Greasy Fork

汤不热首页只显示视频,并去掉推荐内容(Tumblr Show only video on the Dashboard and remove the recommended content)

首页只显示视频,并去掉推荐内容(Tumblr Show only video on the Dashboard and remove the recommended content)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         汤不热首页只显示视频,并去掉推荐内容(Tumblr Show only video on the Dashboard and remove the recommended content)
// @namespace
// @version      1.2
// @description  首页只显示视频,并去掉推荐内容(Tumblr Show only video on the Dashboard and remove the recommended content)
// @author       Frank
// @match
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var $ = window.jQuery;

var liAmount = 0;
var tutorial1 = '<a href="">翻墙教程一(使用VPN)</a>';
var tutorial2 = '<a href="">翻墙教程二(搭建ssr)</a>';
var tutorial = '<p>'+tutorial1+'<br>'+tutorial2+'</p>';

        var newLiAmount = $( "#posts li.post_container" ).length;
        if (newLiAmount > liAmount) {
            liAmount = newLiAmount;

function hidePhotoDiv() {
    $( "#posts li.post_container div.post_full" ).each(function( index, element ) {
      if (index > 0){
            var dataType = $(this).attr('data-type');
            var isRecommend = $(this).attr('data-is_recommended');
            if (dataType !== 'video' || isRecommend === '1') {
                // remove有时会失效,使用hide
function showVpnTutorial() {
    var firstBlog = $( "#posts li.post_container div.is_video:eq(0) div.post_content_inner");
    var comment = firstBlog.find("div.reblog-content");
    if(comment.length === 0) {
        firstBlog.append('<div class="reblog-list-item contributed-content"><div class="reblog-content">'+tutorial+'</div></div>');
    } else {
