Greasy Fork



// ==UserScript==
// @name           Gazelle : File Count
// @name:zh      Gazelle文件数统计
// @name:zh-CN   Gazelle文件数统计
// @name:zh-TW   Gazelle文件數統計
// @namespace      notwhat/ops/lztr/red/DIC
// @description    Shows the number of tracks and/or files in each torrent
// @description:zh      显示torrent文件里有几首歌曲或几个文件.
// @description:zh-CN   显示torrent文件里有几首歌曲或几个文件.
// @description:zh-TW   顯示torrent文件裡有幾首歌曲或幾個文件.
// @version        2.0.0
// @match*id=*
// @match*id=*
// @match*id=*
// @match*id=*
// @match*id=*
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

// _____________________________________________________________
// _____________ Preferences ___________________________________

//    How to display the file count:

//    1 = Total number of files in torrent (15)
//    2 = Number of tracks out of total files (12/15)
//    3 = Number of tracks plus extra files (12+3)
//    4 = Only the number of tracks (12)

        var display = 3;

//    Highlight editions with conflicting track counts:

        var checkEditions = true;

//    Highlight torrents with extra files (usually artwork)
//    exceeding this size (in MB; 0 = disable):

        var extraSizeLimit = 40;

//    Always show the size of extras when hovering over a
//    torrent size (false = only the highlighted ones):

        var tooltipAll = false;

// _____________________________________________________________
// __________ End of Preferences _______________________________

function toBytes(size) {
  var num = parseFloat(size.replace(',', ''));
  var i = ' KMGT'.indexOf(size.charAt(size.length-2));
  return Math.round(num * Math.pow(1024, i));

function toSize(bytes) {
  if (bytes <= 0) return '0 B';
  var i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
  var num = Math.round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i));
  return num + ' ' + ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][i];

function addStyle(css) {
  var s = document.createElement('style');
  s.type = 'text/css';
  s.textContent = css;

function setTitle(elem, str) {
  elem.title = str;
  if (window.jQuery && jQuery.fn.tooltipster) {
    jQuery(elem).tooltipster({ delay: 500, maxWidth: 400 });

var table = document.getElementById('torrent_details');
if (table) {

  var isMusic = !!document.querySelector('.box_artists');
  extraSizeLimit = extraSizeLimit * 1048576;

    '.gmfc_files { cursor: pointer; }' +
    '.gmfc_extrasize { background-color: rgba(228, 169, 29, 0.12) !important; }'

  table.rows[0].insertCell(1).innerHTML = '<strong>文件数量</strong>';

  var rows = table.querySelectorAll('.edition, .torrentdetails');
  for (var i = rows.length; i--; ) {

  rows = table.getElementsByClassName('torrent_row');
  var editions = {};

  for (var i = rows.length; i--; ) {

    var fileRows = rows[i].nextElementSibling.
        querySelectorAll('.filelist_table tr:not(:first-child)');
    var numFiles = fileRows.length;
    var numTracks = 0;

    if (isMusic) {
      var extraSize = 0;

      for (var j = numFiles; j--; ) {
        if (/\.(flac|mp3|m4a|ac3|dts)\s*$/i.test(fileRows[j].cells[0].textContent)) {
        } else if (extraSizeLimit || tooltipAll) {
          extraSize += toBytes(fileRows[j].cells[1].textContent);

      if (checkEditions) {
        var ed = /edition_\d+/.exec(rows[i].className)[0];
        editions[ed] = ed in editions && editions[ed] !== numTracks ? -1 : numTracks;

      var largeExtras = extraSizeLimit && extraSize > extraSizeLimit;
      if (largeExtras || tooltipAll) {
        var sizeCell = rows[i].cells[1];
        setTitle(sizeCell, 'Extras: ' + toSize(extraSize));
        if (largeExtras) {

    } else {
      display = 0;

    var cell = rows[i].insertCell(1);
    cell.textContent = display < 2 ? numFiles : numTracks;
    cell.className = 'gmfc_files';
    if (display != 3) {
      cell.className += ' number_column';
    } else {
      var numExtras = numFiles - numTracks;
      if (numExtras) {
        var sml = document.createElement('small');
        sml.textContent = '+' + numExtras;
    if (display == 2) {
      cell.textContent += '/' + numFiles;


  if (checkEditions) {
    var sel = '';
    for (var ed in editions) {
      if (editions.hasOwnProperty(ed) && editions[ed] < 1) {
        sel += [sel ? ',.' : '.', ed, '>.gmfc_files'].join('');
    if (sel) addStyle(sel + '{background-color: rgba(236, 17, 0, 0.09) !important;}');

  // Show filelist on filecount click

  table.addEventListener('click', function (e) {

    function get(type) {
      return document.getElementById([type, id].join('_'));

    var elem = != 'SMALL' ? :;
    if (elem.classList.contains('gmfc_files')) {

      var id ='torrent', '');
      var tEl = get('torrent');
      var fEl = get('files');
      var show = [tEl.className, fEl.className].join().indexOf('hidden') > -1;

      tEl.classList[show ? 'remove' : 'add']('hidden');
      fEl.classList[show ? 'remove' : 'add']('hidden');

      if (show) {
        var sections = ['peers', 'downloads', 'snatches', 'reported', 'logs'];
        for (var i = sections.length; i--; ) {
          var el = get(sections[i]);
          if (el) el.classList.add('hidden');

  }, false);
