It shows prices across amazon portals (IT,DE,FR,ES,NL,UK,US,CA,AU,MX)
目前为 2022-09-30 提交的版本。查看 最新版本。
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
updated the DOM grabbing method
removed NL because shipping to Europe is not easy/allowed
Added support for squared price block (books and ebooks)
removed mexico
added mexico to supported websites
Added Australia, Canada and Netherlands to supported websites
minor bugfix
updated the new amazon price method (old method as fallback)
bugfix about error handling
description update
Changed color scheme for prices
standard price: blu out of stock: red best price: green
adding support to the new class for the price
grant fix
temporary fix for Amazon Platinum Mastercard price announcement
- added /dp/* urls- fixed "post-deal" hook prices
bugfix about min price math
bugfix + added flags
fixed bug about prices not showing when product out of stock (changed the hook id to append the array of prices)
added flash offers hooking
fixed a bug about prices with coupon