Greasy Fork

TART for

Listet alle deine Rezensionen auf und informiert dich über Änderungen (neue Hilfreich-/Nicht hilfreich-Klicks, neue Kommentare)

|  TART for                                                         |
|  Based on The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART  v1.5.5                        |
|      (c) 2016-17 by Another Floyd                                           |
|  German fork by Strg-Alt-Entf                                               |
|  Ausgehend von "Mein Profil - Rezensionen" auf Amazon, listet es alle       |
|  deine Rezensionen auf und informiert dich über Änderungen                  |
|  (neue Hilfreich-/Nicht hilfreich-Klicks, neue Kommentare). Klicke auf      |
|  "Tabelle", um eine Übersicht über alle Rezensionen aufzurufen.             |
|  Klicke auf "Optionen" für Optionen.                                        |

// ==UserScript==
// @name           TART for
// @namespace      Strg-Alt-Entf.scripts
// @version        1.0.3
// @author         Strg-Alt-Entf
// @description    Listet alle deine Rezensionen auf und informiert dich über Änderungen (neue Hilfreich-/Nicht hilfreich-Klicks, neue Kommentare)
// @include        https://**
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant          GM_log
// @grant          GM_openInTab
// @grant          GM_info
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @icon           
// ==/UserScript==

// Start

(function() {

    var showUpdatesOnly = false;
    var primaryDisplayBuffer = "";
    var updateDisplayBuffer = "";
    var oldTARTstats = [];

    var userID = "";
    var reviewCount = 0;
    var reviewerRanking = ""; //wird nicht mehr genutzt, aber beibehalten, falls Amazon die Seite mal wieder ändert
    var helpfulVotes = 0;

    var oldStoreItemIDs = [];
    var oldStoreUpvotes = [];
    var oldStoreDownvotes = [];
    var oldStoreComments = [];

    var newStoreItemIDs = "";
    var newStoreUpvotes = "";
    var newStoreDownvotes = "";
    var newStoreComments = "";

    var tallyWordcount = 0;
    var tallyUpvotes = 0;
    var tallyDownvotes = 0;
    var tallyAllvotes = 0;
    var tallyStars = 0;
    var tallyComments = 0;
    var tallyAVP = 0;
    var tallyVine = 0;

    // use this reference for progress indicator
    var profileDiv = "";
    var profileDivOriginalHTML = "";
    var profileDivTabulateHTML = "<br></br><a href='javascript:tabulate();'>Tabelle</a> <a href='javascript:options();' title='Klicke für TART Optionen' >Optionen</a>";
    function assembleDisplayBuffers (completeSetOfTableRows, reviewsProcessed) {

        var today = new Date();
        var formattedToday = today.toLocaleDateString('de-DE',{month:'long',day:'numeric',year:'numeric'});
        var toggleLink = (GM_config.get('DisplayMode')) ? "<p><a href='javascript:toggleView();'>Ansicht umschalten: Alle Rezensionen / Nur Änderungen</a>" : "";
        var bMargin = (GM_config.get('FixedFooter')) ? "36" : "0";
        var upvoteReviewRatio = (helpfulVotes/reviewCount).toFixed(2);

        // set up top of display page
        primaryDisplayBuffer = "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang='de'>" +
            "<head><meta charset='utf-8'/><title>TART Amazon Rezensionsübersicht</title>" +
            "<style type='text/css'>" +
            "body {font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:" + GM_config.get('FontSize') + "px; margin:0; padding:0px 5px}" +
            ".tg  {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%}" +
            ".tg td{padding:" + GM_config.get('RowPadding') + "px 4px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; overflow:hidden; word-break:normal; font-size:" + GM_config.get('FontSize') + "px; text-align:right}" +
            ".tg th{padding:" + GM_config.get('RowPadding') + "px 4px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; overflow:hidden; word-break:normal; font-size:" + GM_config.get('FontSize') + "px; text-align:right; font-weight:bold; background-color:#010066; color:#ffffff}" +
            ".tg .cell-left{text-align:left}" +
            ".tg .hilite-left{text-align:left;background-color:#" + GM_config.get('HighliteColor') + "}" +
            ".tg .hilite-right{background-color:#" + GM_config.get('HighliteColor') + "}" +
            "#tblMain.hide7 tr td:nth-child(7), #tblMain.hide7 tr th:nth-child(7) {display: none}" +
            "#tblMain.hide10 tr td:nth-child(10), #tblMain.hide10 tr th:nth-child(10) {display: none}" +
            "#tblMain.hide11 tr td:nth-child(11), #tblMain.hide11 tr th:nth-child(11) {display: none}" +
            "#footer {position:fixed; bottom:0}" +
            "#footer.hide7 tr td:nth-child(7), #footer.hide7 tr th:nth-child(7) {display: none}" +
            "#footer.hide10 tr td:nth-child(10), #footer.hide10 tr th:nth-child(10) {display: none}" +
            "#footer.hide11 tr td:nth-child(11), #footer.hide11 tr th:nth-child(11) {display: none}" +
            ".txtLarge {font-size:18px;font-weight:bold}" +
            ".summaryLink, .summaryLink:link, .summaryLink:visited {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#000000}" +
            ".tableLink, .tableLink:link, .tableLink:visited {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:110%; color:#000000}" +
            ".footerLink, .footerLink:link, .footerLink:visited {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFF12}" +
            "table.sortable th.sorted {background-color:#000000}" +
            "</style></head><body>" +
            "<span class='txtLarge'>Amazon Rezensionsübersicht</span><br>" +
            "Erstellt mit <a href='' target='_new'>TART for " + GM_info.script.version + "</a> - " + formattedToday +
            "<p>Kundenrezensionen: " + checkChange(reviewCount, oldTARTstats[6], false) + "<br>" +
            "Hilfreich-Klicks: " + checkChange(helpfulVotes, oldTARTstats[7], false) + "<br>" +
            "Hilfreich-Klicks pro Rezension: " + checkChange(upvoteReviewRatio, oldTARTstats[8], false) + toggleLink +
            "</p><table class='tg sortable' id='tblMain' style='margin-bottom:" + bMargin + "px'>" +
            "<thead><tr>" +
            "<th class='cell-left sort-number sort-default' style='width:6%'>#</th>" +
            "<th class='cell-left sort-text' style='width:33%'>Produkt</th>" +
            "<th class='cell-left sort-date' style='width:12%'>Datum</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-number'>Sterne</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-number'>Hilfreich</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-number'>Nicht hilfreich</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-number'>Gesamt</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-number'>%&nbsp;Hilfreich</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-number'>Kommentare</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-text' style='width:6%'>Verifiziert</th>" +
            "<th class='sort-text' style='width:6%'>Vine</th>" +

        // Column widths above are assigned to columns that have heading shorter than
        // data is likely to be; widths are duplicated at separate footer table, to keep
        // them all in sync

        updateDisplayBuffer = primaryDisplayBuffer; // both displays have same top section
        primaryDisplayBuffer += completeSetOfTableRows;

        // info needed in footer
        var calcStars = (tallyStars/reviewsProcessed).toFixed(1);
        var calcHelpfulPct = helpfulPercent(tallyUpvotes,tallyDownvotes);
        var avgWordsPerReview = (tallyWordcount/reviewsProcessed).toFixed(0);
        var newTARTstats = calcStars + " " + tallyUpvotes + " " + tallyDownvotes + " " + calcHelpfulPct + " " + tallyComments + " " + reviewerRanking + " " + reviewCount + " " + helpfulVotes + " " + upvoteReviewRatio + " " + tallyAllvotes + " " + tallyAVP + " " + tallyVine + " " + reviewsProcessed + " " + avgWordsPerReview;
        GM_setValue("recentFooterValues", newTARTstats.trim()); // write 'em with new values

        var visibleFooterRow = "<tr>" +
            "<th style='text-align:left'>" + checkChange(reviewsProcessed, oldTARTstats[12], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th style='text-align:left'>Durchschnittliche Wortzahl pro Rezension: " + checkChange(avgWordsPerReview, oldTARTstats[13], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th></th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(calcStars, oldTARTstats[0], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(tallyUpvotes, oldTARTstats[1], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(tallyDownvotes, oldTARTstats[2], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(tallyAllvotes, oldTARTstats[9], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(calcHelpfulPct, oldTARTstats[3], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(tallyComments, oldTARTstats[4], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(tallyAVP, oldTARTstats[10], true) + "</th>" +
            "<th>" + checkChange(tallyVine, oldTARTstats[11], true) + "</th>" +

        // add footer either to be fixed at bottom of screen, or normal
        if(GM_config.get('FixedFooter')) {
            var hiddenRowForColumnWidths = "<tr style='visibility:hidden'>" +
            "<th style='width:6%; border-style: hidden'></th>" +
            "<th style='width:33%; border-style: hidden'></th>" +
            "<th style='width:12%; border-style: hidden'></th>" +
            "<th style='border-style: hidden'>Sterne</th>" +
            "<th style='border-style: hidden'>Hilfreich</th>" +
            "<th style='border-style: hidden'>Nicht Hilfreich</th>" +
            "<th style='border-style: hidden'>Gesamt</th>" +
            "<th style='border-style: hidden'>%&nbsp;Hilfreich</th>" +
            "<th style='border-style: hidden'>Kommentare</th>" +
            "<th style='width:6%; border-style: hidden'></th>" +
            "<th style='width:6%; border-style: hidden'></th></tr>";

            // create detached table for footer
            // fixed, by virtue of the styled 'footer' id
            primaryDisplayBuffer += "</tbody></table><table class='tg' id='footer' style='width:calc(100% - 10px)'><tfoot>" + hiddenRowForColumnWidths + visibleFooterRow + "</tfoot></table></body></html>"; 
        else {
            primaryDisplayBuffer += "</tbody><tfoot>" + visibleFooterRow + "</tfoot></table></body></html>"; // normal

        // get rows containing updated reviews, only
        var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
        tempDiv.innerHTML = primaryDisplayBuffer;

        var findUpdateRows = document.evaluate("//td[@class='hilite-left']/..", tempDiv, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

        for(var d = 0; d < findUpdateRows.snapshotLength; d++) {
            updateDisplayBuffer += findUpdateRows.snapshotItem(d).outerHTML;
        updateDisplayBuffer += "</tbody></table></body></html>";

    function tabulate() {

        // reset global accumulators to ensure that repeated script runs
        // (non-enhanced mode) remain clean
        newStoreItemIDs = "";
        newStoreUpvotes = "";
        newStoreDownvotes = "";
        newStoreComments = "";

        tallyWordcount = 0;
        tallyUpvotes = 0;
        tallyDownvotes = 0;
        tallyAllvotes = 0;
        tallyStars = 0;
        tallyComments = 0;
        tallyAVP = 0;
        tallyVine = 0;

        // read in stored info from past run, for use in change detection
        oldStoreItemIDs = GM_getValue("recentItemIDs", "").split(" ");
        oldStoreUpvotes = GM_getValue("recentUpvotes", "").split(" ");
        oldStoreDownvotes = GM_getValue("recentDownvotes", "").split(" ");
        oldStoreComments = GM_getValue("recentComments", "").split(" ");

        // prepare url with country domain and user ID, ready for review page number
        var tld = "de";
        var url = window.location.href;
        var urlStart = "" + tld + "/gp/cdp/member-reviews/" + userID + "?ie=UTF8&display=public&page=";
        var urlEnd = "&sort_by=MostRecentReview";

        // space and counters for incoming data
        var perPageResponseDiv = [];
        var pageSetOfTableRows = [];
        var pageResponseCount = 0;
        var reviewsProcessed = 0;
        var pageCount = Math.floor(reviewCount / 10) + ((reviewCount % 10 > 0) ? 1 : 0);
        //var pageCount = 3; // for testing

        // initialize the progress indicator
        // sort of pre-redundant to do this here AND in the loop, but,
        // looks better, if there is a lag before the first response
        var progressHTML = "<br></br><b>" + pageCount + "</b>";
        profileDiv.innerHTML = profileDivOriginalHTML + progressHTML;

        // download and process Amazon pages
        var receivedPageWithNoReviews = false;
        var x = 1;
        while (x <= pageCount) {
                var urlComplete = urlStart + x + urlEnd;
                perPageResponseDiv[x] = document.createElement('div');

                    method: "GET",
                    url: urlComplete,
                    onload: function(response) {

                        // capture incoming data
                        perPageResponseDiv[x].innerHTML = response.responseText;

                        // update the progress indicator
                        var progressHTML = "<br></br><b>" + (pageCount - pageResponseCount) + "</b>";
                        profileDiv.innerHTML = profileDivOriginalHTML + progressHTML;

                        // get parent of any reviewText DIV
                        var findReviews = document.evaluate("//div[@class='reviewText']/..", perPageResponseDiv[x], null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); // evaluating the doc DIV made above
                        var reviewsOnPage = findReviews.snapshotLength;
                        if(reviewsOnPage == 0) receivedPageWithNoReviews = true;

                        // process each review found on current page
                        pageSetOfTableRows[x] = ""; // initialize each member prior to concatenating

                        for (var j = 0; j < reviewsOnPage; j++) {

                            var oneReview = findReviews.snapshotItem(j);
                            var reviewChildren = oneReview.children;
                            var childCount = reviewChildren.length;

                            var commentCount = 0;
                            var itemTitle = "Produkt nicht verfügbar";
                            var itemLink = "";
                            var permaLink = "";
                            var starRating = 0;
                            var reviewDate = "";
                            var upVotes = 0;
                            var downVotes = 0;
                            var totalVotes = 0;
                            var itemID = "";
                            var isAVP = 0;
                            var isVine = 0;

                            // get number of comments, and permalink
                            var tempText = reviewChildren[childCount-2].textContent;
                            if(tempText.indexOf('Kommentar (') > -1 || tempText.indexOf('Kommentare (') > -1) {
                                var paren1 = tempText.indexOf('(');
                                var paren2 = tempText.indexOf(')');
                                commentCount = tempText.substring(paren1+1,paren2);
                                commentCount = parseInt(commentCount.replace(/\./g, '')); // entferne Tausenderpunkte
                            var lst = reviewChildren[childCount-2].getElementsByTagName('a');
                            permaLink = lst[2].getAttribute("href");

                            // get review wordcount and add to tally
                            tempText = reviewChildren[childCount-3].textContent;
                            tallyWordcount += countWords(tempText);

                            // the data items below do not have reliable positions, due to presence
                            // or not, of vine voice tags, verified purchase, votes, etc.
                            // so, are done in a loop with IF checks. Must start loop just above review
                            // text, in case the reviewer has used any of the phrases I am searching for
                            for (var i = childCount - 4; i > -1; i--) {

                                var childHTML = reviewChildren[i].innerHTML;

                                // get item title and item link
                                var titleClue = childHTML.indexOf('Rezension bezieht sich auf');
                                if(titleClue > -1) {
                                    var lst = reviewChildren[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
                                    itemLink = lst[0].getAttribute("href");
                                    itemTitle = lst[0].textContent;

                                // get star rating AND review date
                                var ratingClue = childHTML.indexOf('von 5 Sternen');
                                if(ratingClue > -1) {
                                    starRating = childHTML.substring(ratingClue-4,ratingClue-1);
                                    reviewDate = reviewChildren[i].lastElementChild.textContent;
                                    var lst = reviewDate.split(" ");
                                    reviewDate = lst[0].substring(0,3) + " " + lst[1] + " " + lst[2];

                                // get vote counts
                                var childText = reviewChildren[i].textContent;
                                var voteClue = childText.indexOf('Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich');
                                if(voteClue > -1) {
                                    var list = childText.trim().split(" "); // there were extra, invisible spaces!
                                    upVotes = parseInt(list[0].replace(/\./g, '')); // entferne Tausenderpunkte
                                    totalVotes = parseInt(list[2].replace(/\./g, ''));
                                    downVotes = totalVotes - upVotes;

                                // check for AVP and Vine
                                var avpClue = childHTML.indexOf('Verifizierter Kauf');
                                if(avpClue > -1) isAVP = 1;

                                var vineClue = childHTML.indexOf('Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts');
                                if(vineClue > -1) isVine = 1;

                            // get item ID
                            var lst = oneReview.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('a');
                            itemID = lst[0].getAttribute("name");

                            // get HTML formatted table row; rows COULD be accumulated in
                            // preOneTableRow; but, since they come in page sets that may be
                            // received out of order, the non-enhanced view (which has no sort,
                            // thus no default sort) would appear out of order
                            pageSetOfTableRows[x] += prepOneTableRow((j+1+(x-1)*10),itemID,itemTitle,permaLink,reviewDate,starRating,upVotes,downVotes,commentCount,totalVotes,isAVP,isVine);

                            reviewsProcessed++; // more reliable than reviewCount, for calculating avg. rating

                        // clear the response, to save memory --
                        // could be critical when there are many review pages
                        perPageResponseDiv[x].innerHTML = "";

                        // see if all data from multiple page loads has arrived
                        if(pageResponseCount==pageCount) {

                            // assemble the sets of table rows, which will be in proper order
                            // rather than order received
                            var completeSetOfTableRows = "";
                            for(var y=1; y <= pageCount; y++) {
                                completeSetOfTableRows += pageSetOfTableRows[y];

                            assembleDisplayBuffers(completeSetOfTableRows, reviewsProcessed);

                            // store info to be used in subsequent run, for change detection
                            GM_setValue("recentItemIDs", newStoreItemIDs.trim());
                            GM_setValue("recentUpvotes", newStoreUpvotes.trim());
                            GM_setValue("recentDownvotes", newStoreDownvotes.trim());
                            GM_setValue("recentComments", newStoreComments.trim());

                            // replace progress indicator with Tabulate link
                            profileDiv.innerHTML = profileDivOriginalHTML + profileDivTabulateHTML;

                            // show message if any of the received pages contained NO reviews...
                            // SOMETHING was received -- an empty, error, or 'please try again' type page
                            if(receivedPageWithNoReviews) {
                                alert("Eine oder mehr Rezensionenseiten wurden nicht empfangen. \n\nHervorgehobene Änderungen zu Rezensionen stimmen und werden beim nächsten Lauf nicht mehr hervorgehoben. \n\nAlle fehlenden Rezensionen werden im nächsten lauf als neu hervorgehoben.");

                            // --- display the results
                            if(!GM_config.get('DisplayMode')) GM_openInTab("data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(primaryDisplayBuffer));
                            else {
                                document.body.innerHTML = primaryDisplayBuffer;

    function manageColumns() {
        if(!GM_config.get('ShowAllVotes')) {
            if(!showUpdatesOnly) document.getElementById("footer").classList.toggle("hide7");

        if(!GM_config.get('ShowAVP')) {
            if(!showUpdatesOnly) document.getElementById("footer").classList.toggle("hide10");

        if(!GM_config.get('ShowVine')) {
            if(!showUpdatesOnly) document.getElementById("footer").classList.toggle("hide11");

    function countWords(s){ // from 'neokio' on StackOverflow
        s = s.replace(/\n/g,' '); // newlines to space
        s = s.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi,''); // remove spaces from start + end
        s = s.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi,' '); // 2 or more spaces to 1
        return s.split(' ').length;

    function invalidValue(oldStoredValue) {
        if(oldStoredValue === undefined || oldStoredValue == "?") return true;
        return false;

    function checkChange(newStat,oldStat,forFooter) {
        if(newStat == oldStat || invalidValue(oldStat) === true) return newStat;
        else {
            var linkClass = "summaryLink";
            if(forFooter) linkClass = "footerLink";
            return "<a href='javascript: void(0)' class='" + linkClass + "' title='Zuvor: " + oldStat + "'>" + newStat + "</a>";

    function toggleView() {
        showUpdatesOnly = !showUpdatesOnly;
        if(showUpdatesOnly) document.body.innerHTML = updateDisplayBuffer;
        else document.body.innerHTML = primaryDisplayBuffer;

    function helpfulPercent(upVotes,downVotes) {
        var helpfulPercent = "";
        upVotes = upVotes;
        downVotes = downVotes;
        if(upVotes + downVotes > 0) helpfulPercent = (upVotes/(upVotes+downVotes)*100).toFixed(1);

        return helpfulPercent;

    function prepOneTableRow (row,itemID,itemTitle,permaLink,reviewDate,starRating,upVotes,downVotes,commentCount,totalVotes,isAVP,isVine) {

        // do these before mangling the values with <b> tags </b>
        var helpfulPct = helpfulPercent(upVotes,downVotes);
        itemTitle = "<a href='" + permaLink + "' target='_new'>" + itemTitle.substring(0,40) + "</a>";

        // keep tallies to use in table footer
        tallyUpvotes += upVotes;
        tallyDownvotes += downVotes;
        tallyAllvotes += totalVotes;
        tallyStars += parseInt(starRating);
        tallyComments += commentCount;
        tallyAVP += isAVP;
        tallyVine += isVine;

        // assemble storage info, to use in subsequent run, for change detection
        newStoreItemIDs += itemID + " ";
        newStoreUpvotes += upVotes + " ";
        newStoreDownvotes += downVotes + " ";
        newStoreComments += commentCount + " ";

        // see if review for this item has previously been examined
        var matchIdx = -1;
        for(var i=0; i<oldStoreItemIDs.length; i++) {
            if(oldStoreItemIDs[i] == itemID) {
                // we have a match, an item that has previously been seen
                matchIdx = i;

        var hiliteRow = false;
        if(matchIdx > -1) {
            // entry exists; see if any of the numbers have changed
            if(oldStoreUpvotes[matchIdx] != upVotes) {
                // for changed number, make it bold, and hilite row
                // and store previous value for display as tooltip, for mouse hover
                upVotes = "<a href='javascript: void(0)' class='tableLink' title='Zuvor: " + oldStoreUpvotes[matchIdx] + "'>" + upVotes + "</a>";
                hiliteRow = true;
            if(oldStoreDownvotes[matchIdx] != downVotes) {
                downVotes = "<a href='javascript: void(0)' class='tableLink' title='Zuvor: " + oldStoreDownvotes[matchIdx] + "'>" + downVotes + "</a>";
                hiliteRow = true;
            if(oldStoreComments[matchIdx] != commentCount) {
                commentCount = "<a href='javascript: void(0)' class='tableLink' title='Zuvor: " + oldStoreComments[matchIdx] + "'>" + commentCount + "</a>";
                hiliteRow = true;
        else {
            // no match, so, it's a new review; bold the title and hilite the row
            itemTitle = "<b>" + itemTitle + "</b>";
            hiliteRow = true;

        var tdLeft = "<td class='cell-left'>";
        var tdRight = "<td>";
        if(hiliteRow===true && oldStoreItemIDs[0].length > 0) {
            tdLeft = "<td class='hilite-left'>";
            tdRight = "<td class='hilite-right'>";

        var tableRow = "<tr>" + tdLeft + row + "</td>" + tdLeft + itemTitle + "</td>" + tdLeft + reviewDate + "</td>" + tdRight + starRating + "</td>" + tdRight + upVotes + "</td>" + tdRight + downVotes + "</td>" + tdRight + totalVotes + "</td>" + tdRight + helpfulPct + "</td>" + tdRight +commentCount + "</td>" + tdRight + ((isAVP > 0) ? "&bull;" : "") + "</td>" + tdRight + ((isVine > 0) ? "&bull;" : "") + "</td></tr>";

        return tableRow;

    // create Options menu with GM_config

    var frame = document.createElement('div');
    'id': 'MyConfig', // The id used for this instance of GM_config
    'title': 'TART Optionen', // Panel Title

    'fields': // Fields object
        'DisplayMode': // Line item
            'type': 'checkbox',
            'label': 'Erweiterte Ansicht (Abwählen für neuen Tabulator mit weniger Optionen)',
            'default': true

            'type': 'checkbox',
            'label': 'Zeige fixierte Zusammenfassung am Ende der Seite',
            'default': true

            'type': 'checkbox',
            'label': 'Zeige Alle-Klicks-Spalte',
            'default': true

            'type': 'checkbox',
            'label': 'Zeige Verifizierter-Kauf-Spalte',
            'default': true

            'type': 'checkbox',
            'label': 'Zeige Vine-Spalte',
            'default': true

            'label': 'Textgröße',
            'type': 'unsigned int',
            'size': 2,
            'default': 12

            'label': 'Zeilenhöhe',
            'type': 'unsigned int',
            'size': 2,
            'default': 10

            'label': 'Hervorhebungsfarbe (6-stelliger Hex-Code)',
            'title': 'From graphics program or online color picker',
            'type': 'text',
            'size': 6,
            'default': 'FFFF55'

    'events': // Callback functions object
        'open': function() {
            // style the panel as it's being displayed
   = "auto";
   = "auto";
   = "auto";
   = "#F3F3F3";
   = "10px";
   = "5px";
   = "ridge";
   = "gray";
            var x = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - frame.offsetWidth) / 2;
   = x + 'px';

    'frame': frame, // specify the DIV element used for the panel

    'css': '#MyConfig .config_header { font-size: 12pt; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:12px }' +
           '#MyConfig .field_label { font-size: 12px; font-weight:normal; margin: 0 3px }'

    // event listener to pick up mouse clicks, to run script functions

    document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        var tempstr = new String(;
        var quash = false;

        if(tempstr.indexOf('tabulate') > -1) {
            quash = true;

        if(tempstr.indexOf('options') > -1) {
            quash = true;

        if(tempstr.indexOf('toggleView') > -1) {
            quash = true;

        if(quash) {
    }, true);

    // initiate the script

    function main() {

        var findProfileLink = "";
        var url = window.location.href;
        // read previous values for footer and top summary values
        oldTARTstats = GM_getValue("recentFooterValues", "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?").split(" ");

        // Profil-Link suchen
        findProfileLink = document.evaluate("//a[contains(.,'Mein Profil')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
        // User-ID extrahieren
        GM_log("Finding account info...");
        var profileLink = findProfileLink.snapshotItem(0).getAttribute("href");
        var lst = profileLink.split("/");
        userID = lst[4];
        GM_log("User ID: " + userID);

        // find profile info panel
        var findDiv = document.evaluate("//div[contains(.,'Hilfreiche Bewertungen')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
        profileDiv = findDiv.snapshotItem(0);

        // hole die Hilfreich-Klicks
        lst = profileDiv.textContent.split(" ");
        helpfulVotes = lst[3].substring(12);
        GM_log("Helpful Votes: " + helpfulVotes);

        // get review count
        var prevSibDiv = profileDiv.previousElementSibling;
        charIdx = prevSibDiv.textContent.lastIndexOf(':');
        reviewCount = prevSibDiv.textContent.substring(charIdx+2);
        // eventuelle Tausenderpunkte entfernen
        reviewCount = parseInt(reviewCount.replace(/\./g, ''));
        GM_log("Review Count: " + reviewCount);

        // add Tabulate link; also, save content for use with progress indicator
        profileDivOriginalHTML = profileDiv.innerHTML;
        profileDiv.innerHTML += profileDivTabulateHTML;

        // add delta symbol with mouseover note, if there are obvious new values to Tabulate
        // but, don't show delta on first run, which would have invalid comparison values
        if((helpfulVotes != oldTARTstats[7] && invalidValue(oldTARTstats[7]) === false)) {
            profileDiv.innerHTML += " <a href='javascript: void(0)' style='text-decoration:none; color:#000000' title='Zahl der Rezensionen und/oder Bewertungen haben sich seit der letzten Analyse geändert'>&#916;</a>";


// End