Greasy Fork


This is a useless script. If you use this, there will be some error, but the game will not crash, and ur computer won't break. While your parent is using the toilet, don't even think about it. Now download the script or leave.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         RandomScript
// @namespace
// @version      0.12
// @description  This is a useless script. If you use this, there will be some error, but the game will not crash, and ur computer won't break. While your parent is using the toilet, don't even think about it. Now download the script or leave.
// @author       Entity_303™
// @include     *://*
// @connect
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var cursorStyle = "wait";
var cursorRefresh = function() { document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = cursorStyle; };
window.onmouseup = function() { cursorStyle = "wait"; cursorRefresh(); };
window.onmousedown = function() { cursorStyle = "wait"; cursorRefresh(); };
window.onmousemove = function() { if ( document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor != cursorStyle ) { cursorStyle = "wait"; cursorRefresh(); } };

var ArrasHackSystem
var systemHacksarecool