// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube Genius Lyrics
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/20068
// @description Shows lyrics/songtexts from genius.com on Youtube next to music videos
// @description:es Mostra la letra de genius.com de las canciones en Youtube junto a los vídeos musicales
// @description:de Zeigt den Songtext von genius.com neben Musikvideos auf Youtube
// @description:fr Présente les paroles des chansons de genius.com sur Youtube à côté des vidéos de musique.
// @description:pl Pokazuje teksty piosenek z genius.com na Youtube obok teledysków
// @description:pt Mostra letras de canções de genius.com no Youtube ao lado de vídeos de música
// @description:it Mostra i testi delle canzoni di genius.com su Youtube accanto ai video musicali
// @description:ja Youtube(ユーチューブ)では、ミュージックビデオの横に genius.com の歌詞が表示されます
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
// @copyright 2020, cuzi (https://github.com/cvzi)
// @author cuzi
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hfg-gmuend/openmoji/master/color/72x72/E044.png
// @supportURL https://github.com/cvzi/Youtube-Genius-Lyrics-userscript/issues
// @version 10.10.10
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/406698/GeniusLyrics.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lz-string/1.5.0/lz-string.min.js
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
// @connect genius.com
// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
// @match https://music.youtube.com/*
// @exclude https://www.youtube.com/embed/*
// @exclude https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/*
// @exclude https://www.youtube.com/live_chat*
// @exclude https://www.youtube.com/live_chat_replay*
// @exclude /^https?://\S+\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|xml|svg|manifest|log|ini)[^\/]*$/
// ==/UserScript==
Copyright (C) 2020 cuzi ([email protected])
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* global GM, genius, geniusLyrics, top, GM_addValueChangeListener, sessionStorage */ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-redeclare
/* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */
'use strict'
let genius
const SCRIPT_NAME = 'Youtube Genius Lyrics'
/** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor // YouTube polyfill to Promise in older browsers will make the feature being unstable.
let lyricsDisplayState = 'hidden'
let disableShowLyricsButton = false // hide if the page is confirmed as non-video page
let isYouTubeLive = false
let iframeBlankURL = null
const EXCLUDE_LIVE_VIDEO = true // this should be configurable in "options" ? [>=25min]
const EXCLUDE_SHORT_LEN = true // this should be configurable in "options" ? [<15s]
const elmBuild = (tag, ...contents) => {
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
const elm = typeof tag === 'string' ? document.createElement(tag) : tag
for (const content of contents) {
if (!content || typeof content !== 'object' || (content instanceof Node)) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
} else if (content.length > 0) {
} else if (content.style) {
Object.assign(elm.style, content.style)
} else if (content.classList) {
} else if (content.attr) {
for (const [attr, val] of Object.entries(content.attr)) elm.setAttribute(attr, val)
} else {
Object.assign(elm, content)
return elm
const elmBuildNS = (tag, ...contents) => {
const ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
/** @type {Element} */
const elm = typeof tag === 'string' ? document.createElementNS(ns, tag) : tag
for (const content of contents) {
if (!content || typeof content !== 'object' || (content instanceof Node)) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
} else if (content.length > 0) {
} else if (content.style) {
Object.assign(elm.style, content.style)
} else if (content.classList) {
} else if (content.attr) {
for (const [attr, val] of Object.entries(content.attr)) elm.setAttributeNS(null, attr, val)
} else if (content.attrNS) {
for (const [attr, val] of Object.entries(content.attrNS)) elm.setAttributeNS(ns, attr, val)
} else {
Object.assign(elm, content)
return elm
function addCss () {
let style = document.querySelector('style#youtube_genius_lyrics_style')
if (style === null) {
style = document.createElement('style')
style.id = 'youtube_genius_lyrics_style'
style.textContent = `
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html {
/* allow modification from external */
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box-sizing: border-box;
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opacity: 0.1;
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font-size: 0.83em;
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align-items: stretch;
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color: var(--yt-live-chat-primary-text-color);
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color: var(--yt-live-chat-toast-action-color);
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body .loadingspinner {
/* override .loadingspinner */
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--ygl-spinner-border-color: var(--yt-live-chat-secondary-text-color, #181818);
border-color: var(--ygl-spinner-color) var(--ygl-spinner-border-color) var(--ygl-spinner-border-color) var(--ygl-spinner-border-color);
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z-index: 2050;
background-color: inherit;
cursor: progress;
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height: 0px;
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/* this is only supported in modern browsers */
@property --num {
syntax: '<integer>';
initial-value: 0;
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0% {
--num: 0;
99% {
--num: 8;
100% {
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color: white;
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background-color: var(--ygl-lorem-gray);
color: transparent;
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#showlyricsbutton {
position: fixed; /* youtube's unknown layout bug - the 'absolute' position top would offset upwards by around 80px after the page is changed */
/* note: youtube layouts are inside ytd-watch-flexy by default; therefore the 'absolute' layout for elements outside ytd-watch-flexy is not guaranteed */
z-index: 3000;
right: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 50%;
margin: auto;
padding: 0px 1px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 14px;
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color: #000a;
padding: 9px;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
contain: strict;
opacity: 0.7;
transition: opacity 50ms;
top: var(--ytd-toolbar-height, var(--ytd-masthead-height, var(--ytd-watch-flexy-masthead-height, 56px)));
#showlyricsbutton.hide-during-ytlive {
display: none;
#showlyricsbutton:hover {
opacity: 1.0;
/* :fullscreen shall be sufficient for modern browsers */
/* see more at https://caniuse.com/mdn-css_selectors_fullscreen */
/* just except opera ? */
:fullscreen #showlyricsbutton, :fullscreen #lyricscontainer {
display: none;
:-moz-full-screen #showlyricsbutton {
display: none;
:-webkit-full-screen #showlyricsbutton {
display: none;
#showlyricsbutton::before {
color: inherit;
content: 'G';
position: absolute;
display: block;
pointer-events: none;
user-select: none;
touch-action: none;
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span.youtube-genius-lyrics-found-separator {
padding: 0px 3px;
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border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 3px;
ol.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-tracklist {
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font-size: 1.15em;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li {
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-color 0.2s;
margin: 2px;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 8px 6px;
span.youtube-genius-lyrics-found-back-btn {
cursor: pointer;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li div.onhover {
display: none;
margin-top: -0.25em;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li div.onout {
display: block;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li:hover div.onhover {
display: block;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li:hover div.onout {
display: none;
ol.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-tracklist {
font-size: var(--ytd-link-font-size);
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li {
/* --tyt-tracklist-li-background: var(--yt-live-chat-slider-container-color); */
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background-color: var(--tyt-tracklist-li-background);
color: var(--ytd-searchbox-text-color);
border: 1px solid var(--ytd-searchbox-legacy-border-color);
list-style: none;
color: var(--yt-live-chat-secondary-text-color);
--tyt-tracklist-li-background: var(--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-color);
--tyt-tracklist-li-background: var(--yt-spec-commerce-tonal-hover);
opacity: 0.9;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li:hover {
--tyt-tracklist-li-background: var(--yt-live-chat-button-dark-background-color);
/* --tyt-tracklist-li-background: var(--yt-live-chat-slider-active-color); */
border: 1px solid var(--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-hover-border-color);
opacity: 1.0;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li.lyrics-minor-result {
font-size: 80%;
opacity: 0.6;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li.lyrics-minor-result:hover {
opacity: 0.7;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li * {
pointer-events: none;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li div.onhover span {
color: black;
font-size: 2.0em;
li.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-li div.onout span {
font-size: 1.5em;
body #lyricscontainer ol.tracklist li .onhover,
body #lyricscontainer ol.tracklist li .onout {
display: none;
body #lyricscontainer>ol.tracklist {
max-width: 480px;
min-width: 280px;
width: auto;
span.youtube-genius-lyrics-found-config-btn {
cursor: pointer;
span.youtube-genius-lyrics-found-wonglyrics-btn {
cursor: pointer;
html {
--ygl-theater-player-max-width: '--NULL--';
--ygl-theater-player-float: '--NULL--';
html[youtube-genius-lyrics-container="found"] ytd-watch-flexy[theater],
html[youtube-genius-lyrics-container="loading"] ytd-watch-flexy[theater] {
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ytd-watch-flexy[theater] #movie_player .ytp-left-controls {
max-width: var(--ygl-theater-player-max-width);
ytd-watch-flexy[theater] #movie_player .ytp-right-controls {
float: var(--ygl-theater-player-float);
html[youtube-genius-lyrics-container="found"] ytd-watch-flexy[theater] #movie_player video[src],
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left: 0 !important;
html[youtube-genius-lyrics-container] #showlyricsbutton {
display: none;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-input {
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
box-shadow: none;
color: inherit;
font-family: Roboto, Noto, sans-serif;
text-align: inherit;
border: 1px solid currentColor;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 1px 0;
margin: 0;
outline-offset: 0px;
outline: none;
padding: 1px 6px;
font-size: 80%;
background-color: var(--yt-emoji-picker-search-background-color);
border-color: currentColor;
margin: 0 6px 0 6px;
flex: 1;
[dark] .youtube-genius-lyrics-search-input {
border-color: transparent;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-input:not(:focus)::placeholder {
border-color: var(--yt-emoji-picker-search-placeholder-color);
color: var(--yt-emoji-picker-search-placeholder-color);
color: var(--yt-spec-text-secondary);
font-weight: bold;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-input:active {
border-color: var(--paper-checkbox-checked-color);
span.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-search-btn {
cursor: pointer;
vertical-align: middle;
align-self: center;
display: inline-flex;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 8px;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-search-btn:hover {
color: var(--yt-live-chat-toast-action-color);
span.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-search-btn > svg {
fill: currentColor;
pointer-events: none;
touch-action: none;
user-select: none;
@keyframes inputNoResult {
0% {
transform: translateX(0px);
25% {
transform: translateX(-6px);
50% {
transform: translateX(0px);
75% {
transform: translateX(6px);
100% {
transform: translateX(6px);
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-input.lyrics-input-noresult {
border-color: red;
opacity: 0.75;
animation: inputNoResult 140ms;
animation-iteration-count: 3;
.lyrics-searching {
/* dont make animation here */
filter: blur(0.7px);
opacity: 0.85;
pointer-events: none;
html {
--ygl-lyricsiframe-flex: '--NULL--';
--ygl-lyricscontainer-bottom: '--NULL--';
--ygl-lyricscontainer-border-radius: '--NULL--';
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--ygl-lyricscontainer-display: '--NULL--';
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--ygl-lyricsiframe-flex: 1;
--ygl-lyricscontainer-bottom: 4px;
/* allow override */
--ygl-lyricscontainer-border-radius: 0px 0px 8px 8px;
/* allow override */
--ygl-lyricscontainer-padding: 0px 8px 8px 8px;
/* allow override */
--ygl-lyricscontainer-display: flex;
--ygl-lyricscontainer-flex-direction: column;
--ygl-lyricscontainer-bar-padding: 4px 6px;
.lyricsnavbar {
padding: var(--ygl-lyricscontainer-bar-padding);
body #lyricscontainer {
display: var(--ygl-lyricscontainer-display);
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bottom: var(--ygl-lyricscontainer-bottom);
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padding: var(--ygl-lyricscontainer-padding);
#lyricsiframe {
flex: var(--ygl-lyricsiframe-flex);
#lyricscontainer.youtube-genius-lyrics-loading-container #lyricsiframe {
position: absolute;
width: 80%;
height: 80%;
transform: translate(10%, 10%);
#lyricscontainer.youtube-genius-lyrics-loading-container .loadingspinnerholder {
position: relative;
width: auto !important;
top: auto !important;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
overflow: hidden;
contain: content;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-container {
--ygl-lyricscontainer-display: flex;
--ygl-lyricscontainer-flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-container {
--ygl-lyricscontainer-padding: 2px 6px 6px 6px;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-config-btn {
border: 1px solid var(--ytd-searchbox-background);
margin: 3px;
font-size: 0.83em;
color: var(--yt-live-chat-primary-text-color);
text-decoration: none;
transition: color 400ms;
cursor: pointer;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-config-btn:hover {
color: var(--yt-live-chat-toast-action-color);
text-decoration: none;
.youtube-genius-lyrics-results-line-separator {
font-size: 0.83em;
color: var(--yt-live-chat-primary-text-color);
.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-label {
font-family: cursive;
padding: 0px 6px;
color: var(--yt-live-chat-primary-text-color);
font-size: 80%;
[dark] .youtube-genius-lyrics-search-label {
color: var(--yt-live-chat-author-chip-owner-background-color);
display: flex;
column-gap: 6px;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: italic;
svg.svg-genius-pageviews {
fill: currentColor;
width: 10px;
margin-right: 2px;
const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval } = (() => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
let win = typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : window // eslint-disable-line no-undef
let removeIframeFn = null
try {
const frameId = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1'
let frame = document.getElementById(frameId)
if (!frame) {
frame = document.createElement('iframe')
frame.id = frameId
const blobURL = typeof webkitCancelAnimationFrame === 'function' ? (frame.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'text/html' }))) : null // avoid Brave Crash
frame.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin' // script cannot be run inside iframe but API can be obtained from iframe
let n = document.createElement('noscript') // wrap into NOSCRPIT to avoid reflow (layouting)
const root = document.documentElement
if (root) {
if (blobURL) Promise.resolve().then(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL))
removeIframeFn = (setTimeout) => {
const removeIframeOnDocumentReady = (e) => {
e && win.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false)
e = n
n = win = removeIframeFn = 0
setTimeout ? setTimeout(() => e.remove(), 200) : e.remove()
if (!setTimeout || document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
win.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false)
const fc = frame ? frame.contentWindow : null
if (fc) {
try {
const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval } = fc
const res = { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval }
for (const k in res) res[k] = res[k].bind(win) // necessary
if (removeIframeFn) Promise.resolve(res.setTimeout).then(removeIframeFn)
return res
} catch (e) {
if (removeIframeFn) removeIframeFn()
} catch (e) {
// since the mechanism does not utilize async/await, use the old method as fallback.
function isFakeWindow () {
// window is not window in Spotify Web App
return (window instanceof window.constructor) === false
* getTrueWindow
* @returns {Window}
function getTrueWindow () {
// this can bypass Spotify's window Proxy Object and obtain the original window object
try {
return new Function('return window')() // eslint-disable-line no-new-func
} catch (e) {
console.warn('the actual window object cannot be obtained.', e) // e.g. YouTube Music
return window // fallback
let trueWindow = isFakeWindow() ? getTrueWindow() : win
const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval } = trueWindow
const res = { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval }
for (const k in res) res[k] = res[k].bind(trueWindow) // necessary
trueWindow = null
if (removeIframeFn) Promise.resolve(res.setTimeout).then(removeIframeFn)
return res
function appendElements (target, elements) {
if (typeof target.append === 'function') {
} else {
for (const element of elements) {
const removeElements = (typeof window.DocumentFragment.prototype.append === 'function')
? function (elements) {
: function (elements) {
for (const element of elements) {
function getMastheadHeight () {
// can be replaced by youtube css custom properties
const masthead = document.querySelector('ytd-masthead#masthead')
return masthead.getBoundingClientRect().height
function calcContainerWidthTop () {
let w
const upnext = document.querySelector('#secondary #secondary-inner') || document.getElementById('upnext')
const playlist = document.querySelector('ytd-playlist-panel-renderer#playlist')
const video = document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy div#primary video')
if (upnext && upnext.getBoundingClientRect().left > 0) {
w = window.innerWidth - upnext.getBoundingClientRect().left - 5
} else if (playlist && playlist.getBoundingClientRect().left > 0) {
w = window.innerWidth - playlist.getBoundingClientRect().left - 5
} else if (video) {
w = window.innerWidth - 1.02 * video.getBoundingClientRect().right
} else {
w = window.innerWidth * 0.45
w = Math.min(window.innerWidth * 0.75, w)
const top = getMastheadHeight()
const isTheatherView = !!document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy[theater]')
if (isTheatherView) {
return {
width: parseInt(0.3 * document.querySelector('#columns').clientWidth),
} else {
return {
width: w,
function setFrameDimensions (container, iframe, bar) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// if (!container || !iframe || !bar) {
// console.warn('elements not found in setFrameDimensions()')
// return
// }
// const bar = container.querySelector('.lyricsnavbar')
// const width = iframe.style.width = container.clientWidth - 1 + 'px'
// const height = iframe.style.height = window.innerHeight - bar.clientHeight - getMastheadHeight() + 'px'
iframe.style.width = container.clientWidth - 1 + 'px'
iframe.style.height = window.innerHeight - bar.clientHeight - getMastheadHeight() + 'px'
if (genius.option.themeKey === 'spotify') {
iframe.style.backgroundColor = '#181818'
bar.style.backgroundColor = '#181818'
} else {
iframe.style.backgroundColor = ''
// return [width, height]
let lastResizeDT = 0
function onResize () {
const tdt = Date.now()
lastResizeDT = tdt
setTimeout(function () {
if (tdt === lastResizeDT) {
}, 600)
function resize () {
const container = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')
if (!container) {
const { top, width } = calcContainerWidthTop()
// container.style.top = `${top}px`
container.style.setProperty('--ygl-container-top', `${top}px`)
container.style.top = 'var(--ytd-toolbar-height, var(--ytd-masthead-height, var(--ytd-watch-flexy-masthead-height, var(--ygl-container-top))))' // compatible with YouTube Live Borderless
container.style.setProperty('--ygl-container-width', `${width}px`)
// const iframe = document.getElementById('lyricsiframe')
// if (iframe) {
// const bar = container.querySelector('.lyricsnavbar')
// if (bar) {
// setFrameDimensions(container, iframe, bar)
// }
// }
function getCleanLyricsContainer () {
let container = null
const { top, width } = calcContainerWidthTop()
if (!document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) {
container = document.createElement('div')
container.id = 'lyricscontainer'
} else {
container = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')
container.textContent = ''
container.className = ''
container.style = ''
// container.style.top = `${top}px`
container.style.setProperty('--ygl-container-top', `${top}px`)
container.style.top = 'var(--ytd-toolbar-height, var(--ytd-masthead-height, var(--ytd-watch-flexy-masthead-height, var(--ygl-container-top))))' // compatible with YouTube Live Borderless
container.style.setProperty('--ygl-container-width', `${width}px`)
const result = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')
if (result !== container) {
console.warn(SCRIPT_NAME + ' getCleanLyricsContainer() Could not insert the element correctly')
return result
function hideLyrics () {
if (document.querySelector('.loadingspinnerholder') !== null) {
const elementsToBeRemoved = [...document.querySelectorAll('.loadingspinnerholder')]
const lyricscontainer = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')
if (lyricscontainer) {
const isHiding = elementsToBeRemoved.length > 0
return isHiding
async function showLyricsButtonClicked () {
genius.option.autoShow = true // Temporarily enable showing lyrics automatically on song change
function addLyricsButton () {
if (disableShowLyricsButton === true) return
if (document.getElementById('showlyricsbutton')) {
// const top = getMastheadHeight()
const showlyricsbutton = document.createElement('div')
showlyricsbutton.id = 'showlyricsbutton'
if (isYouTubeLive) showlyricsbutton.classList.add('hide-during-ytlive')
showlyricsbutton.setAttribute('title', 'Load lyrics from genius.com')
showlyricsbutton.addEventListener('click', showLyricsButtonClicked, false)
function removeLyricsButton () {
let showlyricsbutton = document.getElementById('showlyricsbutton')
if (showlyricsbutton !== null) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// do nothing
showlyricsbutton = null
let lastVideoId = null
let lastForceVideoId = null
let hitMaps = null
function obtainDataCarouselLockups (ep) {
if (!ep) {
return null
let m = null
try {
m = ep.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer.items[2].videoDescriptionMusicSectionRenderer.carouselLockups
} catch (e) {
m = null
return m
function getSimpleText (defaultMetadata) {
if (!defaultMetadata) {
return null
if (typeof defaultMetadata.simpleText === 'string') {
return defaultMetadata.simpleText
if (defaultMetadata.runs) {
const texts = defaultMetadata.runs.map(entry => entry.text)
if (texts.length === 1 && typeof texts[0] === 'string') {
return texts[0]
return null
function simpleTextFixup (text) {
return text.replace(/だ/g, 'だ')
function titleFix (text) {
return text.replace(/\(([A-Za-z][a-z]+) ([Vv]ersion|[Vv]er\.?)\)/g, '($1)') // Genius Lyrics title use Ver. instead of Version; e.g. English Version
function removeEmojis (str) {
return str.replace(/[\u{1F600}-\u{1F64F}\u{1F300}-\u{1F5FF}\u{1F680}-\u{1F6FF}\u{1F700}-\u{1F77F}\u{1F780}-\u{1F7FF}\u{1F800}-\u{1F8FF}\u{1F900}-\u{1F9FF}\u{1FA00}-\u{1FA6F}\u{1FA70}-\u{1FAFF}\u{2600}-\u{26FF}\u{2700}-\u{27BF}\u{2300}-\u{23FF}\u{2B50}\u{1F004}\u{1F0CF}\u{E0020}-\u{E007F}\u{FE0F}]/gu, '') // eslint-disable-line no-misleading-character-class
function getMusicTitleAndAuthor (pData) {
const response = pData.response
const engagementPanels = response.engagementPanels
let carouselLockups = null
for (const ep of engagementPanels) {
const m = obtainDataCarouselLockups(ep)
if (m !== null) {
carouselLockups = m
if (carouselLockups && carouselLockups.length === 1) {
let a1 = null
let a2 = null
try {
a1 = carouselLockups[0].carouselLockupRenderer.infoRows[0].infoRowRenderer.defaultMetadata
a2 = carouselLockups[0].carouselLockupRenderer.infoRows[1].infoRowRenderer.defaultMetadata
} catch (e) { }
a1 = getSimpleText(a1)
a2 = getSimpleText(a2)
if (a1 && a2 && typeof a1 === 'string' && typeof a2 === 'string') {
let title = null
try {
title = pData.playerResponse.videoDetails.title
} catch (e) { }
if (title && typeof title === 'string') {
a1 = removeEmojis(a1).trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
a1 = titleFix(simpleTextFixup(a1))
a2 = simpleTextFixup(a2)
title = removeEmojis(title).trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
title = simpleTextFixup(title)
const newValue = `${a2} ${a1}`
return {
singer: a2,
song: a1,
text: newValue
} else if (carouselLockups && carouselLockups.length > 1) {
setDisableShowLyricsButton(true) // one video with multiple musics
return null
function getYoutubeMainVideo () {
let video = document.querySelector('#ytd-player #movie_player video[src]')
if (video !== null) {
return video
video = document.querySelector('video[src]')
if (video !== null) {
return video
return null
function isYoutubeVideoPlaying () {
const videoPlayerContainer = document.querySelector('#ytd-player #movie_player')
let video = null
if (videoPlayerContainer) {
const isPaused = videoPlayerContainer.classList.contains('paused-mode')
if (isPaused) {
return false
const isPlaying = videoPlayerContainer.classList.contains('playing-mode')
if (isPlaying) {
return true
video = window.HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector.call(videoPlayerContainer, 'video[src]')
if (video !== null) {
const paused = video.paused
if (paused === true) {
return false
if (paused === false) {
return true
if (video === null) {
video = document.querySelector('video[src]')
if (video !== null) {
const paused = video.paused
if (paused === true) {
return false
if (paused === false) {
return true
function keywordProcess (title, keywords, kHash) {
const upperTitle = title.toUpperCase()
return keywords.filter(keywordObj => {
if (typeof keywordObj === 'object') {
const keyword = keywordObj.keyword
return title.includes(keyword)
const keyword = keywordObj
const upperKeyword = keyword.toUpperCase()
if (!upperTitle.includes(upperKeyword)) return false
let type = kHash.get(keyword)
if (!type) {
type = 1
if (/^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(keyword)) {
type = 3
let ignoreCase = false
if (keyword.length > 1) {
if ((keyword === keyword.toLowerCase() || keyword === keyword.toUpperCase())) ignoreCase = true
else if ((keyword === keyword.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + keyword.substring(1).toLowerCase())) ignoreCase = true
if (ignoreCase) type = 7
kHash.set(keyword, type)
if (type === 1) {
return title.includes(keyword)
} else if (type === 3) {
return (new RegExp(`\\b${keyword}\\b`)).test(title)
} else if (type === 7) {
return (new RegExp(`\\b${keyword}\\b`, 'i')).test(title)
return false
function makeKeyWords (keywords, songTitle) {
keywords = [...keywords]
songTitle.replace(/\[([^[\]]+)\]/g, (m, a) => {
if (a !== a.trim()) return
keywords.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length)
let skipNexts = new Set()
let newKeyWords = []
const upperSongTitle = songTitle.toUpperCase()
for (let keyword of keywords) {
if (skipNexts.has(keyword)) continue
keyword = keyword.replace(/[\t\r\n]+/g, ' ')
const upperKeyWord = keyword.toUpperCase()
const j = upperSongTitle.indexOf(upperKeyWord)
if (j < 0) continue
if (upperKeyWord === 'MV' || upperKeyWord === 'PV' || upperKeyWord === 'SONG' || upperKeyWord === 'MUSIC') continue
keyword = songTitle.substring(j, j + keyword.length)
const r = { keyword, upperKeyWord, splitLen: songTitle.split(keyword).length, isBracketed: false, foundAt: j }
if (j >= 1) {
r.isBracketed = songTitle.charAt(j - 1) === '[' && songTitle.charAt(j + keyword.length) === ']'
skipNexts = null
let isSkipped = false
for (const keyword1 of newKeyWords) {
for (const keyword2 of newKeyWords) {
if (keyword1.keyword.length > keyword2.keyword.length) {
if (keyword1.splitLen !== keyword2.splitLen) continue
if (keyword1.upperKeyWord.includes(keyword2.upperKeyWord)) {
isSkipped = true
keyword2.skip = true
if (isSkipped) newKeyWords = newKeyWords.filter(entry => !entry.skip)
newKeyWords.sort((a, b) => a.foundAt - b.foundAt)
return newKeyWords
function repeatReplace (text, searchValue, substring, count) {
while (count > 0) {
const text2 = text.replace(searchValue, substring)
if (text2 === text) return text
text = text2
return text
async function traditionalYtdDescriptionInfo (videoTitle, videoDetails) {
let songArtists
let songTitle = videoTitle
// song title text processing
songTitle = removeEmojis(songTitle)
songTitle = songTitle
.replace(/[\u180E\u200B-\u200D\u2060\uFEFF]+/g, '') // zero-spacing
.replace(/[\s\u0009-\u000D\u0020\u0085\u00A0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028-\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\u00B7\u237D\u2420\u2422\u2423]+/g, ' ') /* spacing */ // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
// .replace(/[\uFF01-\uFF0F\u0021-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u0060\u007B-\u007E\u3000\u3001-\u303F\u2000-\u206F]+/g, ' ') // Symbols and Punctuation
.replace(/│/g, '|')
.replace(/【([^【】]+)】/g, '[$1]')
.replace(/\(([^()]+)\)/g, '[$1]')
.replace(/『([^『』]+)』/g, '[$1]')
.replace(/「([^「」]+)」/g, '[$1]')
.replace(/\[(MV|PV)\]/g, '')
const keywords = (videoDetails || 0).keywords
let wSongTitle = null
if (videoDetails && keywords && keywords.length > 2) {
let variants = new Set()
for (const s of songTitle.split('/')) {
for (const s of songTitle.split('|')) {
// 『チェンソーマン』第9話ノンクレジットエンディング / CHAINSAW MAN #9 Ending│Aimer「Deep down」
variants = [...variants.keys()]
let variantsX = new Map()
let kHash = new Map()
const mainwords = keywordProcess(songTitle, keywords, kHash)
kHash = null
if (mainwords.length > 2) {
const vKeywords = makeKeyWords(mainwords, songTitle)
await Promise.all(variants.map(variant => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const mainwords = keywordProcess(variant, vKeywords, null)
let kMatch = 0
let kBracket = 0
for (const keywordObj of mainwords) {
if (keywordObj.isBracketed) kBracket++
// console.log(22,variant,kMatch, kBracket, mainwords)
// 【MV】迷星叫 / MyGO!!!!!【オリジナル楽曲】
// 【歌ってみた】大脳的なランデブー / Covered by 花鋏キョウ【Kanaria】
if (kMatch === 2 || kMatch - kBracket === 2) {
const m = kMatch === 2 ? mainwords : mainwords.filter(entry => !entry.isBracketed)
const p = `${m[0].keyword}\t${m[1].keyword}`
const lastAdded = variantsX.get(p)
if (!lastAdded || (lastAdded && lastAdded.variant.length > variant.length)) variantsX.set(p, { variant, kMatch, kBracket }) // store the shortest match
if (variantsX.size === 1) {
const values = [...variantsX.keys()]
wSongTitle = values[0]
} else if (variantsX.size > 1) {
const entries = [...variantsX.entries()]
entries.sort((a, b) => (b[1].kMatch * 100 + b[1].kBracket) - (a[1].kMatch * 100 + a[1].kBracket))
if (entries[0][1].kMatch > entries[1][1].kMatch) {
wSongTitle = entries[0][0]
variantsX = null
variants.length = 0
variants = null
if (wSongTitle !== null) {
const m = wSongTitle.split('\t')
window.defaultSongTitle = `${m[0]} ${m[1]}`
return { songTitle: wSongTitle, songArtistsArr: null }
// Symbols and Punctuation can be part of the artist name (e.g. &TEAM, milli-billi)
songTitle = simpleTextFixup(songTitle)
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/(Official )?(Lyrics Video|Lyric Video|Music Video|Promotion Video|Video)/gi, '')
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/\b(PERFORMANCE VIDEO|official mv|karaoke mv|official|music mv|audio|music|video|karaoke)\b/gi, '')
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/\(\s*\)|\[\s*\]/g, '')
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/exclusive\s*-?/gi, '')
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/-\s*-/gi, ' - ')
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/([\uFF01-\uFF0F\u0021-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u0060\u007B-\u007E\u3000\u3001-\u303F\u2000-\u206F\s])(MV|PV)\s*$/g, '$1')
songTitle = songTitle.replace(/^\s*(MV|PV)([\uFF01-\uFF0F\u0021-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u0060\u007B-\u007E\u3000\u3001-\u303F\u2000-\u206F\s])/g, '$2')
songTitle = repeatReplace(songTitle, /\[\]/g, '', 8)
songTitle = songTitle.trim()
// YOASOBI[祝福] [[機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女]オープニングテーマ]
// 結束バンド[星座になれたら]/ TVアニメ[ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!]第12話劇中曲
const exec1 = /^[^[\](){}]+\[[^[\](){}]+\]/.exec(songTitle)
if (exec1) {
let tmpSongTitle = songTitle
tmpSongTitle = tmpSongTitle.replace(/\[\[[^[\]{}()]+\](オープニングテーマ|オープニング|エンディングテーマ|エンディング|Opening\s?Song|Ending\s?Song|Opening|Ending)\]$/, ' ').trim()
tmpSongTitle = tmpSongTitle.replace(/\[[^[\]{}()]*\s*(オープニングテーマ|オープニング|エンディングテーマ|エンディング|Opening\s?Song|Ending\s?Song|Opening|Ending)\]$/, ' ').trim()
tmpSongTitle = tmpSongTitle.replace(/(TV)?\s*(アニメ|Anime)\[[^[\]{}()]+\][^[\]{}()]*$/, ' ').trim()
if (tmpSongTitle.includes(exec1[0])) {
songTitle = tmpSongTitle
songTitle = repeatReplace(songTitle, /[//]\s*$/g, '', 8)
// Pattern: Artist - Song title
songTitle = songTitle.split(/\s+[-–]\s+/)
if (songTitle.length === 1) {
// Pattern: Artist[Song title]
const m = songTitle[0].match(/^([^[\]{}()]+)\[([^[\]{}()]+)\]$/)
if (m) {
songTitle = [m[1], m[2]]
if (songTitle.length === 1) {
// Pattern: Artist | Song title
const m = songTitle[0].match(/(.+?)\s*\|\s*(.+)/)
if (m) {
songTitle = [m[1], m[2]]
if (songTitle.length === 1) {
// Pattern: Artist "Song title"
const m = songTitle[0].match(/(.+?)\s*["“”'`´*]+(.+)["“”'`´*]+/)
if (m) {
songTitle = [m[1], m[2]]
if (songTitle.length === 1) {
// Pattern: Songtitle by Artist
const m = songTitle[0].match(/(.+?)\s+by\s+(.+)/)
if (m) {
songTitle = [m[2], m[1]]
if (songTitle.length === 1 && 'author' in videoDetails) {
// Fallback to video author name
songArtists = videoDetails.author
songArtists = songArtists.replace(/\b(vevo|official|music|channel)\b/gi, '')
songArtists = songArtists.replace(/-\s*topic/gi, '')
} else {
songArtists = songTitle.shift().trim()
const songArtistsArr = songArtists.split(',').map(s => s.trim())
songTitle = songTitle.join(' - ').trim()
songTitle = genius.f.cleanUpSongTitle(songTitle)
// return object result
return { songTitle, songArtistsArr }
function newYtdDescriptionInfo (ytdDescriptionInfo) {
let song = ytdDescriptionInfo.song
const singer = ytdDescriptionInfo.singer
song = song.replace('(Karaoke)', '')
// return object result
return { songTitle: `${singer}\t${song}`, songArtistsArr: null }
function getYtdAppData () {
const ytdApp = document.querySelector('ytd-app')
return (ytdApp.__data || 0).data || ytdApp.data || null
function isYtdAppReady () {
let ytdAppData = null
let videoDetails = null
try {
ytdAppData = getYtdAppData()
if ('player' in ytdAppData && 'args' in ytdAppData.player && 'raw_player_response' in ytdAppData.player.args && 'videoDetails' in ytdAppData.player.args.raw_player_response) {
videoDetails = ytdAppData.player.args.raw_player_response.videoDetails
} else {
videoDetails = ytdAppData.playerResponse.videoDetails
} catch (e) {
return !!videoDetails
function getVideoInfo (ytdAppData) {
let videoDetails = null
try {
if ('player' in ytdAppData && 'args' in ytdAppData.player && 'raw_player_response' in ytdAppData.player.args && 'videoDetails' in ytdAppData.player.args.raw_player_response) {
videoDetails = ytdAppData.player.args.raw_player_response.videoDetails || null
} else {
videoDetails = ytdAppData.playerResponse.videoDetails || null
} catch (e) {
console.warn(SCRIPT_NAME + ' addLyrics() Could not find videoDetails')
const m = document.location.href.match(/v=(\w+)&?/)
videoDetails = {
videoId: (m && m[1] ? m[1] : ''),
keywords: [],
shortDescription: ''
return videoDetails // could be null
async function getPageSongInfo (ytdAppData, videoDetails) {
let isMusic = false
let ytdDescriptionInfo = null
let videoTitle = null
let genre = null
let isFamilySafe = null
// obtain the music info from modern meta panel
ytdDescriptionInfo = getMusicTitleAndAuthor(ytdAppData)
if (ytdDescriptionInfo !== null) {
isMusic = true
// videoTitle
try {
videoTitle = getSimpleText(ytdAppData.playerResponse.microformat.playerMicroformatRenderer.title)
} catch (e) { }
// genre
try {
genre = ytdAppData.playerResponse.microformat.playerMicroformatRenderer.category
} catch (e) { }
if (typeof videoTitle !== 'string') {
return null
console.log(`Youtube Genius Lyrics - Genre "${genre}" is found`)
if (ytdDescriptionInfo === null) {
if (genre === 'Music') {
isMusic = true
// isFamilySafe
try {
isFamilySafe = ytdAppData.playerResponse.microformat.playerMicroformatRenderer.isFamilySafe
} catch (e) { }
if (isFamilySafe === false) return null // not suitable to load lyrics; isFamilySafe shall not be false for music
window.defaultSongTitle = null
// traditionalYtdDescriptionInfo if ytdDescriptionInfo is not available
const { songTitle, songArtistsArr } = (ytdDescriptionInfo === null)
? await traditionalYtdDescriptionInfo(videoTitle, videoDetails)
: newYtdDescriptionInfo(ytdDescriptionInfo)
// console.log(window.defaultSongTitle)
// if (!isMusic && window.defaultSongTitle) isMusic = true
return { songTitle, songArtistsArr, isMusic }
function setDisableShowLyricsButton (newValue) {
if (newValue === disableShowLyricsButton) return
disableShowLyricsButton = newValue
if (disableShowLyricsButton === true) {
// note: setting to false would not immediately generate the button
let mPageSongInfoPromise = null
async function addLyrics (force, beLessSpecific) {
const isMainCall = arguments.length === 0
if (isMainCall) setDisableShowLyricsButton(false) // reset to false for every addLyrics()
try {
const pRes = await Promise.race([mPageSongInfoPromise])
if (!pRes) return // unknown error
switch (pRes.status) {
case -1: // rarely happen; only if addLyrics triggered when the page is still loading
case -2: // Not a video page, video page not visible, or any case that should disable the feature
lastVideoId = null
if (isMainCall) setDisableShowLyricsButton(true) // no button if the page is confirmed as non-video page like 'browse', 'search'
case -3: // no video details or videoId
lastVideoId = null
if (isMainCall) setDisableShowLyricsButton(false) // try to get page info again when user clicks the button
else if (force === true) setDisableShowLyricsButton(true) // no video details when the button is clicked
// do nothing
const tmpVideoId = `${pRes.videoId}${genius.option.themeKey}${genius.option.fontSize}`
if (lastVideoId === tmpVideoId && document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) {
// Same video id and same theme settings and lyrics are showing -> stop here
lastVideoId = tmpVideoId
const pageSongInfoRes = pRes.pageSongInfoRes // can be null
// setDisableShowLyricsButton(true) might have called in getPageSongInfo
if (!pageSongInfoRes) {
// video id is known but the song info is unknown (or not suitable to show lyrics)
// do not load lyrics even if force = true
setDisableShowLyricsButton(true) // the page is loaded but no song info; disable the button
let { songTitle, songArtistsArr, isMusic } = pageSongInfoRes
if (force) {
isMusic = true
lastForceVideoId = lastVideoId
} else if (isMusic === false && (lastForceVideoId === null || lastForceVideoId !== lastVideoId)) {
// show button if not disabled
const musicIsPlaying = isYoutubeVideoPlaying()
genius.f.loadLyrics(force, beLessSpecific, songTitle, songArtistsArr, musicIsPlaying)
} catch (e) {
let lastPos = null
function cubicBezier (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
const p1 = {
x: p1x,
y: p1y
const p2 = {
x: p2x,
y: p2y
function w (t, u0, u1) {
const f = 1 - t
return 3 * f * f * t * u0 + 3 * f * t * t * u1 + t * t * t
function v (t, A, B, C) {
return A * t * t * t + B * t * t + C * t
function vp (t, A, B, C) {
return 3 * A * t * t + 2 * B * t + C
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
const w_n1 = w(-1, p1.x, p2.x)
const w_p1 = w(1, p1.x, p2.x)
const w_p2 = w(2, p1.x, p2.x)
const w_B = (w_n1 + w_p1) / 2
const w_6A2B = w_p2 - 2 * w_p1 // 8-2; 4-2; 2-2
const w_A = (w_6A2B - 2 * w_B) / 6
const w_C = w_p1 - w_A - w_B
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
// Ax^3. Bx^2. Cx + 0
// -1: -A + B - C
// 1: A + B + C
// 2: 8A + 4B + 2C
// Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + 0 = s
// Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx - s = 0
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
let last_s = null
let last_t = null
let last_kvp = null
return function cbpt (s) {
if (s > 0 && s < 1) {
let t = s // guess t0=s instead of t0=0.5
if (last_s !== null) {
// t_n = t_n-1 - (kv - s) / kvp = t_n-1 - kv / kvp + s / kvp
// t'_0 = t_n-1 - (kv - s') / kvp = t_n-1 - kv / kvp + s' / kvp
// t'_0 = t_n - s / kvp + s' / kvp = t_n + (s' - s) / kvp
t = last_t + (s - last_s) / last_kvp
let u
let i = 0
let kvp = 0.0
while (i < 2) {
const kv = v(t, w_A, w_B, w_C)
kvp = vp(t, w_A, w_B, w_C)
const dt = (kv - s) / kvp
t -= dt
if (i > 0 && u < 0 && t < 0) {
// do nothing
} else if (i > 0 && u > 1 && t > 1) {
// do nothing
} else if (dt * dt < 0.00001) {
u = t
last_t = t
last_s = s
last_kvp = kvp
return w(t, p1.y, p2.y)
} else if (s >= 0 && s <= 1) { // avoid equal comparision for floating values
return s
} else {
return null
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
// https://cubic-bezier.com/#
const cbLyricsTime = cubicBezier(.21, .08, .42, .66) /* eslint-disable-line no-floating-decimal */
// the adjustment is based on typical JPOP songs:
// 美波「カワキヲアメク」MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YF8vecQWYs
// GHOST / 星街すいせい(official) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKKar5SS29E
// at the begining, slower to suit either with or without verse.
// for verse at the beginning, the lyrics will be upshifted for the first sentence
// for without verse at the beginning, the singer would not sing in a very fast pace, so it can be slowed down
// it usually singing ends before the media ends. it might be pure music to make listeners relax the emotion.
// the lyrics shall be ahead the timeline a bit
// verse at the middle would not affect much. It will be equvalent to ~3 lines scrolling.
// Usually there is blank line and new line with the word "[verse]" such that the scrolling will still match the lyrics
let isUpdateAutoScrollBusy = false
async function updateAutoScroll (video, force) {
if (isUpdateAutoScrollBusy) return
if (isTriggered !== true) return // not ready
if (!genius.current.compoundTitle) return // not ready
if (!video) {
video = getYoutubeMainVideo()
if (!video) return
isUpdateAutoScrollBusy = true
const { currentTime, duration } = video
let pos = currentTime / duration
if (pos >= 0) {
// do nothing
} else {
isUpdateAutoScrollBusy = false
return // invalid currentTime or duration
if (`${lastPos}` !== `${pos}`) {
lastPos = pos
let ct = currentTime
if (force !== true) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30))
const ct1 = video.currentTime
if (`${video.duration}` === `${duration}` && ((ct1 - ct < 50 / 1000 && ct1 > ct) || `${ct1}` === `${ct}`)) {
// if the video is playing or stopped, without change of media
ct = ct1
pos = ct / duration
} else {
isUpdateAutoScrollBusy = false
return // invalid timechange
if (duration > 15) { // skip for music <= 15s
let k = 1.95 // the scrollbar will just disappear at the end of music
if (duration > 80) {
k = 3.21 // the singer shall stop a bit eariler than the media ends
if (duration > 160) {
k = 4.82
// p0 = (d-k)/d
// p1 = p0 + (m/d)*p0
// p1 = d/d = 1
// 1 - (d-k)/d = (m/d) * p0
// k/d = m*p0/d
// m = k/p0 = kd/(d-k)
const m = k * duration / (duration - k) // offset at pos = 1.0
const timelineOffset = m * pos // end scrolling earlier than video end by ${k}s; the scrollbar will disappear at the end of music
ct += timelineOffset
if (ct < 0) ct = 0
if (ct > duration) ct = duration
// ct=0; ct'=0
// ct=y; ct'=y
let cbFactor = 1.0
if (ct > 0 && ct < duration) {
const s = ct / duration // (0,1)
const s1 = await cbLyricsTime(s) // (0,1)
cbFactor = s1 / s
pos = ct / duration * cbFactor
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame) /* eslint-disable-line no-new */
isUpdateAutoScrollBusy = false
function safeString (s) {
return (s || 0).length > 0 ? `${s}` : ''
async function performSearch () {
try {
const container = document.querySelector('#lyricscontainer.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-container')
const input = document.querySelector('input.youtube-genius-lyrics-search-input')
if (!container || !input) return
let inputValue = input.value
if (!input.value) {
inputValue = placeholderValue()
window.lastUserInput = null
} else {
window.lastUserInput = inputValue
if (inputValue) {
if (document.querySelector('.loadingspinnerholder') !== null) {
if (typeof genius.current.compoundTitle === 'string') {
genius.f.forgetLyricsSelection(genius.current.compoundTitle, null)
try {
} catch (e) { }
await Promise.resolve(0)
genius.f.searchByQuery(inputValue, container, (res) => {
let c = document.querySelector('#lyricscontainer')
try {
if (res && res.status === 200) {
const hits = res.hits
if (!hits) return
if (hits.length > 0) {
listSongs(hits, container, inputValue)
} else {
window.incorrectInputValue = inputValue
} catch (e) { }
if (c !== null) {
c = null
} else {
window.incorrectInputValue = ''
} catch (e) {
function onSearchLyricsKeyDown (ev) {
const input = this
if (typeof window.incorrectInputValue === 'string' && input.value !== window.incorrectInputValue) {
window.incorrectInputValue = null
function onSearchLyricsKeyUp (ev) {
const input = this
if (ev.code === 'Escape') {
input.value = ''
} else if (ev.code === 'Enter' || ev.code === 'NumpadEnter') {
if (typeof window.incorrectInputValue === 'string' && input.value !== window.incorrectInputValue) {
window.incorrectInputValue = null
function onSearchLyricsSearchBtnClick (ev) {
function hideLyricsWithMessageAndStopAutoShow () {
if (genius.option.autoShow === true) {
const isLyricsPanelShown = lyricsDisplayState === 'loading' || lyricsDisplayState === 'loaded'
if (isLyricsPanelShown) genius.option.autoShow = false // Temporarily disable showing lyrics automatically on song change
function onSearchLyricsHideBtnClick (ev) {
function placeholderValue () {
return safeString(window.lastUserInputConfirmed) || safeString(window.lastFetchedQuery) || safeString(window.defaultSongTitle) || ''
function showSearchField (query) {
const spanLabel = document.createElement('span')
spanLabel.textContent = 'Search genius.com: '
const input = document.createElement('input')
// input.placeholder = 'Search genius.com...'
const searchBtn = document.createElement('span')
xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
attr: {
width: '12',
height: '12',
preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid meet',
viewBox: '0 0 342 342'
}, [
'path', {
attr: {
d: 'M337 317 239 219C259 196 270 166 270 134 270 60 210 0 135 0S0 60 0 134 61 268 135 268C167 268 196 257 219 239L317 337C323 343 331 343 337 337S343 323 337 317ZM29 134C29 76 76 29 135 29S241 76 241 134 194 239 135 239 29 192 29 134Z'
// Hide button
const hideButton = document.createElement('span')
hideButton.textContent = 'Hide'
hideButton.addEventListener('click', onSearchLyricsHideBtnClick, false)
const configButton = createConfigBtn('youtube-genius-lyrics-search-config-btn')
input.value = safeString(query) || ''
if (typeof window.lastUserInput === 'string' && !input.value) {
input.value = safeString(window.lastUserInput) || ''
const fetechQuery = placeholderValue()
input.placeholder = fetechQuery || `${genius.option.defaultPlaceholder}`
input.classList.toggle('placeholder-lastfetch', !!fetechQuery)
let b = null // container
window.incorrectInputValue = null
input.addEventListener('keydown', onSearchLyricsKeyDown, false)
input.addEventListener('keyup', onSearchLyricsKeyUp, false)
searchBtn.addEventListener('click', onSearchLyricsSearchBtnClick, false)
// flush DOM
b = getCleanLyricsContainer()
document.documentElement.setAttribute('youtube-genius-lyrics-container', 'search')
appendElements(b, [
new Promise(() => { /* eslint-disable-line no-new */
function createConfigBtn (cName) {
const configButton = document.createElement('span')
configButton.textContent = 'Options'
configButton.addEventListener('click', function configButtonClick (ev) {
return configButton
function onLyricsFoundHideBtnClick (ev) {
function onLyricsFoundBackToSearchClick (ev) {
function setupLyricsDisplayDOM (song, searchresultsLengths) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// getCleanLyricsContainer
const container = getCleanLyricsContainer()
container.className = '' // custom.getCleanLyricsContainer might forget to clear the className if the element is reused
document.documentElement.setAttribute('youtube-genius-lyrics-container', 'found')
if (typeof genius.f.isGreasemonkey === 'function' && genius.f.isGreasemonkey()) {
// container.textContent = '';
'This script only works in ',
['a', {
target: '_blank',
href: 'https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/'
}, 'Tampermonkey']
'Greasemonkey is no longer supported because of this ',
['a', {
target: '_blank',
href: 'https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2574'
}, 'bug greasemonkey/issues/2574'],
' in Greasemonkey.'
let separator = document.createElement('span')
separator.textContent = '•'
const bar = document.createElement('div')
// Resize button
if ('initResize' in custom) {
const resizeButton = document.createElement('span')
resizeButton.style.fontSize = '1.8em'
resizeButton.style.cursor = 'ew-resize'
resizeButton.textContent = '⇹'
resizeButton.addEventListener('mousedown', custom.initResize)
elementsToBeAppended.push(resizeButton, separator.cloneNode(true))
// Hide button
const hideButton = document.createElement('span')
hideButton.textContent = 'Hide'
hideButton.addEventListener('click', onLyricsFoundHideBtnClick, false)
// Config button
const configButton = createConfigBtn('youtube-genius-lyrics-found-config-btn')
let goToSearchBtn = null
if (searchresultsLengths === 1) {
// Wrong lyrics button
const wrongLyricsButton = document.createElement('span')
wrongLyricsButton.textContent = 'Search lyrics'
wrongLyricsButton.addEventListener('click', onLyricsFoundBackToSearchClick, false)
goToSearchBtn = wrongLyricsButton
} else if (searchresultsLengths > 1) {
// Back button
const backbutton = document.createElement('span')
backbutton.textContent = `Back to search (${searchresultsLengths - 1} other result${searchresultsLengths === 2 ? '' : 's'})`
backbutton.addEventListener('click', onLyricsFoundBackToSearchClick, false)
goToSearchBtn = backbutton
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
if (typeof webkitCancelAnimationFrame === 'function') {
iframe.src = (iframeBlankURL || (iframeBlankURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'text/html' })))) // Brave
iframe.id = 'lyricsiframe'
iframe.style.opacity = 0.1
// flush to DOM tree
appendElements(bar, [
appendElements(container, [bar, iframe])
// clean up
separator = null
return {
function getHitOfElement (li) {
if (!li || li.nodeType !== 1 || !hitMaps) {
return null
return hitMaps.get(li) || null
// function formatPageViews (stats) {
// if (!stats) return null
// return 'pageviews' in stats && typeof stats.pageviews === 'number' ? genius.f.metricPrefix(stats.pageviews, 1) : ' - '
// }
async function rememberLyricsSelection (title, artists, hit) {
// in order to call "genius.f.rememberLyricsSelection(title, artists, jsonHit)", use async call to get jsonHit
const jsonHit = await new Promise(function (resolve) { /* eslint-disable-line no-new */
// this is not a complete async function, but it helps not to block the scripting
genius.f.rememberLyricsSelection(title, artists, jsonHit)
function onLyricsResultsBackBtnClick (ev) {
function onLyricsResultsHideBtnClick (ev) {
function onLyricsResultsTrackListClick (ev) {
const tracklist = this
const element = ev.target
if (element.nodeName === 'LI') {
const hit = getHitOfElement(element)
if (hit !== null) {
if (typeof window.lastUserInput === 'string') {
window.lastUserInputConfirmed = window.lastUserInput
window.lastUserInput = null
const compoundTitle = genius.current.compoundTitle
const searchresultsLengths = tracklist.querySelectorAll('li').length
genius.f.showLyrics(hit, searchresultsLengths)
rememberLyricsSelection(compoundTitle, null, hit)
function convertPageViewsToText (pageviews) {
if (!Number.isFinite(pageviews)) return 'NaN'
if (pageviews <= 999) {
return pageviews
if (pageviews <= 999949) {
return `${+(pageviews / 1000).toFixed(1)}K`
// if(pageviews<=999949999){
return `${+(pageviews / 1000000).toFixed(1)}M`
// }
function listSongs (hits, container, query) {
// Back to search button
const backToSearchButton = document.createElement('span')
backToSearchButton.textContent = 'Back to search'
backToSearchButton.addEventListener('click', onLyricsResultsBackBtnClick, false)
const separator = document.createElement('span')
separator.textContent = '•'
// Hide button
const hideButton = document.createElement('span')
hideButton.textContent = 'Hide'
hideButton.addEventListener('click', onLyricsResultsHideBtnClick, false)
// Config button
const configButton = createConfigBtn('youtube-genius-lyrics-results-config-btn')
// List search results
const tracklistOL = document.createElement('ol')
tracklistOL.addEventListener('click', onLyricsResultsTrackListClick, true)
let autoHit = autoSelectLyrics(hits) // setup _matchSource
if (autoHit) autoHit = autoHit.hit
const isTopResultBeingAutoHit = autoHit === hits[0]
// prepare results
const liArr = hits.map(function hitsMap (hit) {
const li = document.createElement('li')
const resultUrl = hit.result.url
const resultPageViews = (hit.result.stats || 0).pageviews
li.setAttribute('data-result-url', resultUrl)
li.setAttribute('data-result-pageviews', resultPageViews)
// li.setAttribute('title', `${Number.isFinite(resultPageViews) ? convertPageViewsToText(resultPageViews) + "\n" : ""}${resultUrl}`)
if (isTopResultBeingAutoHit && hit._order === hits[0]._order && hit._matchScore === hits[0]._matchScore) {
} else {
li.setAttribute('title', `${hit.result.title_with_featured}`)
const showPageViews = true // no need to show this; pageviews usually NaN
const showLyricsState = true
/* eslint-disable operator-linebreak, indent, multiline-ternary */
['div', { classList: ['onhover'] }, ['span', '🅖']],
['div', { classList: ['onout'] }, ['span', '📄']]
['div', { classList: ['youtube-genius-lyrics-tracklist-info-container'] },
['p', { classList: ['youtube-genius-lyrics-tracklist-info-primary'] }, `${hit.result.primary_artist.name} • ${hit.result.title}`],
showPageViews && showLyricsState && Number.isFinite(resultPageViews) ?
['p', { classList: ['youtube-genius-lyrics-tracklist-info-secondary'] },
['span', { style: { 'font-size': '0.7em' } },
elmBuildNS('svg', { classList: ['svg-genius-pageviews'] }, { attr: { viewBox: '-38 -27 76 54' } },
['path', { attr: { d: 'M0-25C21-25 35 0 35 0S21 25 0 25-35 0-35 0-21-25 0-25zm0 7C-13-18-23-6-28 0c5 6 15 18 28 18S23 6 28 0C23-6 13-18 0-18M0-7a7 7 90 1 1-7 7 7 7 90 0 1 7-7m0-5A12 12 90 1 0 12 0 12 12 90 0 0 0-12z' } }]
`${convertPageViewsToText(resultPageViews) || ''} ${hit.result.lyrics_state}`
] : '',
!showPageViews && showLyricsState ? ['p', { classList: ['youtube-genius-lyrics-tracklist-info-secondary'] }, ['span', { style: { 'font-size': '0.7em' } }, `${hit.result.lyrics_state}`]] : ''
['div', { style: { clear: 'left' } }]
/* eslint-enable operator-linebreak, indent, multiline-ternary */
if (!hitMaps) {
hitMaps = new WeakMap()
hitMaps.set(li, hit)
return li
appendElements(tracklistOL, liArr)
// Flush DOM
if (!container) {
container = getCleanLyricsContainer()
} else {
container.className = ''
container.textContent = ''
document.documentElement.setAttribute('youtube-genius-lyrics-container', 'results')
appendElements(container, [
function loremIpsum () {
const random = (x) => 1 + parseInt(Math.random() * x)
// Create a container for the entire content
const container = document.createElement('div')
for (let v = 0; v < Math.max(3, random(5)) + 4; v++) {
for (let b = 0; b < random(6); b++) {
const lineContainer = document.createElement('span')
for (let l = 0; l < random(9); l++) {
for (let w = 0; w < 1 + random(10); w++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 1 + random(7); i++) {
// Create and append 'x' text node
const xTextNode = document.createTextNode('x')
// Add the whitespace span
const whiteSpaceSpan = document.createElement('span')
whiteSpaceSpan.textContent = '\u00A0' // Non-breaking space
// Add line break (br) after each set
// Append the line container to the main container
// Add a line break after each section
return container // Return the main container with all generated elements
function createSpinner (spinnerHolder) {
lyricsDisplayState = 'loading'
const lyricscontainer = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')
lyricscontainer.className = ''
document.documentElement.setAttribute('youtube-genius-lyrics-container', 'loading')
const spinner = spinnerHolder.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
const lorem = loremIpsum()
lorem.classList.add('lorem', 'lorem-scroll')
return spinner
function customSpinnerDOM (container, bar, iframe) {
const spinnerDOM = {
createSpinnerHolder: () => {
const spinnerHolder = document.createElement('div')
spinnerDOM.spinnerHolder = spinnerHolder
createSpinner: () => {
let spinner = null
const spinnerHolder = spinnerDOM.spinnerHolder
spinner = createSpinner(spinnerHolder)
spinnerDOM.spinner = spinner
displaySpinnerHolder: () => {
setStatusTitle: (title) => {
const spinnerHolder = spinnerDOM.spinnerHolder
spinnerHolder.title = title
setSpinnerNum: (text) => {
const spinner = spinnerDOM.spinner
spinner.textContent = text
remove: (text) => {
const spinnerHolder = spinnerDOM.spinnerHolder
return spinnerDOM
function iframeLoadedCallback1 (res) {
lyricsDisplayState = 'loaded'
function iframeLoadedCallback2 (res) {
// nothing
function textSlash (text) {
// Create a set object which contains the information of the title
text = text
.replace(/\b([a-z0-9A-Z]+)[:~\-+]([a-z0-9A-Z]+)\b/, '$1$3')
.replace(/[\uFF01-\uFF5E]/g, (m) => {
// Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
return String.fromCharCode(m.charCodeAt(0) - 65248)
.replace(/[\u180E\u200B-\u200D\u2060\uFEFF]+/g, '') // zero-spacing
.replace(/[\s\u0009-\u000D\u0020\u0085\u00A0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028-\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\u00B7\u237D\u2420\u2422\u2423]+/g, '/') /* spacing */ // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
.replace(/[\uFF01-\uFF0F\u0021-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u0060\u007B-\u007E\u3000\u3001-\u303F\u2000-\u206F]+/g, '/') // Symbols and Punctuation
.replace(/\/+/g, '/')
let s = text.split('/')
const r = new Set()
for (let t of s) {
if (t && t.length > 0) {
t = t.toLowerCase()
if (!r.has(t)) {
s = null
return r
function autoSelectLyrics (hits) {
// only do title matching (+channel name)
// to search the lyrics, use the short title
// to figure out which one is the most correct one, use full / featured title
const ytdApp = document.querySelector('ytd-app')
let ytdAppData = null
let videoDetails = null
if (!ytdApp) return
ytdAppData = getYtdAppData()
if ('player' in ytdAppData && 'args' in ytdAppData.player && 'raw_player_response' in ytdAppData.player.args && 'videoDetails' in ytdAppData.player.args.raw_player_response) {
videoDetails = ytdAppData.player.args.raw_player_response.videoDetails
} else {
videoDetails = ytdAppData.playerResponse.videoDetails
const videoTitle = videoDetails.title
if (typeof videoTitle !== 'string') return
// console.log(videoDetails)
// console.log(videoTitle, textSlash(videoTitle))
const slashVideoTitle = textSlash(`${videoTitle}\n${videoDetails.author || ''}`)
let automaticHit = null
for (const hit of hits) {
const result = hit.result || 0
const fTitle = result.full_title || result.title_with_featured || result.title
if (!fTitle || typeof fTitle !== 'string') continue
const slashFTitle = textSlash(`${fTitle}\n${result.artist_names || ''}`)
let score = 0
for (const key of slashFTitle.keys()) {
if (slashVideoTitle.has(key)) score++
hit._matchScore = score
if (automaticHit === null || hit._matchScore > automaticHit._matchScore) {
automaticHit = hit
// console.log(hits, automaticHit)
if (automaticHit !== null) {
return {
hit: automaticHit
function main () {
// do nothing
async function readPageSongInfo () {
mPageSongInfoPromise = null
let ytdAppData = getYtdAppData()
if (!ytdAppData) {
// the status is unknown
} else if (ytdAppData.page !== 'watch' || !isYtdAppReady()) {
// ytdApp is initized but the pagetype or video info not exist
// (youtube web app page to 'search' or 'browse')
ytdAppData = null
mPageSongInfoPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
// ytd application data
const ytdAppData = getYtdAppData()
if (!ytdAppData) return resolve({ status: -1 }) // rarely happen; only if addLyrics triggered when the page is still loading
if (ytdAppData.page !== 'watch') {
// Not a video page or video page not visible
return resolve({ status: -2 })
// ytd video data
const videoDetails = getVideoInfo(ytdAppData)
if (!videoDetails || !videoDetails.videoId) {
return resolve({ status: -3 })
const lengthSeconds = +videoDetails.lengthSeconds
if (Number.isFinite(lengthSeconds)) {
if (EXCLUDE_SHORT_LEN && lengthSeconds < 15) { // 15s
return resolve({ status: -3 })
if (EXCLUDE_LIVE_VIDEO && videoDetails.isLiveContent && lengthSeconds > 1500) { // 25min
return resolve({ status: -3 })
getPageSongInfo(ytdAppData, videoDetails).then(pageSongInfoRes => {
// pageSongInfoRes can be null
resolve({ status: 1, pageSongInfoRes, videoId: videoDetails.videoId })
async function actionAddLyricsOrButton () {
if (lyricsDisplayState === 'loading') {
// avoid iframe communcation error
if (isYouTubeLive) {
let mPageSongInfoRes = await mPageSongInfoPromise
if (mPageSongInfoRes && mPageSongInfoRes.status === 1) {
if (genius.option.autoShow) {
} else {
mPageSongInfoRes = null
let isTriggered = false
async function executeMainWhenVisible (t, mPageLoadId) {
if (isTriggered || mPageLoadId !== pageLoadId) return
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t)) /* eslint-disable-line no-new */
if (isTriggered || mPageLoadId !== pageLoadId) return
isTriggered = true
function isYouTubeLiveFn () {
const ytpLive = document.querySelector('.ytp-live')
isYouTubeLive = ytpLive !== null && ytpLive.matches('[hidden] div.ytp-live') === false // just use simple DOM checking
const lyricsBtn = document.querySelector('#showlyricsbutton')
if (lyricsBtn !== null) lyricsBtn.classList.toggle('hide-during-ytlive', isYouTubeLive)
return isYouTubeLive
let pageLoadId = 0
function delayedMain () {
if (pageLoadId > 1e9) pageLoadId = 9
if (genius && genius.current) {
genius.current.compoundTitle = null
isTriggered = false
// time allowed for other userscript(s) prepare the page
// and also not block the page
window.lastFetchedQuery = null // reset search when media changed
window.lastUserInput = null
window.lastUserInputConfirmed = null
window.defaultSongTitle = null
const mPageLoadId = pageLoadId
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (mPageLoadId !== pageLoadId) return
// only execute in foreground tab
executeMainWhenVisible(200, mPageLoadId)
function newAppHint (status) {
// TODO should this be removed in favor of a README hint in the next version?
if (document.getElementById('youtube-music-genius-lyrics-style')) {
// Other script already running
return GM.setValue('newapphint', -1)
if (status % 10 === 0) {
let style = document.querySelector('style#newapphint785_style')
if (style === null) {
style = document.createElement('style')
style.id = 'newapphint785_style'
style.textContent = `
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border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: red 1px 1px 10px;
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font-size: large;
background: #555;
border: 2px outset #555;
margin: 3px 10px;
padding: 2px;
color: #eee;
#newapphint785 button:hover {
border: 2px outset #fff;
color: #fff;
const container = document.createElement('div')
container.id = 'newapphint785'
const h2 = container.appendChild(document.createElement('h2'))
h2.textContent = '⚠️ Youtube Genius Lyrics 🆕'
const p = container.appendChild(document.createElement('p'))
p.textContent = '▶️ The "Youtube Genius Lyrics" UserScript is only applied on youtube.com. To view Genius lyrics on music.youtube.com, please install the separate UserScript, "Youtube Music Genius Lyrics".'
const aSource = p.appendChild(document.createElement('a'))
aSource.target = '_blank'
aSource.href = 'https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406892-youtube-music-genius-lyrics'
aSource.textContent = '📑 https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406892-youtube-music-genius-lyrics'
const aInstall = p.appendChild(document.createElement('a'))
aInstall.href = 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/406892-youtube-music-genius-lyrics/code/Youtube%20Music%20Genius%20Lyrics.user.js'
aInstall.textContent = '💘 Click to install new script'
aInstall.addEventListener('click', function () {
GM.setValue('newapphint', -1).then(function () {
aInstall.textContent = 'ℹ️ Please reload (F5) the page after installing'
const remindMeLater = container.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
remindMeLater.textContent = '🔜 Remind me later'
remindMeLater.addEventListener('click', function () {
GM.setValue('newapphint', 1).then(() => container.remove())
const doNotShowAgain = container.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
doNotShowAgain.textContent = '🆗🆒 Do not show again'
doNotShowAgain.addEventListener('click', function () {
GM.setValue('newapphint', -1).then(() => container.remove())
setTimeout(function () {
container.style.left = `calc(50% - ${container.clientWidth / 2}px)`
container.style.top = `calc(50% - ${container.clientHeight / 2}px)`
}, 100)
} else if (status > 0) {
GM.setValue('newapphint', status + 1)
function entryPoint () {
genius = null
let isInIframe = null
try {
isInIframe = top && window && top.constructor.name === 'Window' && window.constructor.name === 'Window' && top !== window
} catch (e) { }
const isRobotsTxt = document.location.href.indexOf('robots.txt') >= 0
if (document.location.hostname.startsWith('music')) {
if (isRobotsTxt || isInIframe) return
GM.getValue('newapphint', 0).then(function (status) {
setTimeout(() => newAppHint(status), 5000)
} else {
const setupMain = isRobotsTxt
? function setupMain () {
// do nothing
: function setupMain () {
const mPageLoadId = pageLoadId
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (mPageLoadId !== pageLoadId) return
executeMainWhenVisible(600, mPageLoadId)
document.removeEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', delayedMain, false)
document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', delayedMain, false)
if (isInIframe && !isRobotsTxt) return
let defaultOptions = null
try {
defaultOptions = sessionStorage[`geniusOptions_${SCRIPT_NAME}`]
if (defaultOptions) defaultOptions = JSON.parse(defaultOptions)
} catch (e) { }
// should it be required for robots.txt as well?? can remove??
genius = geniusLyrics({
scriptName: SCRIPT_NAME,
scriptIssuesURL: 'https://github.com/cvzi/Youtube-Genius-Lyrics-userscript/issues',
scriptIssuesTitle: 'Report problem: github.com/cvzi/Youtube-Genius-Lyrics-userscript/issues',
domain: 'https://www.youtube.com/',
emptyURL: 'https://www.youtube.com/robots.txt',
if (isRobotsTxt !== false || genius === null || !genius.option) return
GM.registerMenuCommand(SCRIPT_NAME + ' - Show lyrics', () => addLyrics(true))
function videoTimeUpdate (ev) {
if (genius.f.isScrollLyricsCallable()) {
if ((ev || 0).target.nodeName === 'VIDEO') updateAutoScroll()
document.addEventListener('genius-lyrics-actor', (ev) => {
const detail = ((ev || 0).detail || 0)
const action = detail.action || ''
if (action === 'hideLyrics') {
} else if (action === 'showLyrics') {
} else if (action === 'reloadCurrentLyrics') {
} else if (action === 'forgetCurrentLyricsSelection') {
} else if (action === 'setOption' && typeof detail.prop === 'string' && 'value' in detail) {
genius.option[detail.prop] = detail.value
window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
const data = ((e || 0).data || 0)
if (data.iAm === SCRIPT_NAME && data.type === 'lyricsDisplayState') {
let isScrollLyricsEnabled = false
if (data.visibility !== 'loading') {
const c = document.querySelector('#lyricscontainer.youtube-genius-lyrics-loading-container')
if (c) {
if (data.visibility === 'loaded') {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('youtube-genius-lyrics-container', 'found')
if (genius.current.compoundTitle) {
window.lastFetchedQuery = `${genius.current.compoundTitle.replace('\t', ' ')}`
} else {
document.documentElement.removeAttribute('youtube-genius-lyrics-container') // ???
} else {
window.lastFetchedQuery = null
if (data.visibility === 'loaded' && data.lyricsSuccess === true) {
isScrollLyricsEnabled = genius.f.isScrollLyricsEnabled()
// 'lyricsDisplayState:loaded' is after isPageAbleForAutoScroll setup in 'iframeContentRendered'
if (genius.f.isScrollLyricsCallable()) {
// update scroll position when the iframe is rendered
updateAutoScroll(null, true)
lyricsDisplayState = data.visibility
if (isScrollLyricsEnabled === true) {
document.addEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true)
} else {
document.removeEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true)
function isVideoPlaying (video) {
return video.currentTime > 0 && !video.paused && !video.ended && video.readyState > video.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
document.addEventListener('play', function (ev) {
const statusCheck = () => isTriggered && lyricsDisplayState === 'hidden' && ((genius || 0).option || 0).autoShow
if (!statusCheck()) return
let video = ((ev || 0).target || 0)
if (video.nodeName === 'VIDEO' && video.matches('#movie_player video[src]')) {
const mPageLoadId = pageLoadId
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (mPageLoadId !== pageLoadId) {
video = null
setTimeout(() => {
if (mPageLoadId === pageLoadId) {
statusCheck() && isVideoPlaying(video) && actionAddLyricsOrButton()
video = null
}, 600)
}, true)
function autoscrollenabledChanged () {
// when value is configurated in any tab, this function will be triggered in all tabs by Userscript Manager
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// not execute for all foreground and background tabs, only execute when the tab is visibile / when the tab shows
genius.f.updateAutoScrollEnabled().then(() => {
let isScrollLyricsEnabled = false
if (lyricsDisplayState === 'loaded') {
isScrollLyricsEnabled = genius.f.isScrollLyricsEnabled()
if (isScrollLyricsEnabled === true) {
document.addEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true)
} else {
document.removeEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true)
if (typeof GM_addValueChangeListener === 'function') {
GM_addValueChangeListener('autoscrollenabled', autoscrollenabledChanged)
function styleIframeContent () {
if (genius.option.themeKey === 'genius' || genius.option.themeKey === 'geniusReact') {
genius.style.enabled = true
genius.style.setup = () => {
genius.style.setup = null // run once; set variables to genius.styleProps
if (genius.option.themeKey !== 'genius' && genius.option.themeKey !== 'geniusReact') return false
const ytdApp = document.querySelector('ytd-app')
if (!ytdApp) return
const cStyle = window.getComputedStyle(ytdApp)
let background = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-base-background')
let color = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-text-primary')
// let bbp = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-brand-background-primary')
// let cfs = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-caption-font-size')
let slbc = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-color')
const linkColor = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-call-to-action') || ''
const annotatedSpanBgColor = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-live-chat-automod-button-background-color') || ''
const annotatedSpanBgColorActive = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-live-chat-automod-button-background-color-hover') || ''
let fontSize = genius.option.fontSize
if (genius.option.fontSize) {
fontSize = `${genius.option.fontSize}px`
} else {
const expander = document.querySelector('ytd-expander')
const menuItem = document.querySelector('ytd-guide-entry-renderer yt-formatted-string')
if (expander) {
fontSize = window.getComputedStyle(expander).fontSize
} else if (menuItem) {
fontSize = window.getComputedStyle(menuItem).fontSize
} else {
fontSize = cStyle.fontSize
if (typeof background === 'string' && typeof color === 'string' && background.length > 3 && color.length > 3) {
// do nothing
} else {
background = null
color = null
if (typeof fontSize === 'string' && fontSize.length > 2) {
// do nothing
} else {
fontSize = null
if (typeof slbc === 'string') {
// do nothing
} else {
slbc = null
Object.assign(genius.styleProps, {
'--egl-background': (background === null ? '' : `${background}`),
'--egl-color': (color === null ? '' : `${color}`),
'--egl-font-size': (fontSize === null ? '' : `${fontSize}`),
'--egl-infobox-background': (slbc === null ? '' : `${slbc}`),
'--egl-link-color': (`${linkColor}`),
'--egl-annotated-span-bgcolor': (`${annotatedSpanBgColor}`),
'--egl-annotated-span-bgcolor-active': (`${annotatedSpanBgColorActive}`)
return true
} else {
genius.style.enabled = false
genius.style.setup = null
Object.assign(genius.minimizeHit, {
noImageURL: true,
noFeaturedArtists: true,
simpleReleaseDate: true,
noRawReleaseDate: true,
shortenArtistName: true,
fixArtistName: true,
removeStats: false,
noRelatedLinks: true,
onlyCompleteLyrics: false
genius.option.enableStyleSubstitution = true
genius.option.normalizeClassV2 = true
genius.option.cacheHTMLRequest = true // 1 lyrics page consume 2XX KB [OR 25 ~ 50KB under ]
// prepare the shared options for the iframe
try {
const defaultOptions = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(genius.option).filter(e => typeof e[1] === 'boolean'))
sessionStorage[`geniusOptions_${SCRIPT_NAME}`] = JSON.stringify(defaultOptions)
} catch (e) { }