// ==UserScript==
// @name Open the F**king URL Right Now
// @description 自动跳转某些网站不希望用户直达的外链
// @author OldPanda
// @match http://t.cn/*
// @match https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?*
// @match https://www.jianshu.com/go-wild?*
// @match http*://link.zhihu.com/?*
// @match https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=*
// @match https://link.ld246.com/forward?goto=*
// @match https://mp.weixin.qq.com/*
// @match http://redir.yy.duowan.com/warning.php?url=*
// @match https://weixin110.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmspamsupport-bin/newredirectconfirmcgi*
// @match https://link.csdn.net/?target=*
// @match https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=*
// @match https://game.bilibili.com/linkfilter/?url=*
// @match https://www.oschina.net/action/GoToLink?url=*
// @match https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/middlepage/href?href=*
// @match https://docs.qq.com/scenario/link.html?url=*
// @match https://www.pixiv.net/jump.php?url=*
// @match https://www.chinaz.com/go.shtml?url=*
// @match http://www.360doc.com/content/*
// @match https://nga.178.com/read.php?*
// @match https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?*
// @match http*://c.pc.qq.com/*
// @match https://www.yuque.com/r/goto?url=*
// @match https://www.mcbbs.net/plugin.php?id=link_redirect&target=*
// @match https://link.juejin.cn/?target=*
// @match http*://www.360doc.cn/outlink.html?url=*
// @match https://jump2.bdimg.com/safecheck/index?url=*
// @match http*://iphone.myzaker.com/zaker/link.php?*
// @match https://www.tianyancha.com/security?target=*
// @match https://afdian.net/link?target=*
// @match https://mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate*
// @match https://link.logonews.cn/?*
// @match https://link.uisdc.com/?redirect=*
// @match https://gitee.com/link?target=*
// @match https://xie.infoq.cn/link?target=*
// @match https://leetcode.cn/link/?target=*
// @match https://www.kookapp.cn/go-wild.html?url=*
// @match https://blog.51cto.com/transfer?*
// @match https://www.coolapk.com/link?url=*
// @match https://ref.gamer.com.tw/redir.php/url=*
// @version 0.19.1
// @run-at document-idle
// @namespace https://old-panda.com/
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @license GPLv3 License
// ==/UserScript==
const $ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
(function () {
'use strict';
const curURL = window.location.href
* Return URL without "http://" or "https://" at the beginning
* @param {String} str
function removeProtocol(str) {
return str.replace(/^https?\??:\/\//gm, '');
function rstrip(str, regex) {
let i = str.length - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
if (!str[i].match(regex)) {
return str.substring(0, i + 1);
* Split concatenated URL string into separate URLs.
* @param {String} str
function splitMultiURLs(str) {
//TODO: add comments
let results = new Array();
let entry = "";
while (str.length > 0) {
if (str.indexOf("http:") === -1 && str.indexOf("https:") === -1) {
entry += str;
str = "";
results.push(rstrip(entry, /[@:%_\+~#?&=,$^\*]/g));
if (str.startsWith("http:")) {
entry += "http:";
str = str.substring("http:".length);
} else if (str.startsWith("https:")) {
entry += "https:";
str = str.substring("https:".length);
} else {
return results;
let nextIndex = Math.min(
str.indexOf("https:") === -1 ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : str.indexOf("https:"),
str.indexOf("http:") === -1 ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : str.indexOf("http:")
if (nextIndex > 0) {
entry += str.substring(0, nextIndex);
str = str.substring(nextIndex);
results.push(rstrip(entry, /[@:%_\+~#?&=,$^\*]/g));
entry = "";
return results;
* Replace url with clickable `<a>` tag in html content.
* @param {String} url
function replaceSingleURL(url) {
$("#js_content").html((_, html) => {
return html.replace(url, `<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="${url}">${url}</a>`);
* Make urls clickable again on Weixin Media Platform.
function enableURLs() {
let existingLinks = new Set();
$("a").each(function () {
let content = $("#js_content").text();
let urls = content.matchAll(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/g);
let replaced = new Set();
for (let value of urls) {
let urlStr = $.trim(value[0]);
for (let url of splitMultiURLs(urlStr)) {
if (!url || replaced.has(url) || url.includes("localhost") || url.includes("") || existingLinks.has(url)) {
if (url.endsWith(".") && url[url.length - 2].match(/\d/g)) {
url = url.substring(0, url.length - 2);
// Replace loading image with actual one
$("img").each(function (i, obj) {
if ($(obj)[0].currentSrc === "") {
$(obj).attr("src", $(obj)[0].dataset.src)
function redirect(fakeURLStr, trueURLParam, enableBase64 = false) {
let fakeURL = new URL(fakeURLStr);
let trueURL = fakeURL.searchParams.get(trueURLParam);
if (enableBase64) trueURL = window.atob(trueURL);
if (trueURL.indexOf("http://") !== 0 && trueURL.indexOf("https://") !== 0) {
trueURL = "https://" + trueURL;
* @function
* @name match
* @param {...string} pattern
* @param {...boolean} enableRegex
* @param {...boolean} checkProtocol
* @description check if current URL matchs given patterns
function match(pattern, enableRegex = false, checkProtocol = false) {
var curURLProto;
if (checkProtocol) { curURLProto = curURL; }
else {
curURLProto = removeProtocol(curURL);
pattern = removeProtocol(pattern);
if (enableRegex) {
return curURLProto.search(pattern) > -1
else {
return curURLProto.indexOf(pattern) === 0//Not Sure
* @enum {string}
* @name fuckers
* @description all link pattern needed deal with
const fuckers = {
weibo: { match: 'http://t.cn/', redirect: function () { const link = $(".wrap .link").first().text() || document.querySelector('.open-url').children[0].href; window.location.replace(link); } }, // 微博网页版
weibo_2: { match: 'https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?u', redirect: "u"},
weibo_3: { match: 'https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?toasturl', redirect: "toasturl"},
weibo_4: { match: 'https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?', redirect: function () { const link = $(".wrap .link").first().text() || document.querySelector('.open-url').children[0].href; window.location.replace(link); } },
// http://t.cn/RgAKoPE
// https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.freebsd.org%2F
// https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?toasturl=https%3A%2F%2Ftime.geekbang.org%2F
// https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?luicode=10000011&lfid=230259&u=http%3A%2F%2Ft.cn%2FA6qHeVlf
jianshu: { match: 'https://www.jianshu.com/go-wild?', redirect: "url" },
zhihu: { match: 'https://link.zhihu.com/?', redirect: "target" },
// https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A%2F%2Ftime.geekbang.org%2F
// https://link.zhihu.com/?utm_oi=35221042888704&target=https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import
douban: { match: 'https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=', redirect: "url" },
dilian: { match: 'https://link.ld246.com/forward?goto=', redirect: "goto" },
theWorst: { match: 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/', redirect: enableURLs },
theWorst2: { match: 'https://weixin110.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmspamsupport-bin/newredirectconfirmcgi', redirect: function () { window.location.replace($(".weui-msg__desc").first().text()) } },
yy: { match: 'http://redir.yy.duowan.com/warning.php?url=', redirect: "url" },
csdn: { match: 'https://link.csdn.net/?target=', redirect: "target" },
steam: { match: 'https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=', redirect: "url" },
gamebilibili: { match: 'https://game.bilibili.com/linkfilter/?url=', redirect: "url" },
oschina: { match: 'https://www.oschina.net/action/GoToLink?url=', redirect: "url" },
weixindev: { match: 'https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/middlepage/href?href=', redirect: "href" },
qqdocs: { match: 'https://docs.qq.com/scenario/link.html?url=', redirect: "url" },
pixiv: { match: 'https://www.pixiv.net/jump.php?url=', redirect: "url" },
chinaz: { match: 'https://www.chinaz.com/go.shtml?url=', redirect: "url" },
doc360: { match: 'http://www.360doc.com/content/', redirect: function () { $("#articlecontent table tbody tr td#artContent").find("a").off("click") } },
nga: { match: 'https://nga.178.com/read.php?', redirect: function () { $("#m_posts #m_posts_c a").prop("onclick", null).off("click") } },
nga2: { match: 'https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?', redirect: function () { $("#m_posts #m_posts_c a").prop("onclick", null).off("click") } },
qq: { match: 'https://c.pc.qq.com/(middlem|index).html', redirect: "pfurl", enableRegex: true },
yuque: { match: 'https://www.yuque.com/r/goto?url=', redirect: "url" },
mcbbs: { match: 'https://www.mcbbs.net/plugin.php?id=link_redirect&target=', redirect: "target" },
juejin: { match: 'https://link.juejin.cn/?target=', redirect: "target" },
doc360_2: { match: 'http://www.360doc.cn/outlink.html?url=', redirect: "url" },
tieba: { match: 'https://jump2.bdimg.com/safecheck/index?url=', redirect: function () { window.location.replace(document.getElementsByClassName('btn')[0].getAttribute('href')) } },
zaker: { match: 'http://iphone.myzaker.com/zaker/link.php?', redirect: function () { redirect(curURL, "url", true) } },
tianyancha: { match: 'https://www.tianyancha.com/security?target=', redirect: "target" },
afdian: { match: 'https://afdian.net/link?target=', redirect: "target" },
qqmail: { match: 'https://mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate', redirect: "gourl" },
logonews: { match: 'https://link.logonews.cn/?', redirect: "url" },
uisdc: { match: 'https://link.uisdc.com/?redirect=', redirect: "redirect" },
gitee: { match: 'https://gitee.com/link?target=', redirect: "target" },
infoq: { match: 'https://xie.infoq.cn/link?target=', redirect: "target" },
leetcode: { match: 'https://leetcode.cn/link/?target', redirect: "target" },
kook: { match: 'https://www.kookapp.cn/go-wild.html?url=', redirect: "url" },
cto51: { match: 'https://blog.51cto.com/transfer?', redirect: function() { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("https://blog.51cto.com/transfer?", "") } },
coolapk: { match: 'https://www.coolapk.com/link?url=', redirect: "url" },
gamertw: { match: 'https://ref.gamer.com.tw/redir.php/?url=', redirect: "url" }
$(document).ready(function () {
for (var i in fuckers) {
if (match(fuckers[i].match, fuckers[i].enableRegex, fuckers[i].checkProtocol)) {
switch (typeof (fuckers[i].redirect)) {
case 'string':
redirect(curURL, fuckers[i].redirect); break;
case 'function':
fuckers[i].redirect(); break;
console.log(i + " redirect rule error!"); break;