It's all my "Flickr WideScreen" at once:
It's ONLY for a WIDESCREEN(1920x1080)!
Because became worth (Bad design and limitations) :
Now, "Flickr WideScreen (Part 2) [Deprecated]" is not updated on .
Now Flickr WideScreen Part 1 + 2 and Flickr WideScreenDark & Gray
are merged to "Flickr WideScreen - BigONE".
▶ LAST updates Infos:
[userstyles] "Flickr WideScreen & BigONE" [in Flickr Hacks pool]
► The Goal: use at its maximum my WideScreen:
- for the shots (Maximize the number of shots visible in the window)
- for the Info (scroll list and hover)
- for an admin happy life (adaptation for selected Greasemonkey scripts)
- Less scrolling with a compact and useful styled interface.
- Less "IN THE FACE" style (Smaller version of the shots in Photo Page and Justified Views).
- Reverse Order in Photo page (last in first):
For Comments and Favorits Users list
▶ NOTES (2023.08):
- Updated ONLY on (USw) and GreasyFork: is broken for me (their new design don't permit Login! - request done 2023.08)
It the addition of my 3 "Flickr Widescreen" userstyles, for installing them at once.
You can find it here:
On USw:
Flickr WideScreen - BigONE
▶▶ Find my others Userstyles here - Many for Flickr:
Decembre on[USw]
A New site to post our Userstyles - faster and not buggy!
- USO Archives.
Note: Should become outdated if i can't update my userstyles in
Decembre [ Archive - USO Archives]
► Fight these New Flickr Adds (2020):
- With Chrome and Firefox Quantum:
Use uBlock Origin by Raymond Hill
- Waterfox Classic you need too:
Scriptlet Doctor
uBlockOrigin - Del "Upgrade to Flickr Pro to hide these ads" (with Addon "Scriptlet Doctor")
▶▶ You can test too my other Userstyles.
Only on for now.
(2023.08) But because is broken for me (their new design don't permit "Login" with any browsers), now i can't update them:
Many are better for A WIDE SCREEN (1920x1080)!:
► For a Better result you need to use a dark and minimal scrollbars:
Better too, for less clicks, with these Greasemonkey companions (by me):
► Flickr - AUTO ShowAllGroups (Photo Page):
Auto Expand/loads all groups on photo page.
Screenshot gif:

► Flickr - AUTO More Comments:
- More Comments: Load all the comments without need to click on the "Load more comments"
► Flickr - AUTO Video Play
As the Name said, this script AUTO Play the video.
Test link:
New Set " Vice-City "
► Flickr - AUTO Video Replay
► Flickr - AUTO More Mini Thumbnail>:</b
Test link:

► Addon for images preview:
- Thumbnail Zoom Plus, Firefox Addon par David Adler (support discontinued) :
Shows full image when you hover over a thumbnail.
But you can use too (same usage):
Or an userscript:
"Powerful picture viewing tool online, which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically"
- Picviewer CE+
► More infos:
Flickr WideScreen - BigONE