// ==UserScript==
// @name IMDb Scout
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1057-kannibalox
// @description Add links from IMDb pages to torrent sites -- easy downloading from IMDb
// Preference window for userscripts, hosted by greasyfork:
// @require https://greasyfork.org/libraries/GM_config/20131122/GM_config.js
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js
// @version 4.5.2
// @include http://*.imdb.tld/title/tt*
// @include http://*.imdb.tld/search/title*
// @include http://*.imdb.com/title/tt*
// @include http://*.imdb.com/search/title*
// @include http*://*iloveclassics.com/viewrequests.php?*
// @connect *
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
/*---------------------Version History--------------------
1.00 - Initial public release, everything works on barebones greasemonkey
1.50 - Added the ability to select which sites to load from the GM script commands
- Moved the required method to userscripts
- Removed FH, NZB, Avax
1.60 - Added style elements and shading to display on imdb
1.62 - Fixed bug:SCC-ARC not removing when unchecked
- Alphabetized list
1.70 - Cleaned up code
- Added option to not run script on page load
1.71 - Deprecated action-box field
1.80 - Added icons that link to OpenSubs, Criticker, RT, YT
1.81 - Added support for tv, only displays on shows listed as 'tv series'
- Added support for icheckmovies at top bar.
1.82 - Fixed title parsing for tv shows.
1.83 - Fixed dhive not working properly
1.90 - Set height of preference window to 450px, added scroll bar
1.91 - Added another 11 torrent sites
2.00 - Added auto updater
2.01 - Added TC, FreshOn, TVT, STF, CC
- Cleaned up code (tabbing)
- Removed THR
- Added TV-Rage to top bar
2.02 - Added PS, THC, HH, HDStar
- Fixed CC false positive
2.03 - TehC now uses tt
- Added Raymoz mod for AT
2.04 - Added HDbits
- Added TL
2.10 - Added genre page search functionality
2.11 - Fixed ICM because Nuked was whining
2.12 - Removed tvrage
- Fixed iCM (added tt)
- Added HDVNbits
- Changed RevTT to .me
- Added HDT
- removed autoupdate
2.13 - removed xvidme
- reinstated autoupdate
- removed google chrome code
- fixed hdvn and hdt issues
2.14 - Added @grant entries for API access
- Fixed tt parser to work on imdb pages with referral info in url
2.2 - Switch preferences window to use GM_config
- Consolidate icon & site lists
- Added IPT, KASS, sHD, and HDW
- Fix "Open All" link
- Add option for strikethroughs on search page
- Removed arrays from search URLs
- Spring cleaning
2.21 - Added SSL to TVT, HDME, TC, AHD, IPT, SCC
- Added SSL option for CG
- Added GFT, GFT-Gems, GFT-TV
- Fixed SCC, SCC-ARC search URL
- Removed TheBox, TheDVDClub
- Added more comments, cleaned up some more stuff
2.22 - Fixed TehC, BTN, BTN-Req, THC
- Added a bunch of TV sites, courtesy of seedless
- Added "both" option for sites, and made changes
to allow coexistence of movie and TV sites with
the same name
- Code re-organization, documentation
- Re-added code to allow an array for searchUrl
2.22.1 - Minor fixes
2.23 - Fixed THC, BTN
- Distinguish between movies and TV on search page
2.24 - Separate load_on_start option for search page
- Fix search_string on search page
2.25 - Added some helpful text when no sites have been enabled
2.26 - Added code to show links when on pages besides just the "front" one
(e.g. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2310332/reference)
2.26.1 - Correctly detect TV shows when on aforementioned pages.
2.3 - Incorporate a bunch of changes courtesy of Inguin:
- Added SSL to AT, TE, D-noid, TG, YT, RT
- Changed tracker short titles to canonical form ADC, KG
- Updated D-noid from .me to .pw
- Fixed broken AT search; also updated to use .me so avoids redirect
- Added BitHQ, ET (eutorrents)
- Removed two broken THC; replaced with one fixed
- Removed iplay, horrorhaven, hdstar, scandbits, leecherslair
- Removed needless CG http/https duplication - plenty of listed sites self-sign
- A-Z sites list for readability
- Cleanup YT search string
- Copyedits
- Clean up code (tabs, trailing spaces)
- Use consistent naming style
- Added Letterboxd, Subscene to icons
- Added options for showing icons
2.31 - Added preliminary check for TSH
- Change all SCC links to .org
2.31.1 - Typo fix
2.32 - On uncertain pages, display both movie and TV sites
2.33 - Add year to possible search params
- Add rutorrent
2.33.1 - Change KG to .in
2.33.2 - Change TSH to .me
2.34 - Updated AT, TPB
- Removed HDWing, TVT and CHDBits
- Added RARBG
- Re-added reverse match checking to support rarbg
2.35 - Fixed YouTube icon, add SubtitleSeeker icon
- Added FL.ro, bB, BHD, HDS
- Fixed TL, TehC, HDb, HDVN, AHD, KG
- Renamed reverseMatch to positiveMatch
2.36 - Added Wikipedia to icon sites
2.36.1 - Typo fix
2.37 - Add PxHD
2.38 - Fix subtitle seeker
- Added CG-c
- Added FilmAffinity
- Added option to skip http check entirely
2.38.1 - Typo fix
2.38.2 - Global replace parameters
2.38.3 - Typo fix
3.00 - Clean up some formatting
- Add support for new IMDb page format
- Update jquery
3.0.1 - Added Classix
3.0.2 - Updated documentation/comments
3.0.3 - Removed GOEM, FY, PS, MT
- Added Metacritic, CanIStream.It?, AllMovie, Facebook, Amazon, Cartoon Chaos, MySpleen, Secret Cinema
- Fixed Wikipedia icon
3.1 - Handle HTTP failures less silently
3.1.1 - Fix KASS
3.1.2 - Fix TPB, TE, HDT
- Add MTV, DVDSeed
3.1.3 - Add M-T, UHDB, HDC, Blu-ray.com
- Fix scenehd, RT
3.1.4 - Add HDClub
3.2 - Fix the button on new-style pages
3.2.1 - Fix AHD
3.3 - Be less obnoxious about failed calls
3.4 - Add Netflix icon
- Remove a default parameter to satisfy Chrome
3.5 - Add KZ, NNM, BB-HD, t411, TD, Rutor
- Fix HDClub
- Fix preferences in Chrome, sort sites properly
3.5.1 - Remove DHive, Fix AHD
4.0 - Bring in UI changes courtesy of janot
- Add spaceEncode and goToUrl to site options
- Add option to show results as links instead of text
- Differentiate between missing and logged out
- General refactoring
4.1 - Add RARAT
4.2 - Fix t411
- Use magic .tld domain in @include
4.3 - Set @connect in metadata block
4.3.1 - Fix THC
4.3.2 - Add AR, TtN
- Add year and "trailer" to youtube search
- Fix M-team
4.3.3 - Fix BitHQ, PTP-Req, SCC
4.3.4 - Fix M-team, myspleen, avistaz, eutorrents
- Removed KAT
4.3.5 - Fix IPT, Freshon
- Add ExtraTorrent
4.3.6 - Fix Demonoid, EuTorrents (now CinemaZ)
- Fix "Actually search for torrents" option
- Add PrivateHD for movies and tv
4.3.7 - Apply CinemaZ fixes to AvistaZ as well
4.3.8 - Fix SurrealMoviez and MySpleen, switch to new PTP url
4.3.9 - Fix criticker, add CN
4.3.10 - Fix Netflix, MTV
4.3.11 - Add CHD back
4.3.12 - Fix typo
4.4 - Fix BeyondHD
- Allow unicode when searching by name
4.4.1 - Add trakt.tv
4.4.2 - Added XS, HD-S, PTN, TBD, Blutopia
- Removed Freshon, CN, ExT, t411, SCC
- Fixed SC, TE, TG, Tik
- Add .com for script runners that don't support .tld
4.5 - (Chameleon)
- Added an option to run on ILC request pages
- Fixed running on reference pages (new imdb style)
- Added a delay of 1 second between loading the same site (by domain) - no more popcorn quota timeouts
- Fixed running on search pages
4.5.1 - Removed (dead): BitHQ, TehC, FSS, ExtraTorrent, Cine-Clasico, and Secret-Cinema
- Fixed the hack on goToUrl
4.5.2 - Fixed filelist.ro, Tik, TD
- Added HDHome, HDU, OurBits
if (window.top != window.self) // Don't run on frames or iframes
// A list of all the sites, and the data necessary to
// check IMDb against them.
// Each site is a dictionary with the following attributes:
// - name:
// The site name, abbreviated
// - searchUrl:
// The URL to perform the search against, see below for how
// to tailor the string to a site
// - matchRegex:
// The string which appears if the searchUrl *doesn't* return a result
// - postiveMatch:
// Changes the test to return true if the searchUrl *does* return
// a result that matches matchRegex
// - TV (optional):
// If true, it means that this site will only show up on TV pages.
// By default, sites only show up on movie pages.
// - both (optional):
// Means that the site will show up on both movie and TV pages
// - spaceEncode (optional):
// Changes the character used to encode spaces in movie titles
// The default is '+'.
// - goToUrl (optional):
// Most of the time the same URLs that are used for checking are
// the ones that are used to actually get to the movie,
// but this allows overriding that.
// - loggedOutRegex (optional):
// If any text on the page matches this regex, the site is treated
// as being logged out, rather than mising the movie. This option is
// not effected by postiveMatch.
// To create a search URL, there are four parameters
// you can use inside the URL:
// - %tt%:
// The IMDb id with the tt prefix (e.g. tt0055630)
// - %nott%:
// The IMDb id without the tt prefix (e.g. 0055630)
// - %search_string%:
// The movie title (e.g. Yojimbo)
// - %year%:
// The movie year (e.g. 1961)
// See below for examples
var sites = [
{ 'name': 'ADC',
'searchUrl': 'https://asiandvdclub.org/browse.php?descr=1&btnSubmit=Submit&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Your search returned zero results|<h1>You need cookies enabled to log in.<\/h1>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'AHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://awesome-hd.me/torrents.php?id=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Your search did not match anything.|<h2>Error 404<\/h2>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'AR',
'searchUrl': 'https://alpharatio.cc/torrents.php?searchstr=%search_string%+%year%&filter_cat[6]=1&filter_cat[7]=1&filter_cat[8]=1&filter_cat[9]=1',
'matchRegex': /Your search did not match anything/},
{ 'name': 'AR',
'searchUrl': 'https://alpharatio.cc/torrents.php?searchstr=%search_string%&filter_cat[1]=1&filter_cat[2]=1&filter_cat[3]=1&filter_cat[4]=1&filter_cat[5]=1',
'matchRegex': /Your search did not match anything/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'AT',
'searchUrl': 'https://avistaz.to/movies?search=&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /class="overlay-container"/,
'positiveMatch': true},
{ 'name': 'AT',
'searchUrl': 'https://avistaz.to/tv-shows?search=&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /class="overlay-container"/,
'positiveMatch': true,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'Blutopia',
'searchUrl': 'https://blutopia.xyz/search?name=%search_string%',
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'bB',
'searchUrl': 'https://baconbits.org/torrents.php?action=basic&filter_cat[9]=1&searchstr=%search_string%+%year%',
'matchRegex': /Your search was way too l33t|You will be banned for 6 hours after your login attempts run out/},
{ 'name': 'bB',
'searchUrl': 'https://baconbits.org/torrents.php?action=basic&filter_cat[8]=1&filter_cat[10]=1&searchstr=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /Your search was way too l33t|You will be banned for 6 hours after your login attempts run out/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'BB-HD',
'searchUrl': 'https://bluebird-hd.org/browse.php?search=&incldead=0&cat=0&dsearch=%tt%&stype=or',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found|Ничего не найдено/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'BHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://beyondhd.xyz/browse.php?search=%tt%&searchin=title&incldead=1',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!|Please login or Register a personal account to access our user area and great community/},
{ 'name': 'BHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://beyondhd.xyz/browse.php?c40=1&c44=1&c48=1&c89=1&c46=1&c45=1&search=%search_string%&searchin=title&incldead=0',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!|Please login or Register a personal account to access our user area and great community/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'BitHD',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.bit-hdtv.com/torrents.php?cat=0&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>No match!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'BMTV',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.bitmetv.org/browse.php?search=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!<\/h2>/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'BTN',
'searchUrl': 'https://broadcasthe.net/torrents.php?imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Error 404|Lost your password\?/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'BTN-Req',
'searchUrl': 'https://broadcasthe.net/requests.php?search=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found|Lost your password\?/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'CaCh',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.cartoonchaos.org/index.php?page=torrents&search=%search_string%&category=0&options=0&active=0',
'matchRegex': />Av.<\/td>\s*<\/tr>\s*<\/table>|not authorized to view the Torrents/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'CG',
'searchUrl': 'https://cinemageddon.net/browse.php?search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Nothing found!<\/h2>/,
'loggedOutRegex': 'Not logged in!'},
{ 'name': 'CG-c',
'searchUrl': 'https://cinemageddon.net/cocks/endoscope.php?what=imdb&q=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Nothing found!<\/h2>/,
'loggedOutRegex': 'Not logged in!'},
{ 'name': 'CHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://chdbits.co/torrents.php?incldead=1&spstate=0&inclbookmarked=0&search_area=4&search_mode=0&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found/},
{ 'name': 'Classix',
'searchUrl': 'http://classix-unlimited.co.uk/torrents-search.php?search=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing Found<\/div>/},
{ 'name': 'Demnoid',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.demonoid.pw/files/?query=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<b>No torrents found<\/b>|We are currently performing the daily site maintenance.<br>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'DVDSeed',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.dvdseed.eu/browse2.php?search=%tt%&wheresearch=2&incldead=1&polish=0&nuke=0&rodzaj=0',
'matchRegex': /Nic tutaj nie ma!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'ET',
'searchUrl': 'https://cinemaz.to/movies?search=&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /class="overlay-container"/,
'positiveMatch': true},
{ 'name': 'ET',
'searchUrl': 'https://cinemaz.to/tv-shows?search=&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /class="overlay-container"/,
'positiveMatch': true,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'eThor',
'searchUrl': 'http://ethor.net/browse.php?stype=b&c23=1&c20=1&c42=1&c5=1&c19=1&c25=1&c6=1&c37=1&c43=1&c7=1&c9=1&advcat=0&incldead=0&includedesc=1&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string.|<h1>Note: Vous devez activer vos 'cookies' pour pouvoir vous identifier.<\/h1>/},
{ 'name': 'FL',
'searchUrl': 'https://filelist.ro/browse.php?search=%nott%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Nu s-a găsit nimic!<\/h2>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'GFT',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.thegft.org/browse.php?view=0&c2=1&c1=1&c9=1&c11=1&c48=1&c8=1&c18=1&c49=1&c7=1&c38=1&c46=1&c5=1&c13=1&c26=1&c37=1&c19=1&c47=1&c17=1&c4=1&c22=1&c25=1&c20=1&c3=1&search=%tt%&searchtype=0',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'GFT',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.thegft.org/browse.php?view=0&search=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!<\/h2>/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'GFT-Gems',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.thegft.org/browse.php?view=1&search=%tt%&searchtype=0',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'HD',
'searchUrl': 'http://hounddawgs.org/torrents.php?type=&userid=&searchstr=&searchimdb=%tt%&searchlang=&searchtags=&order_by=s3&order_way=desc&showOnly=#results',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Din søgning gav intet resultat.<\/h2>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'HDb',
'searchUrl': 'https://hdbits.org/browse.php?c3=1&c1=1&c4=1&c2=1&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing here!|You need cookies enabled to log in/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'HDC',
'searchUrl': 'https://hdchina.club/torrents.php?incldead=0&spstate=0&inclbookmarked=0&boardid=0&seeders=&search=%tt%&search_area=4&search_mode=2',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string./},
{ 'name': 'HDClub',
'searchUrl': 'http://hdclub.org/browse.php?webdl=0&3d=0&search=&incldead=0&dsearch=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing was found|Ничего не найдено|Нічого не знайдено/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'HDHome',
'searchUrl': 'http://hdhome.org/torrents.php?search_area=4&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string/},
{ 'name': 'HDME',
'searchUrl': 'https://hdme.eu/browse.php?blah=2&cat=0&incldead=1&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string.|<h1>You need cookies enabled to log in.<\/h1>/},
{ 'name': 'HDME',
'searchUrl': 'https://hdme.eu/browse.php?search=%search_string%&blah=0&cat=0&incldead=1',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string.|<h1>You need cookies enabled to log in.<\/h1>/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'HDS',
'searchUrl': 'https://hdsky.me/torrents.php?incldead=1&search=%tt%&search_area=4&search_mode=0',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string|Email:[email protected]/},
{ 'name': 'HDS',
'searchUrl': 'https://hdsky.me/torrents.php?cat402=1&cat403=1&incldead=1&search=%search_string%&search_area=0&search_mode=0',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string|Email:[email protected]/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'HDSpace',
'icon': 'http://www.favicon.by/ico/5991df36e3635.ico',
'searchUrl': 'https://hd-space.org/index.php?page=torrents&active=0&options=2&search=%nott%',
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'HDT',
'icon': 'https://hdts.ru/favicon.ico',
'searchUrl': 'http://hd-torrents.org/torrents.php?active=0&options=2&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /No torrents here.../,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'HDU',
'searchUrl': 'https://pt.upxin.net/torrents.php?search_area=4&search=tt0068646',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string/},
{ 'name': 'HDVN',
'searchUrl': 'http://torviet.com/torrents.php?search=%tt%&search_area=4&search_mode=0',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string|You need cookies enabled to log in or switch language/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'ILC',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.iloveclassics.com/browse.php?incldead=1&searchin=2&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string|<h1>Not logged in!<\/h1>/},
{ 'name': 'IPT',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.iptorrents.com/torrents/?q=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h1 style="color:yellow">No Torrents Found!/},
{ 'name': 'IPT',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.iptorrents.com/torrents/?q=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /<h1 style="color:yellow">No Torrents Found!/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'KG',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.karagarga.in/browse.php?search_type=imdb&search=%nott%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>No torrents found|<h1>If you want the love<\/h1>/},
{ 'name': 'KZ',
'searchUrl': 'http://kinozal.tv/browse.php?s=%search_string%+%year%&g=0&c=1002&v=0&d=0&w=0&t=0&f=0',
'matchRegex': 'Нет активных раздач, приносим извинения. Пожалуйста, уточните параметры поиска'},
{ 'name': 'KZ',
'searchUrl': 'http://kinozal.tv/browse.php?s=%search_string%+%year%&g=0&c=1001&v=0&d=0&w=0&t=0&f=0',
'matchRegex': 'Нет активных раздач, приносим извинения. Пожалуйста, уточните параметры поиска',
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'M-T',
'searchUrl': 'https://tp.m-team.cc/movie.php?incldead=1&spstate=0&inclbookmarked=0&search=%tt%&search_area=4&search_mode=2',
'matchRegex': /Nothing here!|Try again with a refined search string./},
{ 'name': 'MS',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.myspleen.org/browse.php?search=%search_string%&title=0&cat=0',
'matchRegex': /<strong>Nothing found!<\/strong>|<title>MySpleen :: Login<\/title>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'MTV',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.morethan.tv/torrents.php?searchstr=%search_string%+%year%&tags_type=1&order_by=time&order_way=desc&group_results=1&filter_cat%5B1%5D=1&action=basic&searchsubmit=1',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Your search did not match anything.<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'MTV',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.morethan.tv/torrents.php?searchstr=%search_string%&tags_type=1&order_by=time&order_way=desc&group_results=1&filter_cat%5B2%5D=1&action=basic&searchsubmit=1',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Your search did not match anything.<\/h2>/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'NNM',
'searchUrl': 'https://nnm-club.me/forum/tracker.php?nm=%search_string%+%year%',
'matchRegex': 'Не найдено',
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'NB',
'searchUrl': 'https://norbits.net/browse.php?incldead=1&fullsearch=0&scenerelease=0&imdbsearch=%tt%&imdb_from=0&imdb_to=0&search=',
'matchRegex': /<h3>Ingenting her!<\/h3>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'NBL',
'searchUrl': 'https://nebulance.io/torrents.php?order_by=time&order_way=desc&searchtext=%search_string%&search_type=0&taglist=&tags_type=0',
'matchRegex': /Your search did not match anything/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'OurBits',
'searchUrl': 'https://ourbits.club/torrents.php?search_area=4&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found! Try again with a refined search string/},
{ 'name': 'PHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://privatehd.to/movies?search=&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /class="overlay-container"/,
'positiveMatch': true},
{ 'name': 'PHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://privatehd.to/tv-shows?search=&imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /class="overlay-container"/,
'positiveMatch': true,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'PTN',
'icon': 'https://piratethenet.org/pic/favicon.ico',
'searchUrl': 'https://piratethenet.org/browseold.php?incldead=1&_by=3&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'PTP',
'searchUrl': 'https://passthepopcorn.me/torrents.php?imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Your search did not match anything.<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'PTP-Req',
'searchUrl': 'https://passthepopcorn.me/requests.php?submit=true&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Your search did not match anything.|<h1>Keep me logged in.<\/h1>/},
{ 'name': 'PxHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://pixelhd.me/torrents.php?groupname=&year=&tmdbover=&tmdbunder=&tmdbid=&imdbover=&imdbunder=&imdbid=%tt%&order_by=time&order_way=desc&taglist=&tags_type=1&filterTorrentsButton=Filter+Torrents',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Your search did not match anything.<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'RARAT',
'searchUrl': 'https://rarat.org/api/v1/torrents?extendedSearch=false&hideOld=false&index=0&limit=15&order=asc&page=search&searchText=%tt%&sort=n#https://rarat.org/search?search=%tt%',
'goToUrl': 'https://rarat.org/search?search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /^$/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'RARBG',
'searchUrl': 'https://rarbg.to/torrents.php?imdb=%tt%',
'matchRegex': '//dyncdn.me/static/20/images/imdb_thumb.gif',
'positiveMatch': true,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'RevTT',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.revolutiontt.me/browse.php?search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Nothing found!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'RevTT',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.revolutiontt.me/browse.php?search=%search_string%&cat=0&incldead=1&titleonly=1',
'matchRegex': /<h2>Nothing found!<\/h2>/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'RuT',
'searchUrl': 'https://rutracker.org/forum/tracker.php?nm=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': 'Не найдено',
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'Rutor',
'searchUrl': 'http://rutor.info/search/0/0/010/0/%tt%',
'matchRegex': 'Результатов поиска 0',
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'SDBits',
'searchUrl': 'http://sdbits.org/browse.php?c6=1&c3=1&c1=1&c4=1&c5=1&c2=1&m1=1&incldead=0&from=&to=&imdbgt=0&imdblt=10&uppedby=&imdb=&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found!|<h1>You need cookies enabled to log in.<\/h1>/},
{ 'name': 'sHD',
'searchUrl': 'https://scenehd.org/browse.php?search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /<h2>No torrents found!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'SM',
'searchUrl': 'https://surrealmoviez.info/search.php?stext=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /0 Movies found matching search criteria|You need to be logged in to view this page/},
{ 'name': 'TBD',
'icon': 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F2JeKtPCJYI/VgjpVxwMO4I/AAAAAAAAADg/VyNyp-yW9Ac/s1600/TBD.ico',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.torrentbd.com/torrent/torrents-search.php?search=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /No torrents were found based on your search criteria./,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'TD',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.torrentday.com/t?q=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /No Torrents Found!/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'TE',
'searchUrl': 'http://theempire.bz/browse.php?incldead=0&country=&nonboolean=1&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string|<h1>You need cookies enabled to log in.<\/h1>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'TG',
'searchUrl': 'https://thegeeks.bz/browse.php?incldead=0&country=&nonboolean=1&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string|<h1>You need cookies enabled to log in.<\/h1>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'THC',
'searchUrl': 'https://horrorcharnel.org/browse.php?search=%nott%&cat=0&incldead=1',
'matchRegex': /<h1>Not logged in!<\/h1>|<h2>Nothing found!<\/h2>/},
{ 'name': 'Tik',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.cinematik.net/browse.php?&cat=0&incldead=1&sort=1&type=asc&srchdtls=1&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /The page you tried to view can only be used when you're logged in|Nothing found!/},
{ 'name': 'TL',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.torrentleech.org/torrents/browse/index/query/%search_string%+%year%/categories/1,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,29',
'matchRegex': /Signup With Invite|Please refine your search./},
{ 'name': 'TL',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.torrentleech.org/torrents/browse/index/query/%search_string%/categories/2,26,27,32',
'matchRegex': /Signup With Invite|Please refine your search./,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'TPB',
'searchUrl': 'https://thepiratebay.org/search/%tt%',
'matchRegex': /No hits. Try adding an asterisk in you search phrase.<\/h2>/,
'both': true},
{ 'name': 'TVV',
'searchUrl': 'http://tv-vault.me/torrents.php?searchstr=%search_string%',
'matchRegex': /Nothing found<\/h2>/,
'TV': true},
{ 'name': 'UHDB',
'searchUrl': 'https://uhdbits.org/torrents.php?action=advanced&groupname=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Your search did not match anything./},
{ 'name': 'x264',
'searchUrl': 'http://x264.me/browse.php?incldead=0&xtype=0&stype=3&search=%tt%',
'matchRegex': /Try again with a refined search string.|<h1>Forgot your password?<\/h1>/}
var icon_sites = [
{ 'name': 'OpenSubtitles',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/imdbid-%tt%'},
{ 'name': 'YouTube.com',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="%search_string%"+%year%+trailer'},
{ 'name': 'Rotten Tomatoes',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.rottentomatoes.com/search/?search=%search_string%'},
{ 'name': 'Criticker',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.criticker.com/?search=%search_string%&type=films'},
{ 'name': 'iCheckMovies',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.icheckmovies.com/search/movies/?query=%tt%'},
{ 'name': 'Letterboxd',
'searchUrl': 'http://letterboxd.com/imdb/%nott%'},
{ 'name': 'Subscene',
'searchUrl': 'http://subscene.com/subtitles/title?q=%search_string%'},
{ 'name': 'SubtitleSeeker',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.subtitleseeker.com/%nott%/Movie/Releases/English/'},
{ 'name': 'Wikipedia',
'searchUrl': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%search_string%&go=Go'},
{ 'name': 'FilmAffinity',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.filmaffinity.com/en/advsearch.php?stext=%search_string%&stype[]=title&fromyear=%year%&toyear=%year%',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Metacritic',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.metacritic.com/search/all/%search_string%/results?cats[movie]=1&cats[tv]=1&search_type=advanced&sort=relevancy',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Can I Stream.It? (Movie)',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.canistream.it/search/movie/%search_string%',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Can I Stream.It? (TV)',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.canistream.it/search/tv/%search_string%',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'AllMovie',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.allmovie.com/search/movies/%search_string%',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Facebook',
'searchUrl': 'https://www.facebook.com/search/str/%search_string%/keywords_pages',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Amazon',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dmovies-tv&field-keywords=%search_string%',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Netflix',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.netflix.com/search/%search_string%',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'Blu-ray.com',
'searchUrl': 'http://www.blu-ray.com/search/?quicksearch=1&quicksearch_country=all&quicksearch_keyword=%search_string%+§ion=bluraymovies',
'showByDefault': false},
{ 'name': 'trakt.tv',
'icon': 'https://walter.trakt.tv/hotlink-ok/public/favicon.ico',
'searchUrl': 'https://trakt.tv/search?query=%search_string%',
'showByDefault': false}
// For internal use (order matters)
var valid_states = [
function replaceSearchUrlParams(site, movie_id, movie_title) {
var search_url = site['searchUrl']
// If an array, do a little bit of recursion
if ($.isArray(search_url)) {
var search_array = [];
$.each(search_url, function(index, url) {
search_array[index] = replaceSearchUrlParams(url, movie_id, movie_title);
return search_array;
var space_replace = ('spaceEncode' in site) ? site['spaceEncode'] : '+'
var search_string = movie_title.replace(/ +\(.*/, '').replace(/\s+/g, space_replace);
var movie_year = document.title.replace(/^(.+) \((.*)([0-9]{4})(.*)$/gi, '$3');
var s= search_url.replace(/%tt%/g, 'tt' + movie_id)
.replace(/%nott%/g, movie_id)
.replace(/%search_string%/g, search_string)
.replace(/%year%/g, movie_year);
return s;
function getPageSetting(key) {
return (onSearchPage ? GM_config.get(key + '_search') : GM_config.get(key + '_movie'))
// Small utility function to return a site's icon
function getFavicon(site, hide_on_err) {
if (typeof(hide_on_err) === 'undefined') hide_on_err = false;
if ('icon' in site) {
var favicon = site['icon'];
} else {
var url = new URL(site['searchUrl'])
var favicon = url.origin + '\/favicon.ico';
var img = $('<img />').attr({'style': '-moz-opacity: 0.4; border: 0; vertical-align: text-top',
'width': '16',
'src': favicon,
'title': site['name'],
'alt': site['name']});
if (hide_on_err) img.attr('onerror', "this.style.display='none';");
return img;
// Adds search links to an element
// state should always be one of the values defined in valid_states
function addLink(elem, link_text, target, site, state) {
var link = $('<a />').attr('href', target).attr('target', '_blank');
if ($.inArray(state, valid_states) < 0) {
console.log("Unknown state " + state);
if (getPageSetting('use_icons')) {
var icon = getFavicon(site);
icon.css({'border-width': '3px', 'border-style': 'solid', 'border-radius': '2px'});
if (state == 'error' || state == 'logged_out') {
icon.css('border-color', 'red');
} else if (state == 'missing') {
icon.css('border-color', 'yellow');
} else {
icon.css('border-color', 'green');
} else {
if (state == 'missing' || state == 'error' || state == 'logged_out') {
link.append($('<s />').append(link_text));
} else {
if (state == 'error' || state == 'logged_out') {
link.css('color', 'red');
if (!onSearchPage) {
$('#imdbscout_' + state).append(link).append(' ');
} else {
var result_box = $(elem).find('td.result_box');
if (result_box.length > 0) {
} else {
$(elem).append($('<td />').append(link).addClass('result_box'));
// Performs an ajax request to determine
// whether or not a url should be displayed
function maybeAddLink(elem, link_text, search_url, site) {
// If the search URL is an array, recurse briefly on the elements.
if ($.isArray(search_url)) {
$.each(search_url, function(index, url) {
maybeAddLink(elem, link_text + '_' + (index + 1).toString(), url, site);
var domain=search_url.split('/')[2];
var now=(new Date())*1;
var lastLoaded=window.localStorage[domain+'_lastLoaded'];
if(!lastLoaded) {
} else {
if(now-lastLoaded < 1000) {
window.setTimeout(maybeAddLink.bind(undefined, elem, site['name'], search_url, site), 1000);
window.localStorage[domain+'_lastLoaded']=(new Date())*1;
var target = search_url;
var success_match = ('positiveMatch' in site) ? site['positiveMatch'] : false;
method: 'GET',
url: search_url,
onload: function(response_details) {
if (String(response_details.responseText).match(site['matchRegex']) ? !(success_match) : success_match) {
if (!getPageSetting('hide_missing')) {
addLink(elem, link_text, target, site, 'missing');
} else if (site['loggedOutRegex'] && String(response_details.responseText).match(site['loggedOutRegex'])) {
addLink(elem, link_text, target, site, 'logged_out');
} else {
addLink(elem, link_text, target, site, 'found');
onerror: function(response) {
addLink(elem, link_text, target, site, 'error');
onabort: function(response) {
addLink(elem, link_text, target, site, 'error');
// Run code to create fields and display sites
function perform(elem, movie_id, movie_title, is_tv, is_movie) {
var site_shown = false;
$.each(sites, function(index, site) {
if (site['show']) {
site_shown = true;
// If we're on a TV page, only show TV links.
if ((Boolean(site['TV']) == is_tv ||
Boolean(site['both'])) ||
(!is_tv && !is_movie)) {
searchUrl = replaceSearchUrlParams(site, movie_id, movie_title);
'searchUrl': site['goToUrl'],
'spaceEncode': ('spaceEncode' in site) ? site['spaceEncode'] : '+'
}, movie_id, movie_title);
if (getPageSetting('call_http')) {
maybeAddLink(elem, site['name'], searchUrl, site);
} else {
addLink(elem, site['name'], searchUrl, site, 'found');
if (!site_shown) {
$(elem).append('No sites enabled! You can change this via the Greasemonkey option "IMDb Scout Preferences".');
// Button Code
function displayButton() {
var p = $('<p />').attr('id', 'imdbscout_button');
p.append($('<button>Load IMDb Scout</button>').click(function() {
if (onSearchPage) {
} else {
if (onSearchPage) {
} else if ($('h1.header:first').length) {
} else {
// Icons at top bar
// Adds a dictionary of icons to the top of the page.
// Unlike the other URLs, they aren't checked to see if the movie exists.
function addIconBar(movie_id, movie_title) {
if ($('h1.header:first').length) {
var iconbar = $('h1.header:first').append($('<br/>'));
} else if ($('.title_wrapper h1')) {
var iconbar = $('.title_wrapper h1').append($('<br/>'));
} else {
var iconbar = $('#tn15title .title-extra');
$.each(icon_sites, function(index, site) {
if (site['show']) {
var search_url = replaceSearchUrlParams(site, movie_id, movie_title);
var image = getFavicon(site);
var html = $('<span />').append($('<a />').attr('href', search_url)
iconbar.append(html).append(' ');
//If we have access to the openInTab function, add an Open All feature
if (GM_openInTab) {
var aopenall = $('<a />').text('Open All')
.attr('href', 'javascript:;')
.attr('style', 'font-weight:bold;font-size:10px;font-family: Calibri, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;');
aopenall.click(function() {
$('.iconbar_icon').each(function() {
}, false);
// Search page code
function performSearch() {
//Add css for the new table cells we're going to add
var styles = '.result_box {width: 335px}';
styles += ' .result_box a { margin-right: 5px; color: #444;} ';
styles += ' .result_box a:visited { color: #551A8B; }';
styles += ' #content-2-wide #main, #content-2-wide';
styles += ' .maindetails_center {margin-left: 5px; width: 1001px;} ';
if($('div#main table.results tr.detailed').length !== 0) {
//Loop through each result row
$('div#main table.results tr.detailed').each(function() {
var link = $(this).find('.title>a');
var is_tv = Boolean($(this).find('.year_type').html()
.match('TV Series'));
var is_movie = Boolean($(this).find('.year_type').html()
var movie_title = link.html();
var movie_id = link.attr('href').match(/tt([0-9]*)\/?$/)[1];
$(this).find('span.genre a').each(function() {
if ($(this).html() == 'Adult') {
.css('background-color', 'red');
perform($(this), movie_id, movie_title, is_tv, is_movie);
} else {
// Chameleon code, in a different style
var titleDivs=document.getElementsByClassName('col-title');
var compact=true;
if(titleDivs.length === 0)
for(var i=0; i<titleDivs.length; i++)
var t=titleDivs[i];
var link=t.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
var is_tv=link.nextElementSibling.textContent.indexOf('-')!==-1;
var is_movie=!is_tv;
var movie_title=link.textContent;
var movie_id=link.href.split("/title/tt")[1].split("/")[0];
var elem=t.parentNode.parentNode;
perform(elem, movie_id, movie_title, is_tv, is_movie);
// TV/movie page code
function performPage() {
var movie_title = $('title').text().match(/^(.*?) \(/)[1];
var movie_id = document.URL.match(/\/tt([0-9]+)\//)[1].trim('tt');
var is_tv_page = Boolean($('title').text().match('TV Series')) ||
var is_movie_page = Boolean($('title').text().match(/.*? \(([0-9]*)\)/));
//Create area to put links in
perform(getLinkArea(), movie_id, movie_title,
is_tv_page, is_movie_page);
addIconBar(movie_id, movie_title);
// Find/create elements
function getLinkArea() {
// If it already exists, just return it
if ($('#imdbscout_header').length) {
return $('#imdbscout_header');
var p = $('<p />').append('<h2>' + GM_config.get('imdbscout_header_text') + '</h2>').attr('id', 'imdbscout_header').css({
'padding': '0px 20px',
'font-weight': 'bold'
$.each(valid_states, function(i, name) {
if (GM_config.get('one_line')) {
p.append($('<span />').attr('id', 'imdbscout_' + name));
} else {
var title = $('<span>' + name.replace('_', ' ') + ': </span>').css({
'textTransform': 'capitalize',
'min-width': '100px',
'display': 'inline-block'
p.append($('<div />').attr('id', 'imdbscout_' + name).append(title));
if ($('h1.header:first').length) {
} else if ($('#title-overview-widget').length) {
} else if ($('.titlereference-header').length) {
} else {
return $('#imdbscout_header');
// Code being run (main)
// Get everything configured
// Create the non-site dictionary for GM_config
var config_fields = {
'imdbscout_header_text': {
'label': 'Header text:',
'type': 'text',
'default': 'Pirate this film: '
'call_http_movie': {
'section': 'Movie Page:',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Actually check for torrents?',
'default': true
'load_on_start_movie': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Load on start?',
'default': true
'hide_missing_movie': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Hide missing links?',
'default': false
'use_icons_movie': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Use icons instead of text?',
'default': false
'one_line': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Show results on one line?',
'default': true
'call_http_search': {
'section': 'Search Page:',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Actually check for torrents?',
'default': true
'load_on_start_search': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Load on start?',
'default': true
'hide_missing_search': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Hide missing links?',
'default': false
'use_icons_search': {
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'Use icons instead of text?',
'default': false
'load_on_ILC_requests': {
'section': 'Extra pages to run on:',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': 'ILC Requests',
'default': false
// Add each site to a GM_config dictionary schema
// The GM_config default for checkboxes is false
$.each(sites, function(index, site) {
config_fields['show_' + site['name'] + (site['TV'] ? '_TV' : '')] = {
'section': (index == 0) ? ['Torrents:'] : '',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': ' ' + site['name'] + (site['TV'] ? ' (TV)' : '')
// Icon sites should be shown by default though,
// since they barely use any resources.
$.each(icon_sites, function(index, icon_site) {
config_fields['show_icon_' + icon_site['name']] = {
'section': (index == 0) ? ['Other sites:'] : '',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': ' ' + icon_site['name'],
'default': ('showByDefault' in icon_site) ?
icon_site['showByDefault'] : true
// Initialize and register GM_config
'id': 'imdb_scout',
'title': 'IMDb Scout Preferences',
'fields': config_fields,
'css': '.section_header { \
background: white !important; \
color: black !important; \
border: 0px !important; \
text-align: left !important;} \
.field_label { \
font-weight: normal !important;}',
'open': function() {
$('#imdb_scout').contents().find('#imdb_scout_section_3').find('.field_label').each(function(index, label) {
url = new URL(sites[index].searchUrl);
$(label).append(' ' + '<a class="grey_link" target="_blank" style="color: gray; text-decoration : none" href="' + url.origin + '">'
+ (/www./.test(url.hostname) ? url.hostname.match(/www.(.*)/)[1] : url.hostname) + '</a>');
$(label).prepend(getFavicon(sites[index], true));
$('#imdb_scout').contents().find('#imdb_scout_section_4').find('.field_label').each(function(index, label) {
$(label).prepend(getFavicon(icon_sites[index], true));
GM_registerMenuCommand('IMDb Scout Preferences', function() {GM_config.open()});
// Fetch per-site values from GM_config
$.each(sites, function(index, site) {
site['show'] = GM_config.get('show_' + site['name'] +
(site['TV'] ? '_TV' : ''));
$.each(icon_sites, function(index, icon_site) {
icon_site['show'] = GM_config.get('show_icon_' + icon_site['name']);
// Are we on a search page?
// This variable is camelCased to show it's global
// Hopefully it can be factored out of the global scope in the future
var onSearchPage = Boolean(location.href.match('search'));
$('title').ready(function() {
if(window.location.href.indexOf('iloveclassics.com') !== -1 && GM_config.get('load_on_ILC_requests'))
if (!onSearchPage && GM_config.get('load_on_start_movie')) {
} else if (onSearchPage && GM_config.get('load_on_start_search')) {
} else {
function iloveclassics()
var movie_id=document.body.textContent.split('imdb.com/title/tt');
if(movie_id.length < 2)
var tr=document.createElement('tr');
tr.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: rgb(59,59,59); background-image: url("http://www.iloveclassics.com/themes/NB-iSkin/images/NB_col1.gif"); background-position: 50% 0%; background-repeat: repeat-x; empty-cells: show;');
var e=document.getElementsByClassName('clearalt6')[0].parentNode;
e.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, e);
var td=document.createElement('td');
var td=document.createElement('td');
td.setAttribute('id', 'imdbscout_found');
var movie_title = document.getElementsByClassName('table_head')[0].textContent;
var movie_id = parseInt(movie_id[1]);
while(movie_id.length < 7)
var is_tv_page = false;
var is_movie_page = true;
perform(td, movie_id, movie_title,
is_tv_page, is_movie_page);