns and add back after loaded
let img = imgShadow.querySelector('img')
if (!img) return;
let p = imgShadow.parentNode
let z = $(imgShadow).clone()[0]; //to occupy the space
p.replaceChild(z, imgShadow)
$(imgShadow).prependTo('#columns'); // refer to css hack
function onload(evt) {
if (evt) this.removeEventListener('load', onload, false)
p.replaceChild(imgShadow, z)
p = null;
z = null;
imgShadow = null;
if (img.complete) onload();
else img.addEventListener('load', onload, false)
const Q = {}
const FOnce = {}
const $callOnceAsync = async function(key) {
if (FOnce[key] && FOnce[key]() === false) FOnce[key] = null
function chatFrameContentDocument() {
// non-null if iframe exist && contentDocument && readyState = complete
let iframe = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame iframe#chatframe');
if (!iframe) return null; //iframe must be there
let cDoc = null;
try {
cDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
} catch (e) {}
if (!cDoc) return null;
if (cDoc.readyState != 'complete') return null; //we must wait for its completion
return cDoc;
function chatFrameElement(cssSelector) {
let cDoc = chatFrameContentDocument();
if (!cDoc) return null;
let elm = null;
try {
elm = cDoc.querySelector(cssSelector)
} catch (e) {
console.log('iframe error', e)
return elm;
function fixTabs() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
let queryElement = document.querySelector('*:not(#tab-videos)>#related:not([non-placeholder-videos]) > ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer')
let isRelocated = !!queryElement;
if (isRelocated) {
let relocatedRelated = queryElement.parentNode; // NOT NULL
let right_tabs = document.querySelector('#right-tabs');
let tab_videos = right_tabs.querySelector("#tab-videos");
if (!right_tabs || !tab_videos) return;
for (const s of relocatedRelated.querySelectorAll('#related')) {
s.setAttribute('non-placeholder-videos', '')
let target_container = document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy:not([is-two-columns_]) #primary-inner, ytd-watch-flexy[is-two-columns_] #secondary-inner')
if (target_container) target_container.append(right_tabs) // last-child
let videos_related = relocatedRelated; // NOT NULL
let videos_results_renderer = relocatedRelated.querySelector("ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer");
if (videos_results_renderer) videos_results_renderer.setAttribute('data-dom-changed-by-tabview-youtube', scriptVersionForExternal);
videos_related.setAttribute('placeholder-for-youtube-play-next-queue', '')
videos_related.setAttribute('placeholder-videos', '')
$('[placeholder-videos]').on("scroll", makeBodyScrollByEvt);
let chatroom = null;
if (chatroom = document.querySelector('*:not([data-positioner="before|#chat"]) + ytd-live-chat-frame#chat, ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:first-child')) {
let positioner = document.querySelector('tabview-youtube-positioner[data-positioner="before|#chat"]');
if (positioner) positioner.remove();
if (document.querySelector('.YouTubeLiveFilledUpView')) {
// no relocation
} else {
$(positioner ? positioner : document.createElement('tabview-youtube-positioner')).attr('data-positioner', 'before|#chat').insertBefore(chatroom)
const injectionScript_fixAutoComplete = function() {
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s.sc = null;
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get: function() { return s._sc.deref() || null; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
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window.removeEventListener('resize', s.updateSC);
s.updateSC = function() {};
sc.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('autocomplete-sc-exist'));
function handlerAutoCompleteExist() {
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autoComplete.removeEventListener('autocomplete-sc-exist', handlerAutoCompleteExist, false)
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$(positioner = document.createElement("autocomplete-positioner")).insertAfter(searchBox);
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elmAutoComplete.setAttribute('autocomplete-disable-updatesc', '')
elmAutoComplete.addEventListener('autocomplete-sc-exist', handlerAutoCompleteExist, false)
if (isMyScriptInChromeRuntime())
// addScriptByURL(`${githubURLBase}/${githubURLCommit}/js/injectionScript_fixAutoComplete.js`);
function mtf_AfterFixTabs() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
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autocomplete.parentNode.setAttribute('position-fixed-by-tabview-youtube', '');
autocomplete.setAttribute('position-fixed-by-tabview-youtube', '');
autocomplete.setAttribute('userscript-scrollbar-render', '')
if (!searchBox.hasAttribute('is-set-click-to-toggle')) {
searchBox.setAttribute('is-set-click-to-toggle', '')
searchBox.addEventListener('click', function() {
setTimeout(() => {
const autocomplete = document.querySelector(`.autocomplete-suggestions[data-autocomplete-input-id="${ this.getAttribute('data-autocomplete-results-id') }"]`)
if (!autocomplete) return;
const isNotEmpty = (autocomplete.textContent || '').length > 0 && (this.value || '').length > 0;
if (isNotEmpty) {
let elmVisible = isDOMVisible(autocomplete)
if (elmVisible) $(autocomplete).hide();
else $(autocomplete).show();
}, 20);
let timeoutOnce_searchbox_keyup = new Timeout();
searchBox.addEventListener('keyup', function() {
timeoutOnce_searchbox_keyup.set(() => {
const autocomplete = document.querySelector(`.autocomplete-suggestions[data-autocomplete-input-id="${ this.getAttribute('data-autocomplete-results-id') }"]`)
if (!autocomplete) return;
const isNotEmpty = (autocomplete.textContent || '').length > 0 && (this.value || '').length > 0
if (isNotEmpty) {
let elmVisible = isDOMVisible(autocomplete)
if (!elmVisible) $(autocomplete).show();
}, 20);
let currentLastVideo = rootElement.querySelector('[placeholder-videos] #items ytd-compact-video-renderer:last-of-type')
let prevLastVideo = kRef(_cachedLastVideo);
if (prevLastVideo !== currentLastVideo && currentLastVideo) {
_cachedLastVideo = mWeakRef(currentLastVideo);
if (prevLastVideo !== currentLastVideo && currentLastVideo && prevLastVideo) {
let isPrevRemoved = !prevLastVideo.parentNode
function getVideoListHash() {
let res = [...document.querySelectorAll('[placeholder-videos] #items ytd-compact-video-renderer')].map(renderer => {
return renderer.querySelector('a[href*="watch"][href*="v="]').getAttribute('href')
// /watch?v=XXXXX|/watch?v=XXXXXX|/watch?v=XXXXXX
// alternative - DOM.data.videoId
// let elms = document.querySelectorAll('[placeholder-videos] #items ytd-compact-video-renderer')
// let res = [...elms].map(elm=>elm.data.videoId||'').join('|') ;
if (res.indexOf('||') >= 0) {
res = '';
return res ? res : null;
if (isPrevRemoved) {
// this is the replacement of videos instead of addition
const searchBox = document.querySelector('[placeholder-for-youtube-play-next-queue] input#suggestions-search')
let currentPlayListHash = getVideoListHash() || null;
if (!currentPlayListHash) {
} else if (!videoListBeforeSearch && searchBox) {
videoListBeforeSearch = currentPlayListHash;
if (videoListBeforeSearch) {
//console.log('fromSearch', videoListBeforeSearch)
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
let renderer = document.querySelector('[placeholder-videos] ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer');
if (searchBox && searchBox.parentNode) searchBox.blur();
if (renderer) {
let scrollParent = renderer.parentNode;
if (scrollParent.scrollHeight > scrollParent.offsetHeight) {
let targetTop = renderer.offsetTop;
if (searchBox && searchBox.parentNode == scrollParent) targetTop -= searchBox.offsetHeight
scrollParent.scrollTop = targetTop - scrollParent.firstChild.offsetTop;
} else if (videoListBeforeSearch) {
if (currentPlayListHash != videoListBeforeSearch) {
videoListBeforeSearch = null;
//console.log('fromSearch', videoListBeforeSearch)
function base_ChatExist() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return null;
// no mutation triggering if the changes are inside the iframe
// 1) Detection of #continuations inside iframe
// iframe ownerDocument is accessible due to same origin
// if the chatroom is collasped, no determination of live chat or replay (as no #continuations and somehow a blank iframe doc)
// 2) Detection of meta tag
// This is fastest but not reliable. It is somehow a bug that the navigation might not update the meta tag content
// 3) Detection of HTMLElement inside video player for live video
// (1)+(3) = solution
let attr_chatblock = null
let attr_chatcollapsed = null;
const elmChat = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat')
let elmCont = null;
if (elmChat) {
elmCont = chatFrameElement('yt-live-chat-renderer #continuations')
let s = 0;
if (elmCont) {
//not found if it is collasped.
s |= elmCont.querySelector('yt-timed-continuation') ? 1 : 0;
s |= elmCont.querySelector('yt-live-chat-replay-continuation, yt-player-seek-continuation') ? 2 : 0;
//s |= elmCont.querySelector('yt-live-chat-restricted-participation-renderer')?4:0;
if (s == 1) {
attr_chatblock = 'chat-live';
if (s == 2) attr_chatblock = 'chat-playback';
//if(s==5) attr_chatblock='chat-live-paid';
if (s == 1) $("span#tab3-txt-loader").text('');
//keep unknown as original
} else {
attr_chatblock = false;
attr_chatcollapsed = false;
return { attr_chatblock, attr_chatcollapsed }
function mtf_ChatExist() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
const elmChat = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat')
let elmCont = null;
if (elmChat) {
elmCont = chatFrameElement('yt-live-chat-renderer #continuations')
const chatBlockR = (elmChat ? 1 : 0) + (elmCont ? 2 : 0)
if (Q.mtf_chatBlockQ !== chatBlockR) {
Q.mtf_chatBlockQ = chatBlockR
let rChatExist = base_ChatExist();
if (rChatExist) {
let { attr_chatblock, attr_chatcollapsed } = rChatExist;
wAttr(ytdFlexyElm, 'userscript-chatblock', attr_chatblock)
wAttr(ytdFlexyElm, 'userscript-chat-collapsed', attr_chatcollapsed)
let lastScrollAt1 = 0;
function makeBodyScrollByEvt() {
let ct = Date.now();
if (ct - lastScrollAt1 < 6) return; // avoid duplicate calling
lastScrollAt1 = ct;
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("scroll")); // dispatch Scroll Event to Window for content display
let lastScrollAt2 = 0;
function makeBodyScroll() {
let ct = Date.now();
if (ct - lastScrollAt2 < 30) return; // avoid over triggering
lastScrollAt2 = ct;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("scroll")); // ask youtube to display content
let requestingComments = null
let scrollForComments_lastStart = 0;
function scrollForComments_TF() {
let comments = requestingComments;
if (!comments) return;
if (comments.hasAttribute('hidden')) {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("scroll"));
} else requestingComments = null;
function scrollForComments() {
if (!requestingComments) return;
let ct = Date.now();
if (ct - scrollForComments_lastStart < 60) return;
scrollForComments_lastStart = ct;
setTimeout(scrollForComments_TF, 80);
setTimeout(scrollForComments_TF, 240);
setTimeout(scrollForComments_TF, 870);
const mtoCs = { mtoNav: null, mtoBody: null };
const mtoVs = {}
const mutation_target_id_list = ['ytp-caption-window-container', 'items', 'button', 'movie_player', 'player-ads', 'hover-overlays', 'replies'];
const mutation_target_class_list = ['ytp-panel-menu', 'ytp-endscreen-content'];
function isMtoOverallSkip(dTarget) {
if (!dTarget || dTarget.nodeType !== 1) return true;
if (mutation_target_id_list.includes(dTarget.id)) return true;
let className = dTarget.className.toLowerCase();
let classNameSplit = className.split(' ');
for (const c of classNameSplit) {
if (mutation_target_class_list.includes(c)) return true;
return false;
const mutation_div_id_ignorelist = [
const mutation_div_class_ignorelist = [
'badge', 'tp-yt-paper-tooltip', 'ytp-autonav-endscreen-upnext-header',
'ytp-bound-time-left', 'ytp-bound-time-right', 'ytp-share-icon',
'ytp-tooltip-title', 'annotation', 'ytp-copylink-icon', 'ytd-thumbnail',
'captions-text', 'caption-visual-line', 'ytp-caption-segment', 'ytp-caption-window-container',
'ytp-bezel-icon', 'ytp-bezel-text',
'tp-yt-paper-menu-button', 'tp-yt-iron-dropdown',
'ytd-metadata-row-renderer', // #content.ytd-metadata-row-renderer inside each of ytd-metadata-row-renderer (ytd-expander)
'ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer', // {div#content.style-scope.ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer} inside each of ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer
'autocomplete-suggestions' // autocomplete-suggestions
const mutation_target_tag_ignorelist = [
'ytd-channel-name', 'tp-yt-iron-dropdown', 'tp-yt-paper-tooltip',
'tp-yt-paper-listbox', 'yt-img-shadow', 'ytd-thumbnail', 'ytd-video-meta-block',
'yt-icon-button', 'tp-yt-paper-button', 'yt-formatted-string', 'yt-icon', 'button', 'paper-ripple',
'ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer', 'ytd-engagement-panel-title-header-renderer',
'ytd-comment-renderer', 'ytd-menu-renderer', 'ytd-badge-supported-renderer',
'ytd-subscribe-button-renderer', 'ytd-subscription-notification-toggle-button-renderer',
'ytd-button-renderer', 'ytd-toggle-button-renderer',
'yt-pdg-comment-chip-renderer', 'ytd-comment-action-buttons-renderer', 'ytd-comment-thread-renderer',
'ytd-compact-radio-renderer', 'ytd-compact-video-renderer',
'ytd-metadata-row-renderer', //ytd-metadata-row-renderer is part of the #collapsible inside ytd-expander
'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-bottom-panel-renderer', 'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-equalizer',
'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-now-playing-renderer', 'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-resume-playback-renderer',
'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-side-panel-renderer', 'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer',
'tp-yt-paper-spinner-lite', 'tp-yt-paper-spinner',
'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'span', 'a',
'meta', 'br', 'script', 'style', 'link', 'dom-module', 'template'
function isMtoTargetSkip(mutation) {
//skip not important mutation tartget
if (!mutation) return true;
let { type, target } = mutation
if (!target || target.nodeType !== 1 || type != 'childList') return true;
let tagName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
let className;
let classNameSplit;
if (mutation_target_tag_ignorelist.includes(tagName)) return true;
switch (tagName) {
case 'ytd-expander':
if (target.id == 'expander' && Q.comments_section_loaded == 1 && target.classList.contains('ytd-comment-renderer')) return true; // load comments
return false;
case 'div':
if (target.id == 'contents') {
return false;
if (mutation_div_id_ignorelist.includes(target.id)) return true;
className = target.className.toLowerCase();
classNameSplit = className.split(' ');
for (const c of classNameSplit) {
if (mutation_div_class_ignorelist.includes(c)) return true;
return false;
return false;
// continuous check for element relocation
function mtf_append_comments() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
let comments = rootElement.querySelector('#primary ytd-watch-metadata ~ ytd-comments#comments');
if (comments) $(comments).appendTo('#tab-comments').attr('data-dom-changed-by-tabview-youtube', scriptVersionForExternal)
// continuous check for element relocation
function mtf_liveChatBtnF() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
let button = rootElement.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat>.ytd-live-chat-frame#show-hide-button:nth-child(n+2)');
if (button) button.parentNode.insertBefore(button, button.parentNode.firstChild)
// continuous check for element relocation
// fired at begining & window resize, etc
function mtf_append_playlist() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
let ple1 = rootElement.querySelector("*:not(#ytd-userscript-playlist)>ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist");
if (ple1) {
let ct = Date.now();
let truePlaylist = null;
let truePlaylist_items = document.querySelector('ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist #items:not(:empty)');
if (truePlaylist_items) {
let pElm = truePlaylist_items.parentNode;
while (pElm && pElm.nodeType === 1) {
if (pElm.id == 'playlist') {
pElm.setAttribute('tabview-true-playlist', ct)
truePlaylist = pElm;
pElm = pElm.parentNode;
if (!truePlaylist) truePlaylist = ple1; // NOT NULL
for (const s of document.querySelectorAll(`*:not(#ytd-userscript-playlist)>ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist:not([tabview-true-playlist="${ct}"])`))
let $wrapper = getWrapper('ytd-userscript-playlist')
truePlaylist.setAttribute('data-dom-changed-by-tabview-youtube', scriptVersionForExternal)
setDisplayedPlaylist(); // relocation after re-layout
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
if (!switchTabActivity_lastTab && (ytdFlexyElm.getAttribute('tabview-selection') + '').indexOf('#tab-') === 0 && /https\:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch.*[\?\&]list=[\w\-\_]+/.test(location.href)) {
if (setToActiveTab('#tab-list')) switchTabActivity_lastTab = '#tab-list';
// content fix - info & playlist
// fired at begining, and keep for in case any change
function mtf_fix_details() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
if (no_fix_contents_until < Date.now()) {
const content = document.querySelector('#meta-contents ytd-expander>#content, #tab-info ytd-expander>#content')
if (content) {
no_fix_contents_until = Date.now() + 3000;
setTimeout(function() {
const expander = content.parentNode;
if (expander.hasAttribute('collapsed')) wAttr(expander, 'collapsed', false);
expander.style.setProperty('--ytd-expander-collapsed-height', '');
let btn1 = expander.querySelector('tp-yt-paper-button#less:not([hidden])');
let btn2 = expander.querySelector('tp-yt-paper-button#more:not([hidden])');
if (btn1) wAttr(btn1, 'hidden', true);
if (btn2) wAttr(btn2, 'hidden', true);
}, 40);
if (no_fix_playlist_until < Date.now()) {
// just in case the playlist is collapsed
const playlist = document.querySelector('#tab-list ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist')
if (playlist) {
no_fix_playlist_until = Date.now() + 3000;
setTimeout(function() {
if (playlist.hasAttribute('collapsed')) wAttr(playlist, 'collapsed', false);
if (playlist.hasAttribute('collapsible')) wAttr(playlist, 'collapsible', false);
}, 40)
function status_commentsHidden() {
var comments = document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments')
if (!comments || (comments.childElementCount === 0 && comments.hasAttribute('hidden'))) return 2;
if (comments.hasAttribute('hidden')) return 1;
return 0;
function getFMT(ytdFlexyElm) {
let fmt = ["ytd-comments#comments #count.ytd-comments-header-renderer", 'ytd-item-section-renderer#sections #header ~ #contents>ytd-message-renderer'].map(s => {
let elm = ytdFlexyElm.querySelector(s)
if (!elm) return null;
return elm.querySelector('yt-formatted-string') || elm.closest('yt-formatted-string') || null
return fmt
function toFST(elm) {
if (!elm) return null;
return elm.querySelector('yt-formatted-string') || elm.closest('yt-formatted-string') || null
function innerCommentsLoader() {
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!rootElement) return;
let messageElm, messageStr, commentRenderer;
if (commentRenderer = rootElement.querySelector("ytd-comments#comments #count.ytd-comments-header-renderer")) {
return {
status: 1,
f: () => {
let span = document.querySelector("span#tab3-txt-loader")
Q.fetchedOnce = true;
let r = '0';
let txt = commentRenderer.textContent
if (typeof txt == 'string') {
let m = txt.match(/[\d\,\s]+/)
if (m) {
r = m[0].trim()
if (span) span.textContent = r;
mtoInterval = mtoInterval2;
cmItem = mWeakRef(toFST(commentRenderer))
comments_section_loaded_elm = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments div#contents'))
} else if ((messageElm = rootElement.querySelector('ytd-item-section-renderer#sections #header ~ #contents>ytd-message-renderer')) && (messageStr = (messageElm.textContent || '').trim())) { //ytd-message-renderer
// it is possible to get the message before the header generation.
return {
status: 2,
f: () => {
setTimeout(function() {
if (Q.fetchedOnce) return;
let span = document.querySelector("span#tab3-txt-loader")
const mainMsg = messageElm.querySelector('#message, #submessage')
if (mainMsg && mainMsg.textContent) {
for (const msg of mainMsg.querySelectorAll('*:not(:empty)')) {
if (msg.childElementCount === 0 && msg.textContent) {
messageStr = msg.textContent.trim()
if (span) span.textContent = messageStr;
mtoInterval = mtoInterval2;
cmItem = mWeakRef(toFST(messageElm))
comments_section_loaded_elm = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments div#contents'))
}, 40);
const FP = {
mtoNav_delayedF: () => {
let { addP, removeP, mutationTarget } = Q;
Q.addP = 0;
Q.removeP = 0;
let isInvalidAdding = Q.mutationTarget && !Q.mutationTarget.parentNode
let promisesForAddition = !scriptEnable ? [] : addP > 0 && !isInvalidAdding ? [
(async () => {
(async () => {
(async () => {
(async () => {
] : [];
let promisesForEveryMutation = !scriptEnable ? [] : [
(async () => {
(async () => {
Promise.all([...promisesForAddition, ...promisesForEveryMutation]).then(() => {
Q.mutationTarget = null;
//console.log('motnav reduced to', mtoNav_requestNo)
if (Q.mtoNav_requestNo > 0) {
Q.mtoNav_requestNo = 1;
setTimeout(FP.mtoNav_delayedF, mtoInterval);
mtoNavF: (mutations, observer) => {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
let ch = false;
let reg = [];
let dTarget = null;
let wAddP = 0,
wRemoveP = 0;
let _last_mto_target = null;
let _last_mto_target_valid = null;
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (!mutation || !mutation.target || !mutation.target.parentNode) continue;
let elementalMutation = false;
let tAddP = 0,
tRemoveP = 0;
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) { //theoretically faster: only reading of states
if (addedNode.nodeType === 1) {
elementalMutation = true;
for (const removedNode of mutation.removedNodes) { //theoretically faster: only reading of states
if (removedNode.nodeType === 1) {
elementalMutation = true;
if (elementalMutation) { //skip all addition and removal operations without elemental changes (e.g. textNode modification)
if (_last_mto_target === mutation.target) {
// due to addition and removal operations to the same DOM
if (_last_mto_target_valid) {
// AddP & RemoveP is still valid
wAddP += tAddP;
wRemoveP += tRemoveP;
_last_mto_target = mutation.target;
if (isMtoTargetSkip(mutation)) {
_last_mto_target_valid = false;
continue; //theoretically slower: creation of string variables
} else {
_last_mto_target_valid = true;
wAddP += tAddP;
wRemoveP += tRemoveP;
ch = true;
if (dTarget === null) dTarget = mutation.target; //first
else if (dTarget === true) {} //ytdFlexy
else if (dTarget.contains(mutation.target)) {} //first node is the container to all subsequential targets
else { dTarget = true; } //the target is not the child of first node
if (!ch) return; // dTarget must be true OR HTMLElement
if (dTarget === true) dTarget = kRef(ytdFlexy); // major mutation occurance
else if (dTarget === kRef(comments_section_loaded_elm) && wAddP > wRemoveP) return true; // ignore if comments are loaded (adding comments)
else if (isMtoOverallSkip(dTarget)) return; // allow for multiple mutations at the same time - determinated after looping
// 4 ~ 16 times per full page loading
Q.addP += wAddP;
Q.removeP += wRemoveP;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) Q.mutationTarget = dTarget;
else if (Q.mutationTarget != dTarget) Q.mutationTarget = kRef(ytdFlexy);
//console.log(prettyElm(dTarget), wAddP , wRemoveP, mtoInterval)
//console.log(prettyElm(dTarget), reg.map(m=>prettyElm(m.target)))
//console.log(7015, performance.now())
if (Q.mtoNav_requestNo == 1) setTimeout(FP.mtoNav_delayedF, mtoInterval);
mtoBodyF: function(mutations, observer) {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
for (const mutation of mutations) {
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes)
if (addedNode.nodeType === 1) {
if (addedNode.nodeName == "DIV" && addedNode.className.indexOf('autocomplete-suggestions') >= 0) {
mtf_attrPlaylist: (mutations, observer) => {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
let cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!cssElm) return;
var playlist = document.querySelector('ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist')
const tabBtn = document.querySelector('[userscript-tab-content="#tab-list"]');
if (tabBtn) {
//console.log('attr playlist changed')
if (tabBtn.classList.contains('tab-btn-hidden') && !playlist.hasAttribute('hidden')) {
//console.log('attr playlist changed - no hide')
} else if (!tabBtn.classList.contains('tab-btn-hidden') && playlist.hasAttribute('hidden')) {
//console.log('attr playlist changed - add hide')
/* visible layout for triggering hidden removal */
akAttr(cssElm, 'tabview-youtube-playlist', playlist.hasAttribute('hidden'));
delayed_disableComments: function() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
if (status_commentsHidden() == 2) _disableComments();
mtf_attrComments: (mutations, observer) => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
var comments = document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments')
const tabBtn = document.querySelector('[userscript-tab-content="#tab-comments"]');
if (!comments || !tabBtn) return;
let isCommentHidden = comments.hasAttribute('hidden')
//console.log('attr comments changed')
mtoInterval = mtoInterval1;
if (!isCommentHidden) {
akAttr(ytdFlexyElm, 'tabview-youtube-comments', false, 'K');
//console.log('attr comments changed - no hide')
tabBtn.classList.remove("tab-btn-hidden") //if contains
Q.fetchedOnce = false
FOnce.mtf_fetchCommentsAvailable = FP.mtf_fetchCommentsAvailable;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_fetchCommentsAvailable');
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let innerCommentsLoaderRet = innerCommentsLoader();
if (innerCommentsLoaderRet) innerCommentsLoaderRet.f();
} else if (isCommentHidden) {
//console.log('attr comments changed - add hide')
akAttr(ytdFlexyElm, 'tabview-youtube-comments', true, 'K');
let t = status_commentsHidden() == 2 ? 1630 : 760;
timeout_attrComments.set(FP.delayed_disableComments, t);
requestingComments = comments;
setTimeout(() => nativeFunc(comments, "loadComments"), 20)
mtf_attrChatroom: (mutations, observer) => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
const chatBlock = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat')
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy)
if (!chatBlock || !cssElm) {
if (!cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-chatblock')) wAttr(cssElm, 'userscript-chatblock', true);
let isCollapsed = !!chatBlock.hasAttribute('collapsed');
wAttr(cssElm, 'userscript-chat-collapsed', isCollapsed);
if (cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-chatblock') && !isCollapsed) lastShowTab = '#chatroom';
if (!isCollapsed && document.querySelector('#right-tabs .tab-btn.active') && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() && !isTheater()) {
setTimeout(unlock, 40);
} else {
if (!isCollapsed) {
} else {
mtf_attrEngagementPanel: (mutations, observer) => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
//multiple instance
if (mutations) {
let cPanels = null;
for (const mutation of mutations) {
let ePanel = mutation.target;
if (ePanel.getAttribute('visibility') == 'ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_EXPANDED') {
cPanels = cPanels || engagement_panels_();
for (const entry of cPanels.list) {
if (entry.ePanel != ePanel && entry.visible) ytBtnCloseEngagementPanel(entry.ePanel);
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
const ePanel = document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer')
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy)
if (!ePanel || !cssElm) {
let previousValue = +cssElm.getAttribute('userscript-engagement-panel') || 0;
let { value, count } = engagement_panels_();
let nextValue = value;
let nextCount = count;
if (nextCount == 0 && cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-engagement-panel')) {
wAttr(cssElm, 'userscript-engagement-panel', false);
} else {
if ((nextCount > 1) || (cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-engagement-panel') && previousValue === nextValue)) {
cssElm.setAttribute('userscript-engagement-panel', nextValue);
let b = false;
if (previousValue != nextValue && nextValue > 0) {
lastShowTab = `#engagement-panel-${nextValue}`;
b = true;
if (b && document.querySelector('#right-tabs .tab-btn.active') && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() && !isTheater()) {
setTimeout(unlock, 40);
} else {
mtf_initalAttr_playlist: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
var playlist = rootElement.querySelector('ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist')
if (!playlist) return true;
initMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Playlist', FP.mtf_attrPlaylist).observe(playlist, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['hidden'],
attributeOldValue: true
return false;
mtf_initalAttr_comments: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
var comments = rootElement.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments')
if (!comments) return true;
initMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Comments', FP.mtf_attrComments).observe(comments, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['hidden'],
attributeOldValue: true
requestingComments = comments;
setTimeout(() => nativeFunc(comments, "loadComments"), 20)
return false;
mtf_initalAttr_chatroom: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
var chatroom = rootElement.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat')
if (!chatroom) return true;
initMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Chatroom', FP.mtf_attrChatroom).observe(chatroom, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['collapsed'],
attributeOldValue: true
return false;
mtf_initalAttr_engagement_panel: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
let toCheck = false;
for (const engagement_panel of rootElement.querySelectorAll('ytd-watch-flexy ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer:not([tabview-attr-checked])')) {
engagement_panel.setAttribute('tabview-attr-checked', '');
let mto = mtoVs.mtoVisibility_EngagementPanel;
if (!mto) mto = initMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_EngagementPanel', FP.mtf_attrEngagementPanel);
mto.observe(engagement_panel, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['visibility'],
attributeOldValue: true
toCheck = true;
if (toCheck) FP.mtf_attrEngagementPanel()
return true;
mtf_checkDescriptionLoaded: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
const expander = document.querySelector("#meta-contents ytd-expander");
if (!expander) return true;
$(expander).appendTo("#tab-info").attr('data-dom-changed-by-tabview-youtube', scriptVersionForExternal)
const avatar = document.querySelector('#meta-contents yt-img-shadow#avatar');
if (avatar) hackImgShadow(avatar)
return false;
//live-chat / chat-replay
fireOnce_forceCheckLiveVideo_tf: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
let elm = document.querySelector('#ytd-player .ytp-time-display');
if (elm && elm.classList.contains('ytp-live')) {
ytdFlexyElm.setAttribute('userscript-chatblock', 'chat-live')
mtf_forceCheckLiveVideo: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
const playerLabel = document.querySelector('#ytd-player .ytp-time-display') && document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat')
if (!playerLabel) return true;
setTimeout(FP.fireOnce_forceCheckLiveVideo_tf, 170)
return false;
mtf_advancedComments: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
const continuations = document.querySelector("ytd-comments#comments #continuations");
if (!continuations) return true;
requestingComments = document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments');
return false;
mtf_fetchCommentsAvailable: () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
let innerCommentsLoaderRet = innerCommentsLoader();
if (!innerCommentsLoaderRet) return true;
return false;
function initObserver() {
Q.addP = 0;
Q.removeP = 0;
Q.mutationTarget = null;
Q.mtoNav_requestNo = 0;
initMutationObserver(mtoCs, 'mtoNav', FP.mtoNavF).observe(kRef(ytdFlexy), {
subtree: true,
childList: true,
attributes: false
(async () => {
Q.addP = 1; //force all checking
if (Q.mtoNav_requestNo == 1) FP.mtoNav_delayedF();
// for automcomplete plugin
initMutationObserver(mtoCs, 'mtoBody', FP.mtoBodyF).observe(document.querySelector('body'), {
childList: true,
subtree: false,
attributes: false
let displayedPlaylist = null;
let scrollingVideosList = null;
let scriptEnable = false;
let scriptEC = 0;
let lastShowTab = null;
let _cachedLastVideo = null;
let videoListBeforeSearch = null;
let no_fix_contents_until = 0;
let no_fix_playlist_until = 0;
let statusCollasped = 0;
let ytdFlexy = null;
let timeout_attrComments = new Timeout();
function pluginHook() {
scriptEnable = true;
no_fix_contents_until = 0;
no_fix_playlist_until = 0;
ytdFlexy = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy'))
function pluginUnhook() {
videoListBeforeSearch = null;
statusCollasped = 0;
_cachedLastVideo = null;
lastShowTab = null;
displayedPlaylist = null;
scrollingVideosList = null;
scriptEnable = false;
if (scriptEC > 788888888) scriptEC = 188888888;
ytdFlexy = null;
wls.layoutStatus = null;
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Playlist')
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Comments')
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Chatroom')
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoFlexyAttr')
clearMutationObserver(mtoCs, 'mtoBody')
if (clearMutationObserver(mtoCs, 'mtoNav')) {
FOnce.mtf_checkFlexy = null;
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_comments = null;
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_playlist = null;
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_chatroom = null;
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_engagement_panel = null;
FOnce.mtf_advancedComments = null;
FOnce.mtf_checkDescriptionLoaded = null;
FOnce.mtf_fetchCommentsAvailable = null;
FOnce.mtf_forceCheckLiveVideo = null;
Q.mtf_chatBlockQ = null;
mtoInterval = mtoInterval1;
let comments_section_loaded_elm = null;
function initializeForVideoChange() {
if (!document.querySelector('script#userscript-tabview-injection-1')) {
if (isMyScriptInChromeRuntime())
addScriptByURL(window.chrome.runtime.getURL('js/injection_script_1.js')).id = 'userscript-tabview-injection-1';
addScript(`!!(${injection_script_1+""})()`).id = 'userscript-tabview-injection-1'
// addScriptByURL(`${githubURLBase}/${githubURLCommit}/js/injection_script_1.js`).id='userscript-tabview-injection-1';
var prevComemnts = document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments');
if (prevComemnts && prevComemnts.matches('[hidden]')) {
// assumption: loading comments after executation of this function which removes the attribute [hidden] of #ytd-comments#comments
var prevCommentsHeader = prevComemnts.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments ytd-comments-header-renderer');
var prevCommentsMsg = prevComemnts.querySelector('ytd-item-section-renderer#sections #header ~ #contents>ytd-message-renderer');
//removed any cache of #comments header (i.e. count message)
if (prevCommentsHeader) prevCommentsHeader.parentNode.removeChild(prevCommentsHeader);
//removed any cache of #comments message (i.e. 留言功能已停用。)
if (prevCommentsMsg) prevCommentsMsg.parentNode.removeChild(prevCommentsMsg);
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// requestAnimationFrame is required to let youtube coding running first !
setTimeout(() => {
//ensure comment tab text is updated - no matter there is change of video or not
let innerCommentsLoaderRet = innerCommentsLoader();
if (innerCommentsLoaderRet) innerCommentsLoaderRet.f();
}, 40);
return true;
function getTabsHTML() {
const sTabBtnVideos = `${svgElm(16,16,298,298,svgVideos)}<span>Videos</span>`
const sTabBtnInfo = `${svgElm(16,16,23.625,23.625,svgInfo)}<span>Info</span>`
const sTabBtnPlayList = `${svgElm(16,16,426.667,426.667,svgPlayList)}<span>Playlist</span>`
let str1 = `
<paper-ripple class="style-scope yt-icon-button">
<div id="background" class="style-scope paper-ripple" style="opacity:0;"></div>
<div id="waves" class="style-scope paper-ripple"></div>
const str_tabs = [
`<a id="tab-btn1" data-name="info" userscript-tab-content="#tab-info" class="tab-btn">${sTabBtnInfo}${str1}</a>`,
`<a id="tab-btn2" userscript-tab-content="#tab-live" class="tab-btn tab-btn-hidden">Chat${str1}</a>`,
`<a id="tab-btn3" userscript-tab-content="#tab-comments" data-name="comments" class="tab-btn">${svgElm(16,16,60,60,svgComments)}<span id="tab3-txt-loader"></span>${str1}</a>`,
`<a id="tab-btn4" userscript-tab-content="#tab-videos" data-name="videos" class="tab-btn">${sTabBtnVideos}${str1}</a>`,
`<a id="tab-btn5" userscript-tab-content="#tab-list" class="tab-btn">${sTabBtnPlayList}${str1}</a>`
var addHTML = `
<div id="right-tabs">
<div id="material-tabs">
<div class="tab-content">
<div id="tab-info" class="tab-content-cld tab-content-hidden" userscript-scrollbar-render></div>
<div id="tab-live" class="tab-content-cld tab-content-hidden" userscript-scrollbar-render></div>
<div id="tab-comments" class="tab-content-cld tab-content-hidden" userscript-scrollbar-render></div>
<div id="tab-videos" class="tab-content-cld tab-content-hidden" userscript-scrollbar-render></div>
<div id="tab-list" class="tab-content-cld tab-content-hidden" userscript-scrollbar-render></div>
return addHTML
function injection_script_1() {
document.addEventListener('userscript-call-dom-func', function(evt) {
if (!evt || !evt.target || !evt.detail) return;
let dom = evt.target;
let { property, args } = evt.detail;
if (!property) return;
let f = dom[property];
if (typeof f != 'function') return;
if (args && args.length > 0) f.apply(dom, args);
else f.call(dom);
}, true)
function _onNavigationEnd() {
let timeoutR_findRelated = new Timeout();
timeoutR_findRelated.set(function() {
let related = kRef(ytdFlexy).querySelector("#related");
if (!related) return true;
}, 100, 10)
function foundRelated(related) {
let promise = Promise.resolve();
if (!document.querySelector("#right-tabs")) {
promise = promise.then(() => {
$(getTabsHTML()).insertBefore(related).attr('data-dom-created-by-tabview-youtube', scriptVersionForExternal);
setTimeout(() => {
for (const s of document.querySelectorAll('#right-tabs [userscript-scrollbar-render]')) {
Promise.resolve(s).then(s => {
if (s && s.scrollTop > 0) s.scrollTop = 0;
let child = s.firstElementChild;
if (child && child.scrollTop > 0) child.scrollTop = 0;
}, 90)
function onNavigationEnd(evt) {
pluginUnhook(); // in case not triggered by popstate - say mini playing
if (!/^https?\:\/\/(\w+\.)*youtube\.com\/watch\?(\w+\=[^\/\?\&]+\&|\w+\=?\&)*v=[\w\-\_]+/.test(window.location.href)) return;
let timeout = 4; // max. 4 animation frames
let tf = () => {
if (--timeout > 0 && !document.querySelector('#player video')) return requestAnimationFrame(tf);
function setToActiveTab(defaultTab) {
if (isTheater() && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns()) return;
const jElm = document.querySelector(`a[userscript-tab-content="${switchTabActivity_lastTab}"]:not(.tab-btn-hidden)`) ||
document.querySelector(`a[userscript-tab-content="${(defaultTab||settings.defaultTab)}"]:not(.tab-btn-hidden)`) ||
document.querySelector("a[userscript-tab-content]:not(.tab-btn-hidden)") ||
return !!jElm;
function getWrapper(wrapperId) {
let $wrapper = $(`#${wrapperId}`);
if (!$wrapper[0]) $wrapper = $(`<div id="${wrapperId}"></div>`)
return $wrapper.first();
function runAfterTabAppended() {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('plugin-tabview-youtube', '')
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy)
if (cssElm && !cssElm.hasAttribute('tabview-selection')) cssElm.setAttribute('tabview-selection', '')
// append the next videos
// it exists as "related" is already here
// just switch to the default tab
// append the detailed meta contents to the tab-info
FOnce.mtf_checkDescriptionLoaded = FP.mtf_checkDescriptionLoaded;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_checkDescriptionLoaded');
// force window scroll when #continuations is first detected and #comments still [hidden]
FOnce.mtf_advancedComments = FP.mtf_advancedComments;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_advancedComments');
// use video player's element to detect the live-chat situation (no commenting section)
// this would be very useful if the live chat is collapsed, i.e. iframe has no indication on the where it is live or replay
FOnce.mtf_forceCheckLiveVideo = FP.mtf_forceCheckLiveVideo;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_forceCheckLiveVideo');
// Attr Mutation Observer - #playlist - hidden
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Playlist')
// Attr Mutation Observer callback - #playlist - hidden
// pending for #playlist and set Attribute Observer
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_playlist = FP.mtf_initalAttr_playlist
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_initalAttr_playlist');
// Attr Mutation Observer - ytd-comments#comments - hidden
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Comments')
// Attr Mutation Observer callback - ytd-comments#comments - hidden
// pending for #comments and set Attribute Observer
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_comments = FP.mtf_initalAttr_comments;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_initalAttr_comments');
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_Chatroom');
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_chatroom = FP.mtf_initalAttr_chatroom
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_initalAttr_chatroom');
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoVisibility_EngagementPanel');
for (const engagement_panel of document.querySelectorAll('ytd-watch-flexy ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer:not([tabview-attr-checked])')) {
FOnce.mtf_initalAttr_engagement_panel = FP.mtf_initalAttr_engagement_panel
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_initalAttr_engagement_panel');
document.querySelector("#right-tabs .tab-content").addEventListener('scroll', makeBodyScrollByEvt, true);
function fetchCommentsFinished() {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return;
akAttr(ytdFlexyElm, 'tabview-youtube-comments', false, 'LS')
function setCommentSection(value) {
Q.comments_section_loaded = value;
if (value === 0) {
comments_section_loaded_elm = null;
function _disableComments() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
let cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!cssElm) return;
mtoInterval = mtoInterval2;
comments_section_loaded_elm = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('ytd-comments#comments div#contents') || null)
let tabBtn = document.querySelector('.tab-btn[userscript-tab-content="#tab-comments"]');
if (tabBtn && !tabBtn.classList.contains('tab-btn-hidden')) {
akAttr(cssElm, 'tabview-youtube-comments', true, 'D');
FOnce.mtf_fetchCommentsAvailable = null;
let layoutStatusMutex = new Mutex();
function forceDisplayChatReplay() {
let items = chatFrameElement('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer #items');
if (items && items.childElementCount !== 0) return;
let ytd_player = document.querySelector('ytd-player#ytd-player');
if (!ytd_player) return;
let videoElm = ytd_player.querySelector('video');
if (!videoElm) return;
let video = videoElm;
if (videoElm && video.currentTime > 0 && !video.ended && video.readyState > video.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA) {
let chat = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat');
if (chat) {
nativeFunc(chat, "postToContentWindow", [{ "yt-player-video-progress": videoElm.currentTime }])
function runAfterExpandChat() {
new Promise(resolve => {
let chatFrame_st = Date.now();
let cid_chatFrameCheck = 0;
let sEF = new ScriptEF();
cid_chatFrameCheck = setInterval(() => {
if (!sEF.isValid()) return cid_chatFrameCheck = clearInterval(cid_chatFrameCheck);
let cDoc = chatFrameContentDocument();
if (cDoc) {
cid_chatFrameCheck = clearInterval(cid_chatFrameCheck);
} else if (!scriptEnable || !isChatExpand() || Date.now() - chatFrame_st > 6750) {
cid_chatFrameCheck = clearInterval(cid_chatFrameCheck);
}, 60);
}).then(() => new Promise(resolve => {
let timeoutR_ChatAppReady = new Timeout();
timeoutR_ChatAppReady.set(() => {
if (!scriptEnable || !isChatExpand()) return false;
let app = chatFrameElement('yt-live-chat-app');
if (!app) return true;
setTimeout(() => resolve(app), 40)
}, 40, 150); //40*150 = 6000ms = 6s;
})).then(app => {
let cDoc = app.ownerDocument;
if (!scriptEnable || !isChatExpand()) return;
body #input-panel.yt-live-chat-renderer::after {
background: transparent;
contain: content;
contain: content;
contain: content;
contain: strict;
contain: strict;
#item-list>yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, #item-list>yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer>#contents{
contain: strict;
contain: content;
`, cDoc.documentElement)
if (cDoc.querySelector('yt-live-chat-renderer #continuations')) {
setTimeout(() => mtf_ChatExist(), 40);
$(document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame#chat')).attr('yt-userscript-iframe-loaded', '')
function flexyAttrInit() {
clearMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoFlexyAttr')
function toggleFlag(mFlag, b, flag) {
if (b) mFlag = mFlag | flag;
else mFlag = mFlag & ~flag;
return mFlag;
function toLayoutStatus(nls, attributeName) {
let attrElm, b, v;
switch (attributeName) {
case 'theater':
nls = toggleFlag(nls, isTheater(), LAYOUT_THEATER);
case 'userscript-chat-collapsed':
case 'userscript-chatblock':
attrElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (hasAttribute(attrElm, 'userscript-chat-collapsed')) {
} else {
nls = toggleFlag(nls, hasAttribute(attrElm, 'userscript-chatblock'), LAYOUT_CHATROOM);
nls = toggleFlag(nls, false, LAYOUT_CHATROOM_COLLASPED);
case 'is-two-columns_':
nls = toggleFlag(nls, isWideScreenWithTwoColumns(), LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMNS);
case 'tabview-selection':
b = isNonEmptyString(kRef(ytdFlexy).getAttribute('tabview-selection'));
nls = toggleFlag(nls, b, LAYOUT_TAB_EXPANDED);
case 'fullscreen':
b = isNonEmptyString(kRef(ytdFlexy).getAttribute('fullscreen'));
nls = toggleFlag(nls, b, LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN);
case 'userscript-engagement-panel':
v = kRef(ytdFlexy).getAttribute('userscript-engagement-panel');
b = (+v > 0)
nls = toggleFlag(nls, b, LAYOUT_ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_EXPAND);
return nls;
let mtf_attrFlexy = (mutations, observer) => {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
const cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy)
if (!cssElm) return;
if (!mutations) return;
const old_layoutStatus = wls.layoutStatus
if (old_layoutStatus === null) return;
let new_layoutStatus = old_layoutStatus;
for (const mutation of mutations) {
new_layoutStatus = toLayoutStatus(new_layoutStatus, mutation.attributeName);
if (mutation.attributeName == 'userscript-chat-collapsed' || mutation.attributeName == 'userscript-chatblock') {
if (cssElm.getAttribute('userscript-chatblock') === 'chat-live') {
requestingComments = null;
if (!cssElm.hasAttribute('userscript-chatblock')) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
if (!isAnyActiveTab() && !isChatExpand() && !isTheater() && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() && !isFullScreen()) {
}, 240);
if (new_layoutStatus !== old_layoutStatus) wls.layoutStatus = new_layoutStatus
FOnce.mtf_checkFlexy = () => {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return true;
const rootElement = Q.mutationTarget || ytdFlexyElm;
var flexy = kRef(ytdFlexy)
if (!flexy) return true;
wls.layoutStatus = null;
let rChatExist = base_ChatExist();
if (rChatExist) {
let { attr_chatblock, attr_chatcollapsed } = rChatExist;
if (attr_chatblock === null) {
//remove attribute if it is unknown
attr_chatblock = false;
attr_chatcollapsed = false;
wAttr(flexy, 'userscript-chatblock', attr_chatblock)
wAttr(flexy, 'userscript-chat-collapsed', attr_chatcollapsed)
let rTabSelection = [...flexy.querySelectorAll('.tab-btn[userscript-tab-content]')]
.map(elm => ({ elm, hidden: elm.classList.contains('tab-btn-hidden') }))
.filter(entry => entry.hidden === true);
if (rTabSelection.length === 0) wAttr(flexy, 'tabview-selection', false);
else if (rTabSelection.length === 1) wAttr(flexy, 'tabview-selection', rTabSelection[0].elm.getAttribute('userscript-tab-content') || '');
let rEP = engagement_panels_();
if (rEP && rEP.count > 0) wAttr(flexy, 'userscript-engagement-panel', false);
else wAttr(flexy, 'userscript-engagement-panel', rEP.value + "");
let ls = 0;
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'theater')
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'userscript-chat-collapsed')
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'userscript-chatblock')
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'is-two-columns_')
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'tabview-selection')
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'fullscreen')
ls = toLayoutStatus(ls, 'userscript-engagement-panel')
wls.layoutStatus = ls
initMutationObserver(mtoVs, 'mtoFlexyAttr', mtf_attrFlexy).observe(flexy, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['userscript-chat-collapsed', 'userscript-chatblock', 'theater', 'is-two-columns_', 'tabview-selection', 'fullscreen', 'userscript-engagement-panel'],
attributeOldValue: true
let columns = document.querySelector('ytd-page-manager#page-manager #columns')
if (columns) {
wAttr(columns, 'userscript-scrollbar-render', true);
return false;
if (Q.mutationTarget === null) $callOnceAsync('mtf_checkFlexy')
let switchTabActivity_lastTab = null
function setDisplayedPlaylist() {
//override the default youtube coding event prevention
let cssElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !cssElm) return;
displayedPlaylist = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy #tab-list:not(.tab-content-hidden) ytd-playlist-panel-renderer') || null);
function switchTabActivity(activeLink) {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
const ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!ytdFlexyElm) return;
if (activeLink && activeLink.classList.contains('tab-btn-hidden')) return; // not allow to switch to hide tab
if (isTheater() && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns()) activeLink = null;
function runAtEnd() {
if (activeLink) lastShowTab = activeLink.getAttribute('userscript-tab-content')
displayedPlaylist = null;
scrollingVideosList = null;
if (activeLink && lastShowTab == '#tab-list') {
} else if (activeLink && lastShowTab == '#tab-videos') {
scrollingVideosList = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy #tab-videos:not(.tab-content-hidden) [placeholder-videos]'));
ytdFlexyElm.setAttribute('tabview-selection', activeLink ? lastShowTab : '')
if (lastShowTab == '#tab-comments' && (ytdFlexyElm.getAttribute('tabview-youtube-comments') || '').lastIndexOf('S') >= 0) {
akAttr(ytdFlexyElm, 'tabview-youtube-comments', false, 'L');
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let comments_tab = document.querySelector('#tab-comments');
if (comments_tab && comments_tab.scrollTop > 0) comments_tab.scrollTop = 0;
const links = document.querySelectorAll('#material-tabs a[userscript-tab-content]');
for (const link of links) {
let content = document.querySelector(link.getAttribute('userscript-tab-content'));
if (link && content) {
if (link !== activeLink) {
} else {
let tabsUiScript_setclick = false;
function prepareTabBtn() {
const materialTab = document.querySelector("#material-tabs")
if (!materialTab) return;
let noActiveTab = !!document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy[userscript-chatblock]:not([userscript-chat-collapsed])')
const activeLink = materialTab.querySelector('a[userscript-tab-content].active:not(.tab-btn-hidden)')
if (activeLink) switchTabActivity(noActiveTab ? null : activeLink)
if (!tabsUiScript_setclick) {
tabsUiScript_setclick = true;
$(materialTab).on("click", "a", function(evt) {
let ytdFlexyElm = kRef(ytdFlexy);
if (!scriptEnable || !ytdFlexyElm) return null;
if (!this.hasAttribute('userscript-tab-content')) return;
if (this.getAttribute('userscript-tab-content') == '#tab-comments' && parseInt(ytdFlexyElm.getAttribute('tabview-youtube-comments') || '') < 0) {
new Promise(requestAnimationFrame).then(() => {
layoutStatusMutex.lockWith(unlock => {
switchTabActivity_lastTab = this.getAttribute('userscript-tab-content');
let isActiveAndVisible = this.classList.contains('tab-btn') && this.classList.contains('active') && !this.classList.contains('tab-btn-hidden')
if (isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() && !isTheater() && isActiveAndVisible) {
setTimeout(unlock, 80);
} else if (isActiveAndVisible) {
setTimeout(unlock, 80);
} else {
let pInterval = 60;
if (isChatExpand() && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns()) {
} else if (isEngagementPanelExpanded() && isWideScreenWithTwoColumns()) {
} else if (isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() && isTheater() && !isFullScreen()) {
} else {
pInterval = 20;
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(makeBodyScroll, 20); // this is to make the image render
setTimeout(() => {
let rightTabs = document.querySelector('#right-tabs');
if (!isWideScreenWithTwoColumns() && rightTabs && rightTabs.offsetTop > 0 && this.classList.contains('active')) {
let tabButtonBar = document.querySelector('#material-tabs');
let tabButtonBarHeight = tabButtonBar ? tabButtonBar.offsetHeight : 0;
window.scrollTo(0, rightTabs.offsetTop - tabButtonBarHeight);
}, 60)
setTimeout(unlock, 80)
}, pInterval);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
window.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", onNavigationEnd)
document.addEventListener("loadstart", (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.target || evt.target.nodeName !== "VIDEO") return;
let elm = evt.target;
if (!elm.matches('#player video, #movie_player video, video[tabview-mainvideo]')) return;
let src = elm.src;
if (src !== lastVideoURL) {
lastVideoURL = elm.src;
elm.setAttribute('tabview-mainvideo', ''); // mainly for mini playing
}, true)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var scrolling_lastD = 0;
const singleColumnScrolling = function(scrolling_lastF) {
let pageY = pageYOffset;
if (pageY < 10 && scrolling_lastD === 0 && !scrolling_lastF) return;
let targetElm, header, navElm;
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
targetElm = document.querySelector("#right-tabs");
if (!targetElm) return;
header = targetElm.querySelector("header");
if (!header) return;
navElm = document.querySelector('#masthead-container, #masthead')
if (!navElm) return;
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let elmY = targetElm.offsetTop
let xyz = [elmY + navHeight, pageY, elmY - navHeight]
let xyStatus = 0
if (xyz[1] < xyz[2] && xyz[2] < xyz[0]) {
// 1
xyStatus = 1
if (xyz[0] > xyz[1] && xyz[1] > xyz[2]) {
xyStatus = 2
if (xyz[2] < xyz[0] && xyz[0] < xyz[1]) {
// 3
xyStatus = 3
return xyStatus;
}).then((xyStatus) => {
if ((xyStatus == 2 || xyStatus == 3) && (scrolling_lastD === 0 || scrolling_lastF)) {
scrolling_lastD = 1;
let {
} = header
let {
} = targetElm
targetElm.style.setProperty("--userscript-sticky-width", offsetWidth + 'px')
targetElm.style.setProperty("--userscript-sticky", offsetHeight + 'px')
wAttr(targetElm, 'userscript-sticky', true);
} else if ((xyStatus == 1) && (scrolling_lastD === 1 || scrolling_lastF)) {
scrolling_lastD = 0;
wAttr(targetElm, 'userscript-sticky', false);
targetElm = null;
header = null;
navElm = null;
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
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capture: false,
passive: true
var lastResizeAt = 0;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
lastResizeAt = Date.now();
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
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capture: false,
passive: true
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
//let video=document.querySelector('video');
//if(video && !video.paused) video.pause();
}, { capture: true })
window.addEventListener('hashchange', function() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
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window.addEventListener('popstate', function() {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
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function clearMutationObserver(o, key) {
if (o[key]) {
o[key] = null;
return true;
function initMutationObserver(o, key, callback) {
clearMutationObserver(o, key);
const mto = new MutationObserver(callback);
o[key] = mto;
return mto;
document.addEventListener('wheel', function(evt) {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
const displayedPlaylist_element = kRef(displayedPlaylist);
if (displayedPlaylist_element && displayedPlaylist_element.contains(evt.target)) {
}, { capture: true, passive: true });
function setVideosTwoColumns(flag, bool) {
//two columns to one column
[placeholder-videos] ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer.style-scope.ytd-watch-flexy
is-two-columns ="" => no is-two-columns
[placeholder-videos] tp-yt-paper-spinner#spinner.style-scope.ytd-continuation-item-renderer
no hidden => hidden =""
[placeholder-videos] div#button.style-scope.ytd-continuation-item-renderer
hidden ="" => no hidden
let cssSelector1 = '[placeholder-videos] ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer.style-scope.ytd-watch-flexy'
let cssSelector2 = '[placeholder-videos] tp-yt-paper-spinner#spinner.style-scope.ytd-continuation-item-renderer'
let cssSelector3 = '[placeholder-videos] div#button.style-scope.ytd-continuation-item-renderer'
let res = {}
if (flag & 1) {
res.m1 = document.querySelector(cssSelector1)
if (res.m1) wAttr(res.m1, 'is-two-columns', bool ? '' : false);
if (flag & 2) {
res.m2 = document.querySelector(cssSelector2)
if (res.m2) wAttr(res.m2, 'hidden', bool ? false : '');
if (flag & 4) {
res.m3 = document.querySelector(cssSelector3)
if (res.m3) wAttr(res.m3, 'hidden', bool ? '' : false);
return res
let lastScrollFetch = 0;
// function isScrolledToEnd(){
// return (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset) >= document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight - 2;
// }
let lastOffsetTop = 0;
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(evt) {
if (!scriptEnable) return;
if (!kRef(scrollingVideosList)) return;
if (videoListBeforeSearch) return;
let visibleHeight = document.scrollingElement.clientHeight;
let totalHeight = document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight;
if (totalHeight < visibleHeight * 1.5) return; // filter out two column view;
let z = window.pageYOffset + visibleHeight;
let h_advanced = totalHeight - (visibleHeight > 5 * 40 ? visibleHeight * 0.5 : 40);
if (z > h_advanced && !isWideScreenWithTwoColumns()) {
let ct = Date.now();
if (ct - lastScrollFetch < 500) return; //prevent continuous calling
lastScrollFetch = ct;
let res = setVideosTwoColumns(2 | 4, true)
if (res.m3 && res.m2) {
//wait for DOM change, just in case
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let { offsetTop } = res.m2 // as visibility of m2 & m3 switched.
if (offsetTop - lastOffsetTop < 40) return; // in case bug, or repeating calling. // the next button shall below the this button
lastOffsetTop = offsetTop
res.m2.parentNode.dispatchEvent(new Event('yt-service-request-sent-button-renderer'))
res = null
} else {
res = null
}, { passive: true })
/* --------------------------- browser's bug in -webkit-box ----------------------------------------- */
fix bug for comment section - version 1.8.7
This issue is the bug in browser's rendering
I guess, this is due to the lines clamp with display:-webkit-box
use stupid coding to let it re-render when its content become visible
ytd-expander[should-use-number-of-lines][collapsed] > #content.ytd-expander {
color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary);
display: -webkit-box;
overflow: hidden;
max-height: none;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
-webkit-line-clamp: var(--ytd-expander-max-lines, 4);
function loadLineFix(ytdComments) {
if (ytdComments.hasAttribute('data-loaded-linefix')) return;
ytdComments.setAttribute('data-loaded-linefix', '');
let wrComments = mWeakRef(ytdComments);
let enabled = true;
//stupid coding for buggy -webkit-box
// 1st fix: set the -webkit-box to change attribute when it is visually available;
// 2nd fix: change attribute again after 100ms
function delayedFix(){
// 2nd fix : auto to N/A
let t=tracer('fix_comments_2nd');
setTimeout(function(){ // only active tab
if(!tracer('fix_comments_2nd',t)) return; // lessen calls
let css = `[tabview-webkitbox-linefix=""]`;
let nodeList = document.querySelectorAll(css, ytdComments); // proceed unless no such elements
[...nodeList].map(elm=>new Promise(resolve=>{
elm.setAttribute('tabview-webkitbox-linefix','1') // change from '' to '1'
},100) // requestAnimationFrame is too fast for 2nd fix
function linefix() {
//1st fix : N/A to auto
//if(h<40) return false;
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
let ytdComments = kRef(wrComments);
if (!ytdComments) return (enabled = false); // pass to another loadLineFix
let css = `ytd-expander[should-use-number-of-lines][collapsed] > #content.ytd-expander:not([tabview-webkitbox-linefix])`;
let nodeList = document.querySelectorAll(css, ytdComments); // proceed for any element required for fixing
if (!nodeList.length) return false;
//let h = ytdComments.offsetHeight; // expensive but neccessary - re-rendering for visible element only
//console.log('hhh', h)
//if(h<40) return false;
// not required for caching dim
return nodeList;
}).then(nodeList => {
if (!nodeList) return false;
if (!enabled) return false;
//console.log('comments fix')
enabled = false;
// set attribute -> re-render -> height change
// enabled = false to skip the calling
let promises = [...nodeList].map(elm => new Promise(resolve => {
elm.setAttribute('tabview-webkitbox-linefix', '') // change from null to ''
elm = null;
return Promise.all(promises)
}).then(results => {
if (!results) return false;
results.length = 0;
enabled = true;
//delayedFix(); // apply 2nd fix after 100ms
if (!window.ResizeObserver) return; // this stupid coding only target for modern webkit browsers - edge, chrome, safari, etc.
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
if (!enabled) return;
if (!entries || entries.length != 1) return; //only ytdComments is observed
let h = entries[0].borderBoxSize; //inexpensive
//let w = entries[0].contentBoxSize;
if (h < 40) return false;
let t = tracer('fix_comments_when_added');
requestAnimationFrame(() => { // only active tab
if (!tracer('fix_comments_when_added', t)) return; // lessen calls
/* --------------------------- browser's bug in -webkit-box ----------------------------------------- */
// https://github.com/cyfung1031/Tabview-Youtube/raw/main/js/content.js
;!(function $$() {
'use strict';
if(document.documentElement==null) return window.requestAnimationFrame($$)
var cssTxt = GM_getResourceText("contentCSS");
function addStyle (styleText) {
const styleNode = document.createElement('style');
styleNode.type = 'text/css';
styleNode.textContent = styleText;
return styleNode;
addStyle (cssTxt);
// Your code here...