// ==UserScript==
// @name Pixiv Previewer
// @namespace https://github.com/Ocrosoft/PixivPreviewer
// @version 3.7.32
// @description Display preview images (support single image, multiple images, moving images); Download animation(.zip); Sorting the search page by favorite count(and display it). Updated for the latest search page.
// @description:zh-CN 显示预览图(支持单图,多图,动图);动图压缩包下载;搜索页按热门度(收藏数)排序并显示收藏数,适配11月更新。
// @description:ja プレビュー画像の表示(単一画像、複数画像、動画のサポート); アニメーションのダウンロード(.zip); お気に入りの数で検索ページをソートします(そして表示します)。 最新の検索ページ用に更新されました。
// @description:zh_TW 顯示預覽圖像(支持單幅圖像,多幅圖像,運動圖像); 下載動畫(.zip); 按收藏夾數對搜索頁進行排序(並顯示)。 已為最新的搜索頁面適配。
// @author Ocrosoft
// @match *://www.pixiv.net/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @license GPLv3
// @icon https://t0.gstatic.com/faviconV2?client=SOCIAL&type=FAVICON&fallback_opts=TYPE,SIZE,URL&size=32&url=https://www.pixiv.net
// @icon64 https://t0.gstatic.com/faviconV2?client=SOCIAL&type=FAVICON&fallback_opts=TYPE,SIZE,URL&size=64&url=https://www.pixiv.net
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/515994/1478507/gh_2215_make_GM_xhr_more_parallel_again.js
// ==/UserScript==
// https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/417761-ilog
// 后面把DoLog替换掉
function ILog() {
this.prefix = '';
this.v = function (value) {
if (level <= this.LogLevel.Verbose) {
console.log(this.prefix + value);
this.i = function (info) {
if (level <= this.LogLevel.Info) {
console.info(this.prefix + info);
this.w = function (warning) {
if (level <= this.LogLevel.Warning) {
console.warn(this.prefix + warning);
this.e = function (error) {
if (level <= this.LogLevel.Error) {
console.error(this.prefix + error);
this.d = function (element) {
if (level <= this.LogLevel.Verbose) {
this.setLogLevel = function (logLevel) {
level = logLevel;
this.LogLevel = {
Verbose: 0,
Info: 1,
Warning: 2,
Error: 3,
let level = this.LogLevel.Warning;
var iLog = new ILog();
var GM__xmlHttpRequest;
if ("undefined" != typeof (GM_xmlhttpRequest)) {
GM__xmlHttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
} else {
GM__xmlHttpRequest = GM.xmlHttpRequest;
// Required for iOS <6, where Blob URLs are not available. This is slow...
// Source: https://gist.github.com/jonleighton/958841
function base64ArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer, off, byteLength) {
var base64 = '';
var encodings = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
var bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
var byteRemainder = byteLength % 3;
var mainLength = off + byteLength - byteRemainder;
var a, b, c, d;
var chunk;
// Main loop deals with bytes in chunks of 3
for (var i = off; i < mainLength; i = i + 3) {
// Combine the three bytes into a single integer
chunk = (bytes[i] << 16) | (bytes[i + 1] << 8) | bytes[i + 2];
// Use bitmasks to extract 6-bit segments from the triplet
a = (chunk & 16515072) >> 18; // 16515072 = (2^6 - 1) << 18
b = (chunk & 258048) >> 12; // 258048 = (2^6 - 1) << 12
c = (chunk & 4032) >> 6; // 4032 = (2^6 - 1) << 6
d = chunk & 63; // 63 = 2^6 - 1
// Convert the raw binary segments to the appropriate ASCII encoding
base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + encodings[c] + encodings[d];
// Deal with the remaining bytes and padding
if (byteRemainder == 1) {
chunk = bytes[mainLength];
a = (chunk & 252) >> 2; // 252 = (2^6 - 1) << 2
// Set the 4 least significant bits to zero
b = (chunk & 3) << 4; // 3 = 2^2 - 1
base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + '==';
} else if (byteRemainder == 2) {
chunk = (bytes[mainLength] << 8) | bytes[mainLength + 1];
a = (chunk & 64512) >> 10; // 64512 = (2^6 - 1) << 10
b = (chunk & 1008) >> 4; // 1008 = (2^6 - 1) << 4
// Set the 2 least significant bits to zero
c = (chunk & 15) << 2; // 15 = 2^4 - 1
base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + encodings[c] + '=';
return base64;
function ZipImagePlayer(options) {
this.op = options;
this._URL = (window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.MozURL
|| window.MSURL);
this._Blob = (window.Blob || window.WebKitBlob || window.MozBlob
|| window.MSBlob);
this._BlobBuilder = (window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder
|| window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder);
this._Uint8Array = (window.Uint8Array || window.WebKitUint8Array
|| window.MozUint8Array || window.MSUint8Array);
this._DataView = (window.DataView || window.WebKitDataView
|| window.MozDataView || window.MSDataView);
this._ArrayBuffer = (window.ArrayBuffer || window.WebKitArrayBuffer
|| window.MozArrayBuffer || window.MSArrayBuffer);
this._maxLoadAhead = 0;
if (!this._URL) {
this._debugLog("No URL support! Will use slower data: URLs.");
// Throttle loading to avoid making playback stalling completely while
// loading images...
this._maxLoadAhead = 10;
if (!this._Blob) {
this._error("No Blob support");
if (!this._Uint8Array) {
this._error("No Uint8Array support");
if (!this._DataView) {
this._error("No DataView support");
if (!this._ArrayBuffer) {
this._error("No ArrayBuffer support");
this._isSafari = Object.prototype.toString.call(
window.HTMLElement).indexOf('Constructor') > 0;
this._loadingState = 0;
this._dead = false;
this._context = options.canvas.getContext("2d");
this._files = {};
this._frameCount = this.op.metadata.frames.length;
this._debugLog("Frame count: " + this._frameCount);
this._frame = 0;
this._loadFrame = 0;
this._frameImages = [];
this._paused = false;
this._loadTimer = null;
if (this.op.autoStart) {
} else {
this._paused = true;
ZipImagePlayer.prototype = {
_trailerBytes: 30000,
_failed: false,
_mkerr: function(msg) {
var _this = this;
return function() {
_error: function(msg) {
this._failed = true;
throw Error("ZipImagePlayer error: " + msg);
_debugLog: function(msg) {
if (this.op.debug) {
_load: function(offset, length, callback) {
var _this = this;
// Unfortunately JQuery doesn't support ArrayBuffer XHR
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("load", function(ev) {
if (_this._dead) {
_this._debugLog("Load: " + offset + " " + length + " status=" +
if (xhr.status == 200) {
_this._debugLog("Range disabled or unsupported, complete load");
offset = 0;
length = xhr.response.byteLength;
_this._len = length;
_this._buf = xhr.response;
_this._bytes = new _this._Uint8Array(_this._buf);
} else {
if (xhr.status != 206) {
_this._error("Unexpected HTTP status " + xhr.status);
if (xhr.response.byteLength != length) {
_this._error("Unexpected length " +
xhr.response.byteLength +
" (expected " + length + ")");
_this._bytes.set(new _this._Uint8Array(xhr.response), offset);
if (callback) {
callback.apply(_this, [offset, length]);
}, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", this._mkerr("Fetch failed"), false);
xhr.open("GET", this.op.source);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
if (offset != null && length != null) {
var end = offset + length;
xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + offset + "-" + (end - 1));
if (this._isSafari) {
// Range request caching is broken in Safari
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82672
xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache");
xhr.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", Math.random().toString());
/*this._debugLog("Load: " + offset + " " + length);*/
_startLoad: function() {
var _this = this;
if (!this.op.source) {
// Unpacked mode (individiual frame URLs) - just load the frames.
url: this.op.source,
type: "HEAD"
}).done(function(data, status, xhr) {
if (_this._dead) {
_this._pHead = 0;
_this._pNextHead = 0;
_this._pFetch = 0;
var len = parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"));
if (!len) {
_this._debugLog("HEAD request failed: invalid file length.");
_this._debugLog("Falling back to full file mode.");
_this._load(null, null, function(off, len) {
_this._pTail = 0;
_this._pHead = len;
_this._debugLog("Len: " + len);
_this._len = len;
_this._buf = new _this._ArrayBuffer(len);
_this._bytes = new _this._Uint8Array(_this._buf);
var off = len - _this._trailerBytes;
if (off < 0) {
off = 0;
_this._pTail = len;
_this._load(off, len - off, function(off, len) {
_this._pTail = off;
}).fail(this._mkerr("Length fetch failed"));
_findCentralDirectory: function() {
// No support for ZIP file comment
var dv = new this._DataView(this._buf, this._len - 22, 22);
if (dv.getUint32(0, true) != 0x06054b50) {
this._error("End of Central Directory signature not found");
var cd_count = dv.getUint16(10, true);
var cd_size = dv.getUint32(12, true);
var cd_off = dv.getUint32(16, true);
if (cd_off < this._pTail) {
this._load(cd_off, this._pTail - cd_off, function() {
this._pTail = cd_off;
this._readCentralDirectory(cd_off, cd_size, cd_count);
} else {
this._readCentralDirectory(cd_off, cd_size, cd_count);
_readCentralDirectory: function(offset, size, count) {
var dv = new this._DataView(this._buf, offset, size);
var p = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
if (dv.getUint32(p, true) != 0x02014b50) {
this._error("Invalid Central Directory signature");
var compMethod = dv.getUint16(p + 10, true);
var uncompSize = dv.getUint32(p + 24, true);
var nameLen = dv.getUint16(p + 28, true);
var extraLen = dv.getUint16(p + 30, true);
var cmtLen = dv.getUint16(p + 32, true);
var off = dv.getUint32(p + 42, true);
if (compMethod != 0) {
this._error("Unsupported compression method");
p += 46;
var nameView = new this._Uint8Array(this._buf, offset + p, nameLen);
var name = "";
for (var j = 0; j < nameLen; j++) {
name += String.fromCharCode(nameView[j]);
p += nameLen + extraLen + cmtLen;
/*this._debugLog("File: " + name + " (" + uncompSize +
" bytes @ " + off + ")");*/
this._files[name] = {off: off, len: uncompSize};
// Two outstanding fetches at any given time.
// Note: the implementation does not support more than two.
if (this._pHead >= this._pTail) {
this._pHead = this._len;
$(this).triggerHandler("loadProgress", [this._pHead / this._len]);
} else {
_loadNextChunk: function() {
if (this._pFetch >= this._pTail) {
var off = this._pFetch;
var len = this.op.chunkSize;
if (this._pFetch + len > this._pTail) {
len = this._pTail - this._pFetch;
this._pFetch += len;
this._load(off, len, function() {
if (off == this._pHead) {
if (this._pNextHead) {
this._pHead = this._pNextHead;
this._pNextHead = 0;
} else {
this._pHead = off + len;
if (this._pHead >= this._pTail) {
this._pHead = this._len;
/*this._debugLog("New pHead: " + this._pHead);*/
[this._pHead / this._len]);
if (!this._loadTimer) {
} else {
this._pNextHead = off + len;
_fileDataStart: function(offset) {
var dv = new DataView(this._buf, offset, 30);
var nameLen = dv.getUint16(26, true);
var extraLen = dv.getUint16(28, true);
return offset + 30 + nameLen + extraLen;
_isFileAvailable: function(name) {
var info = this._files[name];
if (!info) {
this._error("File " + name + " not found in ZIP");
if (this._pHead < (info.off + 30)) {
return false;
return this._pHead >= (this._fileDataStart(info.off) + info.len);
_loadNextFrame: function() {
if (this._dead) {
var frame = this._loadFrame;
if (frame >= this._frameCount) {
var meta = this.op.metadata.frames[frame];
if (!this.op.source) {
// Unpacked mode (individiual frame URLs)
this._loadFrame += 1;
this._loadImage(frame, meta.file, false);
if (!this._isFileAvailable(meta.file)) {
this._loadFrame += 1;
var off = this._fileDataStart(this._files[meta.file].off);
var end = off + this._files[meta.file].len;
var url;
var mime_type = this.op.metadata.mime_type || "image/png";
if (this._URL) {
var slice;
if (!this._buf.slice) {
slice = new this._ArrayBuffer(this._files[meta.file].len);
var view = new this._Uint8Array(slice);
view.set(this._bytes.subarray(off, end));
} else {
slice = this._buf.slice(off, end);
var blob;
try {
blob = new this._Blob([slice], {type: mime_type});
catch (err) {
this._debugLog("Blob constructor failed. Trying BlobBuilder..."
+ " (" + err.message + ")");
var bb = new this._BlobBuilder();
blob = bb.getBlob();
/*_this._debugLog("Loading " + meta.file + " to frame " + frame);*/
url = this._URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this._loadImage(frame, url, true);
} else {
url = ("data:" + mime_type + ";base64,"
+ base64ArrayBuffer(this._buf, off, end - off));
this._loadImage(frame, url, false);
_loadImage: function(frame, url, isBlob) {
var _this = this;
var image = new Image();
var meta = this.op.metadata.frames[frame];
image.addEventListener('load', function() {
_this._debugLog("Loaded " + meta.file + " to frame " + frame);
if (isBlob) {
if (_this._dead) {
_this._frameImages[frame] = image;
$(_this).triggerHandler("frameLoaded", frame);
if (_this._loadingState == 0) {
if (frame >= (_this._frameCount - 1)) {
_this._buf = null;
_this._bytes = null;
} else {
if (!_this._maxLoadAhead ||
(frame - _this._frame) < _this._maxLoadAhead) {
} else if (!_this._loadTimer) {
_this._loadTimer = setTimeout(function() {
_this._loadTimer = null;
}, 200);
image.src = url;
_setLoadingState: function(state) {
if (this._loadingState != state) {
this._loadingState = state;
$(this).triggerHandler("loadingStateChanged", [state]);
_displayFrame: function() {
if (this._dead) {
var _this = this;
var meta = this.op.metadata.frames[this._frame];
this._debugLog("Displaying frame: " + this._frame + " " + meta.file);
var image = this._frameImages[this._frame];
if (!image) {
this._debugLog("Image not available!");
if (this._loadingState != 2) {
if (this.op.autosize) {
if (this._context.canvas.width != image.width || this._context.canvas.height != image.height) {
// make the canvas autosize itself according to the images drawn on it
// should set it once, since we don't have variable sized frames
this._context.canvas.width = image.width;
this._context.canvas.height = image.height;
this._context.clearRect(0, 0, this.op.canvas.width,
this._context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
$(this).triggerHandler("frame", this._frame);
if (!this._paused) {
this._timer = setTimeout(function() {
_this._timer = null;
}, meta.delay);
_nextFrame: function(frame) {
if (this._frame >= (this._frameCount - 1)) {
if (this.op.loop) {
this._frame = 0;
} else {
} else {
this._frame += 1;
play: function() {
if (this._dead) {
if (this._paused) {
$(this).triggerHandler("play", [this._frame]);
this._paused = false;
pause: function() {
if (this._dead) {
if (!this._paused) {
if (this._timer) {
this._paused = true;
$(this).triggerHandler("pause", [this._frame]);
rewind: function() {
if (this._dead) {
this._frame = 0;
if (this._timer) {
stop: function() {
this._dead = true;
if (this._timer) {
if (this._loadTimer) {
this._frameImages = null;
this._buf = null;
this._bytes = null;
getCurrentFrame: function() {
return this._frame;
getLoadedFrames: function() {
return this._frameImages.length;
getFrameCount: function() {
return this._frameCount;
hasError: function() {
return this._failed;
// https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/417760-checkjquery
var checkJQuery = function () {
let jqueryCdns = [
function isJQueryValid() {
try {
let wd = unsafeWindow;
if (wd.jQuery && !wd.$) {
wd.$ = wd.jQuery;
return true;
} catch (exception) {
return false;
function insertJQuery(url) {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
return script;
function converProtocolIfNeeded(url) {
let isHttps = location.href.indexOf('https://') != -1;
let urlIsHttps = url.indexOf('https://') != -1;
if (isHttps && !urlIsHttps) {
return url.replace('http://', 'https://');
} else if (!isHttps && urlIsHttps) {
return url.replace('https://', 'http://');
return url;
function waitAndCheckJQuery(cdnIndex, resolve) {
if (cdnIndex >= jqueryCdns.length) {
iLog.e('无法加载 JQuery,正在退出。');
let url = converProtocolIfNeeded(jqueryCdns[cdnIndex]);
iLog.i('尝试第 ' + (cdnIndex + 1) + ' 个 JQuery CDN:' + url + '。');
let script = insertJQuery(url);
setTimeout(function () {
if (isJQueryValid()) {
iLog.i('已加载 JQuery。');
} else {
waitAndCheckJQuery(cdnIndex + 1, resolve);
}, 100);
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
if (isJQueryValid()) {
iLog.i('已加载 jQuery。');
} else {
iLog.i('未发现 JQuery,尝试加载。');
waitAndCheckJQuery(0, resolve);
let Lang = {
// 自动选择
auto: -1,
// 中文-中国大陆
zh_CN: 0,
// 英语-美国
en_US: 1,
// 俄语-俄罗斯
ru_RU: 2,
// 日本語-日本
ja_JP: 3,
let Texts = {};
Texts[Lang.zh_CN] = {
// 安装或更新后弹出的提示
install_title: '欢迎使用 PixivPreviewer v',
install_body: '<div style="position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 30%;font-size: 20px; color: white;transform:translate(-50%,0);"><p style="text-indent: 2em;">欢迎反馈问题和提出建议!><a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer/feedback" target="_blank">反馈页面</a><</p><br><p style="text-indent: 2em;">如果您是第一次使用,推荐到<a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer" target="_blank"> 详情页 </a>查看脚本介绍。</p></div>',
upgrade_body: '<h3>(重要)关于排序功能</h3>  首先感谢各位的使用,由于最近比较忙,抱歉现在才做出回应。如果各位最近使用过排序功能,可能或多或少都遇到过搜索结果为 0 的问题,下面简单说一下原因和后续的应对方案。<br>  脚本的原理是获取指定页面内所有作品的收藏量,再进行排序。Pixiv 最近对短时间内获取作品信息进行了次数限制,表现为所有请求返回错误,导致显示 0 个作品。以排序三页为例,由于没有批量接口,脚本会向 Pixiv 请求多达 180 个作品的收藏量数据,这对一般限制每分钟访问 30~60 次的请求限制来说非常多了,所以也希望大家能够理解 Pixiv 的做法,同时不要将页数设置得太大。<br>  至于应对方案,目前有以下几种:<ul><li>1.遵循接口限制,可能排序一页要花费一分钟。</li><li>2.使用第三方服务,目前看来也没有服务能够提供批量,或者能顶得住这么多请求的。</li><li>3.用服务器提供收藏量的短时间缓存,并遵循接口限制,成本和风险很高。</li><li>禁用脚本的排序功能。</li></ul>  最后再次感谢大家的使用,如果对上述问题有好的建议,欢迎在 GreasyFork/Github 上提出。最后的最后,这个版本目前可以正常使用排序功能,如果后面突然无法正常使用或者关闭了排序功能,也希望各位能够理解。',
// 设置项
setting_language: '语言',
setting_preview: '预览',
setting_animePreview: '动图预览',
setting_sort: '排序(仅搜索页生效)',
setting_anime: '动图下载(动图预览及详情页生效)',
setting_origin: '预览时优先显示原图(慢)',
setting_previewDelay: '延迟显示预览图(毫秒)',
setting_previewByKey: '使用按键控制预览图展示(Ctrl)',
setting_previewByKeyHelp: '开启后鼠标移动到图片上不再展示预览图,按下Ctrl键才展示,同时“延迟显示预览”设置项不生效。',
setting_maxPage: '每次排序时统计的最大页数',
setting_hideWork: '隐藏收藏数少于设定值的作品',
setting_hideAiWork: '隐藏 AI 生成作品',
setting_hideFav: '排序时隐藏已收藏的作品',
setting_hideFollowed: '排序时隐藏已关注画师作品',
setting_hideByTag: '排序时隐藏指定标签的作品',
setting_hideByTagPlaceholder: '输入标签名,多个标签用\',\'分隔',
setting_clearFollowingCache: '清除缓存',
setting_clearFollowingCacheHelp: '关注画师信息会在本地保存一天,如果希望立即更新,请点击清除缓存',
setting_followingCacheCleared: '已清除缓存,请刷新页面。',
setting_blank: '使用新标签页打开作品详情页',
setting_turnPage: '使用键盘←→进行翻页(排序后的搜索页)',
setting_save: '保存设置',
setting_reset: '重置脚本',
setting_resetHint: '这会删除所有设置,相当于重新安装脚本,确定要重置吗?',
setting_novelSort: '小说排序',
setting_novelMaxPage: '小说排序时统计的最大页数',
setting_novelHideWork: '隐藏收藏数少于设定值的作品',
setting_novelHideFav: '排序时隐藏已收藏的作品',
// 搜索时过滤值太高
sort_noWork: '没有可以显示的作品(隐藏了 %1 个作品)',
sort_getWorks: '正在获取第%1/%2页作品',
sort_getBookmarkCount: '获取收藏数:%1/%2',
sort_getPublicFollowing: '获取公开关注画师',
sort_getPrivateFollowing: '获取私有关注画师',
sort_filtering: '过滤%1收藏量低于%2的作品',
sort_filteringHideFavorite: '已收藏和',
sort_fullSizeThumb: '全尺寸缩略图(搜索页、用户页)',
// 小说排序
nsort_getWorks: '正在获取第1%/2%页作品',
nsort_sorting: '正在按收藏量排序',
nsort_hideFav: '排序时隐藏已收藏的作品',
nsort_hideFollowed: '排序时隐藏已关注作者作品',
text_sort: '排序'
// translate by google
Texts[Lang.en_US] = {
install_title: 'Welcome to PixivPreviewer v',
install_body: '<div style="position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 30%;font-size: 20px; color: white;transform:translate(-50%,0);"><p style="text-indent: 2em;">Feedback questions and suggestions are welcome! ><a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer/feedback" target="_blank">Feedback Page</a><</p><br><p style="text-indent: 2em;">If you are using it for the first time, it is recommended to go to the<a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer" target="_blank"> Details Page </a>to see the script introduction.</p></div>',
upgrade_body: '<h3>(Important) About the sorting function</h3>  First of all, thank you for using it. I\'m very busy recently, so I\'m sorry to respond now. If you have used the sorting function recently, you may have encountered the problem that the search result is 0 more or less. Let me briefly explain the reasons and follow-up solutions. <br>   The principle of the script is to obtain the collections of all works in the specified page, and then sort them. Pixiv recently limited the number of times to obtain work information in a short period of time, which showed that all requests returned errors, resulting in the display of 0 works. Taking sorting three pages as an example, since there is no batch interface, the script will request the collection data of up to 180 works from Pixiv, which is very much for the general limit of 30~60 visits per minute, so I hope You can understand Pixiv\'s approach, and don\'t make the page count too large. <br>   As for the solutions, there are currently the following: <ul><li>1. Following the interface restrictions, it may take a minute to sort a page. </li><li>2. Using third-party services, it seems that there is no service that can provide batches, or can withstand so many requests. </li><li>3. It is costly and risky to use the server to provide a short-term cache of collections and follow interface restrictions. </li><li>Disable sorting of scripts. </li></ul>   Finally, thank you again for your use. If you have good suggestions for the above problems, you are welcome to put forward them on GreasyFork/Github. Finally, the sorting function can be used normally in this version. If the sorting function suddenly cannot be used normally or the sorting function is turned off, I hope you can understand.',
setting_language: 'Language',
setting_preview: 'Preview',
setting_animePreview: 'Animation preview',
setting_sort: 'Sorting (Search page)',
setting_anime: 'Animation download (Preview and Artwork page)',
setting_origin: 'Display original image when preview (slow)',
setting_previewDelay: 'Delay of display preview image(Million seconds)',
setting_previewByKey: 'Use keys to control the preview image display (Ctrl)',
setting_previewByKeyHelp: 'After enabling it, move the mouse to the picture and no longer display the preview image. Press the Ctrl key to display it, and the "Delayed Display Preview" setting item does not take effect.',
setting_maxPage: 'Maximum number of pages counted per sort',
setting_hideWork: 'Hide works with bookmark count less than set value',
setting_hideAiWork: 'Hide AI works',
setting_hideFav: 'Hide favorites when sorting',
setting_hideFollowed: 'Hide artworks of followed artists when sorting',
setting_hideByTag: 'Hide artworks by tag',
setting_hideByTagPlaceholder: 'Input tag name, multiple tags separated by \',\'',
setting_clearFollowingCache: 'Cache',
setting_clearFollowingCacheHelp: 'The folloing artists info. will be saved locally for one day, if you want to update immediately, please click this to clear cache',
setting_followingCacheCleared: 'Success, please refresh the page.',
setting_blank: 'Open works\' details page in new tab',
setting_turnPage: 'Use ← → to turn pages (Search page)',
setting_save: 'Save',
setting_reset: 'Reset',
setting_resetHint: 'This will delete all settings and set it to default. Are you sure?',
setting_novelSort: 'Sorting (Novel)',
setting_novelMaxPage: 'Maximum number of pages counted for novel sorting',
setting_novelHideWork: 'Hide works with bookmark count less than set value',
setting_novelHideFav: 'Hide favorites when sorting',
sort_noWork: 'No works to display (%1 works hideen)',
sort_getWorks: 'Getting artworks of page: %1 of %2',
sort_getBookmarkCount: 'Getting bookmark count of artworks:%1 of %2',
sort_getPublicFollowing: 'Getting public following list',
sort_getPrivateFollowing: 'Getting private following list',
sort_filtering: 'Filtering%1works with bookmark count less than %2',
sort_filteringHideFavorite: ' favorited works and ',
sort_fullSizeThumb: 'Display not cropped images.(Search page and User page only.)',
nsort_getWorks: 'Getting novels of page: 1% of 2%',
nsort_sorting: 'Sorting by bookmark cound',
nsort_hideFav: 'Hide favorites when sorting',
nsort_hideFollowed: 'Hide artworks of followed authors when sorting',
text_sort: 'sort'
// RU: перевод от vanja-san
Texts[Lang.ru_RU] = {
install_title: 'Добро пожаловать в PixivPreviewer v',
install_body: '<div style="position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 30%;font-size: 20px; color: white;transform:translate(-50%,0);"><p style="text-indent: 2em;">Вопросы и предложения приветствуются! ><a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer/feedback" target="_blank">Страница обратной связи</a><</p><br><p style="text-indent: 2em;">Если вы используете это впервые, рекомендуется перейти к<a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer" target="_blank"> Странице подробностей </a>, чтобы посмотреть введение в скрипт.</p></div>',
upgrade_body: Texts[Lang.en_US].upgrade_body,
setting_language: 'Язык',
setting_preview: 'Предпросмотр',
setting_animePreview: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_animePreview,
setting_sort: 'Сортировка (Страница поиска)',
setting_anime: 'Анимация скачивания (Страницы предпросмотра и Artwork)',
setting_origin: 'При предпросмотре, показывать изображения с оригинальным качеством (медленно)',
setting_previewDelay: 'Задержка отображения предпросмотра изображения (Миллион секунд)',
setting_previewByKey: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_previewByKey,
setting_previewByKeyHelp: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_previewByKeyHelp,
setting_maxPage: 'Максимальное количество страниц, подсчитанных за сортировку',
setting_hideWork: 'Скрыть работы с количеством закладок меньше установленного значения',
setting_hideAiWork: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_hideAiWork,
setting_hideFav: 'При сортировке, скрыть избранное',
setting_hideFollowed: 'При сортировке, скрыть работы художников на которых подписаны',
setting_hideByTag: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_hideByTag,
setting_hideByTagPlaceholder: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_hideByTagPlaceholder,
setting_clearFollowingCache: 'Кэш',
setting_clearFollowingCacheHelp: 'Следующая информация о художниках будет сохранена локально в течение одного дня, если вы хотите обновить её немедленно, нажмите на эту кнопку, чтобы очистить кэш',
setting_followingCacheCleared: 'Готово, обновите страницу.',
setting_blank: 'Открывать страницу с описанием работы на новой вкладке',
setting_turnPage: 'Использовать ← → для перелистывания страниц (Страница поиска)',
setting_save: 'Сохранить',
setting_reset: 'Сбросить',
setting_resetHint: 'Это удалит все настройки и установит их по умолчанию. Продолжить?',
setting_novelSort: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_novelSort,
setting_novelMaxPage: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_novelMaxPage,
setting_novelHideWork: 'Скрыть работы с количеством закладок меньше установленного значения',
setting_novelHideFav: 'При сортировке, скрыть избранное',
sort_noWork: 'Нет работ для отображения (%1 works hidden)',
sort_getWorks: 'Получение иллюстраций страницы: %1 из %2',
sort_getBookmarkCount: 'Получение количества закладок artworks:%1 из %2',
sort_getPublicFollowing: 'Получение публичного списка подписок',
sort_getPrivateFollowing: 'Получение приватного списка подписок',
sort_filtering: 'Фильтрация %1 работ с количеством закладок меньше чем %2',
sort_filteringHideFavorite: ' избранные работы и ',
sort_fullSizeThumb: 'Показать неотредактированное изображение (Страницы поиска и Artwork)',
nsort_getWorks: Texts[Lang.en_US].nsort_getWorks,
nsort_sorting: Texts[Lang.en_US].nsort_sorting,
nsort_hideFav: Texts[Lang.en_US].nsort_hideFav,
nsort_hideFollowed: Texts[Lang.en_US].nsort_hideFollowed,
text_sort: Texts[Lang.en_US].text_sort
Texts[Lang.ja_JP] = {
install_title: 'Welcome to PixivPreviewer v',
install_body: '<div style="position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 30%;font-size: 20px; color: white;transform:translate(-50%,0);"><p style="text-indent: 2em;"ご意見や提案は大歓迎です! ><a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/ja/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer/feedback" target="_blank">フィードバックページ</a><</p><br><p style="text-indent: 2em;">初めて使う場合は、<a style="color: green;" href="https://greasyfork.org/ja/scripts/30766-pixiv-previewer" target="_blank"> 詳細ページ </a>でスクリプトの紹介を見ることをお勧めします。</p></div>',
upgrade_body: '<h3>(注意!) 並べ替え機能について</h3>  ご利用いただきありがとうございます。最近はとても忙しく、返信が遅れてしまい申し訳ありません。最近並べ替え機能を使っている場合、検索結果が0になることがあるかもしれません。その理由と対策を簡単に説明させていただきます。 <br>   このスクリプトは、指定されたページ内のすべての作品のコレクションを取得し、それらを並べ替えるのものです。最近、Pixivは短時間に作品情報を取得する回数を制限し、すべてのリクエストがエラーを返すことがあり、検索結果が0件と表示されることがあります。例えば、3ページを並べ替える場合、スクリプトは最大180件の作品のコレクションデータをPixivからリクエストすることになりますが、一般的には30〜60回/分の制限があるため、Pixivの仕様を理解していただき、これを回避するため一気にソートするページの値をを大きくしないでください。 <br>   解決策として、現在以下のような方法を考えています:<ul><li>1. インターフェイスの制限に従って、1ページのソートに1分ほどかかることがあります。</li><li>2. サードパーティのサービスを利用するものの、バッチ処理ができるサービスがないようですし、それだけのリクエストに耐えられるものもなさそうです。</li><li>3. サーバーを使ってコレクションの短期キャッシュを提供し、インターフェイスの制限に従うことは、コストがかかる上にリスクも伴います。</li><li>スクリプトのソート機能を無効にする。</li></ul>   最後に、改めてご利用いただきありがとうございます。上記の問題について良い提案があれば、GreasyFork/Githubでお気軽に提案してください。最後に、このバージョンではソート機能が正常に使用できます。ただし、ソート機能が突然正常に使用できなくなったり、ソート機能がオフになった場合は、ご理解いただけると幸いです。',
setting_language: '言語',
setting_preview: 'プレビュー機能',
setting_animePreview: 'うごイラプレビュー',
setting_sort: 'ソート',
setting_anime: 'うごイラダウンロード',
setting_origin: '最大サイズの画像を表示する(遅くなる可能性がある)',
setting_previewDelay: 'カーソルを重ねてからプレビューするまでの遅延(ミリ秒)',
setting_previewByKey: 'キーでプレビュー画像の表示を制御する (Ctrl)',
setting_previewByKeyHelp: 'これを有効にすると、画像にマウスを移動してもプレビュー画像が表示されなくなります。Ctrlキーを押すと表示され、 \"遅延表示プレビュー\" の設定項目は無効になります。',
setting_maxPage: 'ソートするときに取得する最大ページ数',
setting_hideWork: '一定以下のブクマーク数の作品を非表示にする',
setting_hideAiWork: 'AIの作品を非表示にする',
setting_hideFav: 'ブックマーク数をソート時に非表示にする',
setting_hideFollowed: 'ソート時にフォローしているアーティストの作品を非表示',
setting_hideByTag: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_hideByTag,
setting_hideByTagPlaceholder: Texts[Lang.en_US].setting_hideByTagPlaceholder,
setting_clearFollowingCache: 'キャッシュ',
setting_clearFollowingCacheHelp: 'フォローしているアーティストの情報がローカルに1日保存されます。すぐに更新したい場合は、このキャッシュをクリアしてください。',
setting_followingCacheCleared: '成功しました。ページを更新してください。',
setting_blank: '作品の詳細ページを新しいタブで開く',
setting_turnPage: '← → を使用してページをめくる(検索ページ)',
setting_save: 'Save',
setting_reset: 'Reset',
setting_resetHint: 'これにより、すべての設定が削除され、デフォルトに設定されます。よろしいですか?',
setting_novelSort: 'ソート(小説)',
setting_novelMaxPage: '小説のソートのページ数の最大値',
setting_novelHideWork: '設定値未満のブックマーク数の作品を非表示',
setting_novelHideFav: 'ソート時にお気に入りを非表示',
sort_noWork: '表示する作品がありません(%1 作品が非表示)',
sort_getWorks: 'ページの作品を取得中:%1 / %2',
sort_getBookmarkCount: '作品のブックマーク数を取得中:%1 / %2',
sort_getPublicFollowing: '公開フォロー一覧を取得中',
sort_getPrivateFollowing: '非公開フォロー一覧を取得中',
sort_filtering: 'ブックマーク数が%2未満の作品%1件をフィルタリング',
sort_filteringHideFavorite: ' お気に入り登録済みの作品および ',
sort_fullSizeThumb: 'トリミングされていない画像を表示(検索ページおよびユーザーページのみ)。',
nsort_getWorks: '小説のページを取得中:1% / 2%',
nsort_sorting: 'ブックマーク数で並べ替え',
nsort_hideFav: 'ソート時にお気に入りを非表示',
nsort_hideFollowed: 'ソート時にフォロー済み作者の作品を非表示',
text_sort: 'ソート'
let LogLevel = {
None: 0,
Error: 1,
Warning: 2,
Info: 3,
Elements: 4,
function DoLog(level, msgOrElement) {
if (level <= g_logLevel) {
let prefix = '%c';
let param = '';
if (level == LogLevel.Error) {
prefix += '[Error]';
param = 'color:#ff0000';
} else if (level == LogLevel.Warning) {
prefix += '[Warning]';
param = 'color:#ffa500';
} else if (level == LogLevel.Info) {
prefix += '[Info]';
param = 'color:#000000';
} else if (level == LogLevel.Elements) {
prefix += 'Elements';
param = 'color:#000000';
if (level != LogLevel.Elements) {
console.log(prefix + msgOrElement, param);
} else {
if (++g_logCount > 512) {
g_logCount = 0;
// 语言
let g_language = Lang.zh_CN;
// 版本号,第三位不需要跟脚本的版本号对上,第三位更新只有需要弹更新提示的时候才需要更新这里
let g_version = '3.7.10';
// 添加收藏需要这个
let g_csrfToken = '';
// 打的日志数量,超过一定数值清空控制台
let g_logCount = 0;
// 当前页面类型
let g_pageType = -1;
// 图片详情页的链接,使用时替换 #id#
let g_artworkUrl = '/artworks/#id#';
// 获取图片链接的链接
let g_getArtworkUrl = '/ajax/illust/#id#/pages';
// 获取动图下载链接的链接
let g_getUgoiraUrl = '/ajax/illust/#id#/ugoira_meta';
// 获取小说列表的链接
let g_getNovelUrl = '/ajax/search/novels/#key#?word=#key#&p=#page#'
// 鼠标位置
let g_mousePos = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// 加载中图片
let g_loadingImage = 'https://pp-1252089172.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/loading.gif';
// 页面打开时的 url
let initialUrl = location.href;
// 默认设置,仅用于首次脚本初始化
let g_defaultSettings = {
'lang': -1,
'enablePreview': 1,
'enableAnimePreview': 1,
'enableSort': 1,
'enableAnimeDownload': 1,
'original': 0,
'previewDelay': 200,
'previewByKey': 0,
'previewKey': 17,
'previewFullScreen': 0,
'pageCount': 3,
'favFilter': 0,
'aiFilter': 0,
'hideFavorite': 0,
'hideFollowed': 0,
'hideByTag': 0,
'hideByTagList': '',
'linkBlank': 1,
'pageByKey': 0,
'fullSizeThumb': 0,
'enableNovelSort': 1,
'novelPageCount': 3,
'novelFavFilter': 0,
'novelHideFavorite': 0,
'novelHideFollowed': 0,
'logLevel': 1,
'version': g_version,
// 设置
let g_settings;
// 日志等级
let g_logLevel = LogLevel.Error;
// 排序时同时请求收藏量的 Request 数量,没必要太多,并不会加快速度
let g_maxXhr = 64;
// 排序是否完成(如果排序时页面出现了非刷新切换,强制刷新)
let g_sortComplete = true;
// 页面相关的一些预定义,包括处理页面元素等
let PageType = {
// 搜索(不包含小说搜索)
Search: 0,
// 关注的新作品
BookMarkNew: 1,
// 发现
Discovery: 2,
// 用户主页
Member: 3,
// 首页
Home: 4,
// 排行榜
Ranking: 5,
// 大家的新作品
NewIllust: 6,
// R18
R18: 7,
// 自己的收藏页
BookMark: 8,
// 动态
Stacc: 9,
// 作品详情页(处理动图预览及下载)
Artwork: 10,
// 小说页
NovelSearch: 11,
// 搜索顶部 tab
SearchTop: 12,
// 总数
PageTypeCount: 13,
let Pages = {};
/* Pages 必须实现的函数
* PageTypeString: string,字符串形式的 PageType
* bool CheckUrl: function(string url),用于检查一个 url 是否是当前页面的目标 url
* ReturnMap ProcessPageElements: function(),处理页面(寻找图片元素、添加属性等),返回 ReturnMap
* ReturnMap GetProcessedPageElements: function(), 返回上一次 ProcessPageElements 的返回值(如果没有上次调用则调用一次)
* Object GetToolBar: function(), 返回工具栏元素(右下角那个,用来放设置按钮)
* HasAutoLoad: bool,表示这个页面是否有自动加载功能
let ReturnMapSample = {
// 页面是否加载完成,false 意味着后面的成员无效
loadingComplete: false,
// 控制元素,每个图片的鼠标响应元素
controlElements: [],
// 可有可无,如果为 true,强制重新刷新预览功能
forceUpdate: false,
let ControlElementsAttributesSample = {
// 图片信息,内容如下:
// [必需] 图片 id
illustId: 0,
// [必需] 图片类型(0:普通图片,2:动图)
illustType: 0,
// [必需] 页数
pageCount: 1,
// [可选] 标题
title: '',
// [可选] 作者 id
userId: 0,
// [可选] 作者昵称
userName: '',
// [可选] 收藏数
bookmarkCount: 0,
function findToolbarCommon() {
let rootToolbar = $('#root').find('ul:last').get(0);
if (rootToolbar) return rootToolbar;
let nextToolbar = $('#__next').find('ul:last').get(0);
return nextToolbar;
function findToolbarOld() {
return $('._toolmenu').get(0);
function convertThumbUrlToSmall(thumbUrl) {
// 目前发现有以下两种格式的缩略图
// https://i.pximg.net/c/128x128/custom-thumb/img/2021/01/31/20/35/53/87426718_p0_custom1200.jpg
// https://i.pximg.net/c/128x128/img-master/img/2021/01/31/10/57/06/87425082_p0_square1200.jpg
let replace1 = 'c/540x540_70/img-master';
//let replace1 = 'img-master'; // 这个是转到regular的,比small的大多了,会很慢
let replace2 = '_master';
return thumbUrl.replace(/c\/.*\/custom-thumb/, replace1).replace('_custom', replace2)
.replace(/c\/.*\/img-master/, replace1).replace('_square', replace2);
function processElementListCommon(lis) {
$.each(lis, function (i, e) {
let li = $(e);
// 只填充必须的几个,其他的目前用不着
let ctlAttrs = {
illustId: 0,
illustType: 0,
pageCount: 1,
let imageLink = li.find('a:first');
let animationSvg = imageLink.children('div:first').find('svg:first');
let pageCountSpan = imageLink.children('div:last').find('span:last');
if (imageLink == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Can not found img or imageLink, skip this.');
let link = imageLink.attr('href');
if (link == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Invalid href, skip this.');
let linkMatched = link.match(/artworks\/(\d+)/);
let illustId = '';
if (linkMatched) {
ctlAttrs.illustId = linkMatched[1];
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Get illustId failed, skip this list item!');
if (animationSvg.length > 0) {
ctlAttrs.illustType = 2;
if (pageCountSpan.length > 0) {
ctlAttrs.pageCount = parseInt(pageCountSpan.text());
// 添加 attr
let control = li.children('div:first');
if (control.children().length == 0) {
if (li.children('div').length > 1) {
control = $(li.children('div').get(1));
} else {
control = control.children('div:first');
'illustId': ctlAttrs.illustId,
'illustType': ctlAttrs.illustType,
'pageCount': ctlAttrs.pageCount
function replaceThumbCommon(elements) {
$.each(elements, (i, e) => {
e = $(e);
let img = e.find('img');
if (img.length == 0) {
iLog.w('No img in the control element.');
return true;
let src = img.attr('src');
let fullSizeSrc = convertThumbUrlToSmall(src);
if (src != fullSizeSrc) {
img.attr('src', fullSizeSrc).css('object-fit', 'contain');
function findLiByImgTag() {
let lis = [];
$.each($('img'), (i, e) => {
let el = $(e);
let p = el;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
p = p.parent();
if (p.length == 0) break;
if (p.attr('data-gtm-value') == '') continue;
let href = p.attr('href');
if (undefined == href || href == '') continue;
if (href.indexOf('/artwork') == -1) continue;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
el = el.parent();
if (el.length == 0) {
if (el.get(0).tagName == 'LI' || el.parent().get(0).tagName == 'UL') {
return lis;
Pages[PageType.Search] = {
PageTypeString: 'SearchPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
// 没有 /artworks 的页面不支持
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/tags\/.*\/(artworks|illustrations|manga)/.test(url) ||
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let sections = $('section');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Page has ' + sections.length + ' <section>.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, sections);
let premiumSectionIndex = -1;
let resultSectionIndex = 0;
if (sections.length == 0) {
iLog.e('No suitable <section>!');
return returnMap;
$.each(sections, (i, e) => {
if ($(e).find('aside').length > 0) {
premiumSectionIndex = i;
} else {
resultSectionIndex = i;
iLog.v('premium: ' + premiumSectionIndex);
iLog.v('result: ' + resultSectionIndex);
let ul = $(sections[resultSectionIndex]).find('ul');
let lis = ul.find('li').toArray();
if (premiumSectionIndex != -1) {
let lis2 = $(sections[premiumSectionIndex]).find('ul').find('li');
lis = lis.concat(lis2.toArray());
if (premiumSectionIndex != -1) {
let aside = $(sections[premiumSectionIndex]).find('aside');
$.each(aside.children(), (i, e) => {
if (e.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'ul') {
} else {
$(e).css('-webkit-mask', '0');
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
this.private.pageSelector = ul.next().get(0);
// fix: 除了“顶部”,“插画”、“漫画”的页选择器挪到了外面,兼容这种情况
if (this.private.pageSelector == null) {
this.private.pageSelector = ul.parent().next().get(0);
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
this.private.imageListConrainer = ul.get(0);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
// 搜索页有 lazyload,不开排序的情况下,最后几张图片可能会无法预览。这里把它当做自动加载处理
HasAutoLoad: true,
GetImageListContainer: function () {
return this.private.imageListConrainer;
GetFirstImageElement: function () {
return $(this.private.imageListConrainer).find('li').get(0);
GetPageSelector: function () {
return this.private.pageSelector;
private: {
imageListContainer: null,
pageSelector: null,
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.BookMarkNew] = {
PageTypeString: 'BookMarkNewPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/bookmark_new_illust.php.*/.test(url) ||
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let sections = $('section');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Page has ' + sections.length + ' <section>.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, sections);
let lis = sections.find('ul').find('li');
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
// 全尺寸缩略图
if (g_settings.fullSizeThumb) {
if (!this.private.returnMap.loadingComplete) {
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.Discovery] = {
PageTypeString: 'DiscoveryPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/discovery.*/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let containerDiv = $('.gtm-illust-recommend-zone');
if (containerDiv.length > 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Found container div.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, containerDiv);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found container div.');
return returnMap;
let lis = containerDiv.find('ul').children('li');
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.Member] = {
PageTypeString: 'MemberPage/MemberIllustPage/MemberBookMark',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/(en\/)?users\/\d+/.test(url)
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let lis = findLiByImgTag();
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, lis);
let sections = $('section');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Page has ' + sections.length + ' <section>.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, sections);
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
// 全尺寸缩略图
if (g_settings.fullSizeThumb) {
if (!this.private.returnMap.loadingComplete) {
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
// 跟搜索页一样的情况
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.Home] = {
PageTypeString: 'HomePage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/?$/.test(url) ||
/https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/en\/?$/.test(url) ||
/https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/illustration\/?$/.test(url) ||
/https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/manga\/?$/.test(url) ||
/https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/cate_r18\.php$/.test(url) ||
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let lis = findLiByImgTag();
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
// 全尺寸缩略图
if (g_settings.fullSizeThumb) {
if (!this.private.returnMap.loadingComplete) {
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.Ranking] = {
PageTypeString: 'RankingPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/ranking.php.*/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let works = $('._work');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Found .work, length: ' + works.length);
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
works.each(function (i, e) {
let _this = $(e);
let ctlAttrs = {
illustId: 0,
illustType: 0,
pageCount: 1,
let href = _this.attr('href');
if (href == null || href === '') {
DoLog('Can not found illust id, skip this.');
let matched = href.match(/artworks\/(\d+)/);
if (matched) {
ctlAttrs.illustId = matched[1];
} else {
DoLog('Can not found illust id, skip this.');
if (_this.hasClass('multiple')) {
ctlAttrs.pageCount = _this.find('.page-count').find('span').text();
if (_this.hasClass('ugoku-illust')) {
ctlAttrs.illustType = 2;
// 添加 attr
'illustId': ctlAttrs.illustId,
'illustType': ctlAttrs.illustType,
'pageCount': ctlAttrs.pageCount
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarOld();
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.NewIllust] = {
PageTypeString: 'NewIllustPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/new_illust.php.*/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let lis = findLiByImgTag();
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
// 全尺寸缩略图
if (g_settings.fullSizeThumb) {
if (!this.private.returnMap.loadingComplete) {
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.R18] = {
PageTypeString: 'R18Page',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/cate_r18.php.*/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
GetToolBar: function () {
HasAutoLoad: false,
Pages[PageType.BookMark] = {
PageTypeString: 'BookMarkPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/bookmark.php\/?$/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let images = $('.image-item');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Found images, length: ' + images.length);
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, images);
images.each(function (i, e) {
let _this = $(e);
let work = _this.find('._work');
if (work.length === 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Can not found ._work, skip this.');
let ctlAttrs = {
illustId: 0,
illustType: 0,
pageCount: 1,
let href = work.attr('href');
if (href == null || href === '') {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Can not found illust id, skip this.');
let matched = href.match(/artworks\/(\d+)/);
if (matched) {
ctlAttrs.illustId = matched[1];
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Can not found illust id, skip this.');
if (work.hasClass('multiple')) {
ctlAttrs.pageCount = _this.find('.page-count').find('span').text();
if (work.hasClass('ugoku-illust')) {
ctlAttrs.illustType = 2;
// 添加 attr
let control = _this.children('a:first');
'illustId': ctlAttrs.illustId,
'illustType': ctlAttrs.illustType,
'pageCount': ctlAttrs.pageCount
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarOld();
HasAutoLoad: false,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.Stacc] = {
PageTypeString: 'StaccPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/stacc.*/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let works = $('._work');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Found .work, length: ' + works.length);
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
works.each(function (i, e) {
let _this = $(e);
let ctlAttrs = {
illustId: 0,
illustType: 0,
pageCount: 1,
let href = _this.attr('href');
if (href == null || href === '') {
DoLog('Can not found illust id, skip this.');
let matched = href.match(/illust_id=(\d+)/);
if (matched) {
ctlAttrs.illustId = matched[1];
} else {
DoLog('Can not found illust id, skip this.');
if (_this.hasClass('multiple')) {
ctlAttrs.pageCount = _this.find('.page-count').find('span').text();
if (_this.hasClass('ugoku-illust')) {
ctlAttrs.illustType = 2;
// 添加 attr
'illustId': ctlAttrs.illustId,
'illustType': ctlAttrs.illustType,
'pageCount': ctlAttrs.pageCount
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarOld();
HasAutoLoad: true,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.Artwork] = {
PageTypeString: 'ArtworkPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/artworks\/.*/.test(url) ||
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let canvas = $('main').find('figure').find('canvas');
if ($('main').find('figure').find('canvas').length > 0) {
this.private.needProcess = true;
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let lis = findLiByImgTag();
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
// 全尺寸缩略图
if (g_settings.fullSizeThumb) {
if (!this.private.returnMap.loadingComplete) {
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
HasAutoLoad: true,
Work: function () {
function AddDownloadButton(button, offsetToOffsetTop) {
if (!g_settings.enableAnimeDownload) {
let cloneButton = button.clone().css({ 'bottom': '50px', 'padding': 0, 'width': '48px', 'height': '48px', 'opacity': '0.4', 'cursor': 'pointer' });
cloneButton.get(0).innerHTML = '<svg viewBox="0 0 120 120" style="width: 40px; height: 40px; stroke-width: 10; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; border-radius: 24px; background-color: black; stroke: limegreen; fill: none;" class="_3Fo0Hjg"><polyline points="60,30 60,90"></polyline><polyline points="30,60 60,90 90,60"></polyline></svg></button>';
function MoveButton() {
function getOffset(e) {
if (e.offsetParent) {
let offset = getOffset(e.offsetParent);
return {
offsetTop: e.offsetTop + offset.offsetTop,
offsetLeft: e.offsetLeft + offset.offsetLeft,
} else {
return {
offsetTop: e.offsetTop,
offsetLeft: e.offsetLeft,
/*let offset = getOffset(button.get(0));
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'offset of download button: ' + offset.offsetTop + ', ' + offset.offsetLeft);
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, offset);
cloneButton.css({ 'position': 'absolute' }).show();*/
$(window).on('resize', MoveButton);
cloneButton.mouseover(function () {
$(this).css('opacity', '0.2');
}).mouseleave(function () {
$(this).css('opacity', '0.4');
}).click(function () {
let illustId = '';
let matched = location.href.match(/artworks\/(\d+)/);
if (matched) {
illustId = matched[1];
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'IllustId=' + illustId);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found illust id!');
$.ajax(g_getUgoiraUrl.replace('#id#', illustId), {
method: 'GET',
success: function (json) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, json);
if (json.error == true) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Server response an error: ' + json.message);
// 因为浏览器会拦截不同域的 open 操作,绕一下
let newWindow = window.open('_blank');
newWindow.location = json.body.originalSrc;
error: function () {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Request zip file failed!');
if (this.private.needProcess) {
let canvas = $('.pp-canvas');
// 普通模式,只需要添加下载按钮到内嵌模式的 div 里
let div = $('div[role="presentation"]:last');
let button = div.find('button');
let headerRealHeight = parseInt($('header').css('height')) +
parseInt($('header').css('padding-top')) + parseInt($('header').css('padding-bottom')) +
parseInt($('header').css('margin-top')) + parseInt($('header').css('margin-bottom')) +
parseInt($('header').css('border-bottom-width')) + parseInt($('header').css('border-top-width'));
AddDownloadButton(button, headerRealHeight);
private: {
needProcess: false,
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.NovelSearch] = {
PageTypeString: 'NovelSearchPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https:\/\/www.pixiv.net\/tags\/.*\/novels/.test(url) ||
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let ul = $('section:first').find('ul:first');
if (ul.length > 0) {
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
GetPageSelector: function () {
return $('section:first').find('nav:first');
HasAutoLoad: false,
private: {
returnMap: null,
Pages[PageType.SearchTop] = {
PageTypeString: 'SearchTopPage',
CheckUrl: function (url) {
return /^https?:\/\/www.pixiv.net(\/en)?\/tags\/[^/*]/.test(url);
ProcessPageElements: function () {
let returnMap = {
loadingComplete: false,
controlElements: [],
let sections = $('section');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Page has ' + sections.length + ' <section>.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, sections);
let premiumSectionIndex = -1;
let resultSectionIndex = 0;
if (sections.length == 0) {
iLog.e('No suitable <section>!');
return returnMap;
if (sections.length > 1) {
premiumSectionIndex = 0;
resultSectionIndex = 1;
iLog.v('premium: ' + premiumSectionIndex);
iLog.v('result: ' + resultSectionIndex);
let ul = $(sections[resultSectionIndex]).find('ul');
let lis = ul.find('li').toArray();
if (premiumSectionIndex != -1) {
let lis2 = $(sections[premiumSectionIndex]).find('ul').find('li');
lis = lis.concat(lis2.toArray());
if (premiumSectionIndex != -1) {
let aside = $(sections[premiumSectionIndex]).find('aside');
$.each(aside.children(), (i, e) => {
if (e.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'ul') {
} else {
$(e).css('-webkit-mask', '0');
returnMap.controlElements = $('.pp-control');
this.private.pageSelector = ul.next().get(0);
// fix: 除了“顶部”,“插画”、“漫画”的页选择器挪到了外面,兼容这种情况
if (this.private.pageSelector == null) {
this.private.pageSelector = ul.parent().next().get(0);
returnMap.loadingComplete = true;
this.private.imageListConrainer = ul.get(0);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page elements complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
this.private.returnMap = returnMap;
return returnMap;
GetProcessedPageElements: function () {
if (this.private.returnMap == null) {
return this.ProcessPageElements();
return this.private.returnMap;
GetToolBar: function () {
return findToolbarCommon();
// 搜索页有 lazyload,不开排序的情况下,最后几张图片可能会无法预览。这里把它当做自动加载处理
HasAutoLoad: false,
GetImageListContainer: function () {
return this.private.imageListConrainer;
GetFirstImageElement: function () {
return $(this.private.imageListConrainer).find('li').get(0);
GetPageSelector: function () {
return this.private.pageSelector;
private: {
imageListContainer: null,
pageSelector: null,
returnMap: null,
function CheckUrlTest() {
let urls = [
for (let j = 0; j < urls.length; j++) {
for (let i = 0; i < PageType.PageTypeCount; i++) {
if (Pages[i].CheckUrl(urls[j])) {
console.log('[' + j + '] is ' + Pages[i].PageTypeString);
/* ---------------------------------------- scroll_lock ---------------------------------------- */
function preventDefault(e) {
const wheelOpt = { passive: false };
const wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document.createElement('div') ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel';
function disableScroll() {
window.addEventListener(wheelEvent, preventDefault, wheelOpt);
function enableScroll() {
window.removeEventListener(wheelEvent, preventDefault, wheelOpt);
/* ---------------------------------------- 预览 ---------------------------------------- */
let autoLoadInterval = null;
function PixivPreview() {
// 最终需要显示的预览图ID,用于避免鼠标滑过多张图片时,最终显示的图片错误
let previewTargetIllustId = '';
function createPlayer(opts) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var options = {
canvas: canvas,
chunkSize: 300000,
loop: true,
autoStart: true,
debug: false,
if (opts) {
for (var name in opts) {
options[name] = opts[name];
var p = new ZipImagePlayer(options);
p.canvas = canvas;
return p;
// 开启预览功能
function ActivePreview() {
let returnMap = Pages[g_pageType].GetProcessedPageElements();
if (!returnMap.loadingComplete) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Page not load, should not call Preview!');
function togglePreviewDiv() {
let div = $('.pp-main');
if (div.length == 0) {
if (div.css('display') == 'none') {
iLog.i('Show main.');
if (g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
} else {
iLog.i('Hide main.');
function showPreviewDiv() {
let div = $('.pp-main');
if (div.length == 0) {
if (div.css('display') == 'none') {
iLog.i('Show main.');
if (g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
if (g_settings.previewByKey) {
$(document).keydown((e) => {
if (e.keyCode != g_settings.previewKey) {
// 鼠标进入
$(returnMap.controlElements).mouseenter(function (e) {
// 按住 Ctrl键 不显示预览图
if (e.ctrlKey) {
let startTime = new Date().getTime();
let delay = parseInt(g_settings.previewDelay == null ? g_defaultSettings.previewDelay : g_settings.previewDelay);
let _this = $(this);
let illustId = _this.attr('illustId');
let illustType = _this.attr('illustType');
let pageCount = _this.attr('pageCount');
if (illustId == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found illustId in this element\'s attrbutes.');
if (illustType == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found illustType in this element\'s attrbutes.');
if (pageCount == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found pageCount in this element\'s attrbutes.');
previewTargetIllustId = illustId;
if (illustType == 2 && !g_settings.enableAnimePreview) {
iLog.i('Anime preview disabled.');
// 鼠标位置
g_mousePos = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY };
// 预览 Div
let previewDiv = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('pp-main').attr('illustId', illustId)
'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': '999999', 'left': g_mousePos.x + 'px', 'top': g_mousePos.y + 'px',
'border-style': 'solid', 'border-color': '#6495ed', 'border-width': '2px', 'border-radius': '20px',
'width': '48px', 'height': '48px',
'background-image': 'url(https://pp-1252089172.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/transparent.png)',
'display': 'none', 'text-align': 'center'
// 添加到 body
if (g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
previewDiv.css({'background': '#ffffff80', 'position': 'fixed'});
previewDiv.click((e) => {
if ($(e.target).hasClass('pp-image')) {
if (!g_settings.previewByKey) {
let waitTime = delay - (new Date().getTime() - startTime);
if (waitTime > 0) {
setTimeout(showPreviewDiv, waitTime);
} else {
// 加载中图片
let loadingImg = $(new Image()).addClass('pp-loading').attr('src', g_loadingImage).css({
'position': 'absolute', 'border-radius': '20px', 'left': '0px', 'top': '0px'
// 要显示的预览图节点
let loadImg = $(new Image()).addClass('pp-image').css({ 'height': '0px', 'width': '0px', 'display': 'none', 'border-radius': '20px' });
// 原图(笑脸)图标
let originIcon = $(new Image()).addClass('pp-original').attr('src', 'https://source.pixiv.net/www/images/pixivcomic-favorite.png')
.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'bottom': '5px', 'right': '5px', 'display': 'none' });
// 点击图标新网页打开原图
originIcon.click(function () {
// 右上角张数标记
let pageCountHTML = '<div class="pp-pageCount" style="display: flex;-webkit-box-align: center;align-items: center;box-sizing: border-box;margin-left: auto;height: 20px;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-size: 10px;line-height: 12px;font-weight: bold;flex: 0 0 auto;padding: 4px 6px;background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32);border-radius: 10px;margin-top:5px;margin-right:5px;">\<svg viewBox="0 0 9 10" width="9" height="10" style="stroke: none;line-height: 0;font-size: 0px;fill: currentcolor;"><path d="M8,3 C8.55228475,3 9,3.44771525 9,4 L9,9 C9,9.55228475 8.55228475,10 8,10 L3,10 C2.44771525,10 2,9.55228475 2,9 L6,9 C7.1045695,9 8,8.1045695 8,7 L8,3 Z M1,1 L6,1 C6.55228475,1 7,1.44771525 7,2 L7,7 C7,7.55228475 6.55228475,8 6,8 L1,8 C0.44771525,8 0,7.55228475 0,7 L0,2 C0,1.44771525 0.44771525,1 1,1 Z"></path></svg><span style="margin-left:2px;" class="pp-page">0/0</span></div>';
let pageCountDiv = $(pageCountHTML)
.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '0px', 'display': 'none', 'right': '0px', 'display': 'none' });
$('.pp-main').mouseleave(function (e) {
if (g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
let url = '';
if (true) {
if (illustType == 2) {
url = g_getUgoiraUrl.replace('#id#', illustId);
} else {
url = g_getArtworkUrl.replace('#id#', illustId);
// 获取图片链接
$.ajax(url, {
method: 'GET',
success: function (json) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Got artwork urls:');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, json);
if (json.error === true) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Server responsed an error: ' + json.message);
// 已经不需要显示这个预览图了,直接丢弃
if (illustId != previewTargetIllustId) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Drop this preview request.');
if (illustType == 2) {
let regular = json.body.src;
let original = json.body.originalSrc;
let mime = json.body.mime_type;
let frames = json.body.frames;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process urls complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, regular);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, original);
ViewUgoira(regular, original, mime, frames, g_settings.original, illustId);
} else {
let regular = [];
let original = [];
for (let i = 0; i < json.body.length; i++) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process urls complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, regular);
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, original);
ViewImages(regular, 0, original, g_settings.original, illustId);
error: function (data) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Request image urls failed!');
if (data) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, data);
// 鼠标移出图片
$(returnMap.controlElements).mouseleave(function (e) {
if (g_settings.previewByKey) {
let _this = $(this);
let illustId = _this.attr('illustId');
let illustType = _this.attr('illustType');
let pageCount = _this.attr('pageCount');
let moveToElement = $(e.relatedTarget);
let isMoveToPreviewElement = false;
// 鼠标移动到预览图上
while (true) {
if (moveToElement.hasClass('pp-main') && moveToElement.attr('illustId') == illustId) {
isMoveToPreviewElement = true;
if (moveToElement.parent().length < 1) {
moveToElement = moveToElement.parent();
if (!isMoveToPreviewElement) {
// 非预览图上
// 鼠标移动,调整位置
$(returnMap.controlElements).mousemove(function (e) {
// Ctrl 和 中键 都可以禁止预览图移动,这样就可以单手操作了
if (e.ctrlKey || e.buttons & 4) {
g_mousePos.x = e.pageX; g_mousePos.y = e.pageY;
// 启用按键开启关闭预览功能时,不跟随鼠标移动
if (!(g_settings.previewByKey && $('.pp-main').css('display') != 'none')) {
// 这个页面有自动加载
if (Pages[g_pageType].HasAutoLoad && autoLoadInterval == null) {
autoLoadInterval = setInterval(ProcessAutoLoad, 1000);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Auto load interval set.');
// 插一段回调函数
unsafeWindow.PreviewCallback = PreviewCallback;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Callback function was inserted.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, unsafeWindow.PreviewCallback);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Preview enable succeed!');
// 关闭预览功能,不是给外部用的
function DeactivePreview() {
let returnMap = Pages[g_pageType].GetProcessedPageElements();
if (!returnMap.loadingComplete) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Page not load, should not call Preview!');
// 只需要取消绑定事件, attrs 以及回调都不需要删除
if (autoLoadInterval) {
autoLoadInterval = null;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Preview disable succeed!');
// iframe 的回调函数
function PreviewCallback(canvasWidth, canvasHeight) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'iframe callback, width: ' + canvasWidth + ', height: ' + canvasHeight);
let size = AdjustDivPosition();
$('.pp-iframe').css({ 'width': size.width, 'height': size.height }).show();
// 调整预览 Div 的位置
function AdjustDivPosition() {
// 鼠标到预览图的距离
let fromMouseToDiv = 30;
let screenWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
let screenHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
let left = 0;
let top = document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
let width = 0, height = 0;
let ugoira = $('.pp-main').find('canvas').length > 0;
if (ugoira) {
width = $('.pp-image').get(0) == null ? 0 : $('.pp-image').get(0).width;
height = $('.pp-image').get(0) == null ? 0 : $('.pp-image').get(0).height;
} else {
$('.pp-image').css({ 'width': '', 'height': '' });
width = $('.pp-image').get(0) == null ? 0 : $('.pp-image').get(0).width;
height = $('.pp-image').get(0) == null ? 0 : $('.pp-image').get(0).height;
let newWidth = 48, newHeight = 48;
if (g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
newWidth = screenWidth;
newHeight = height / width * newWidth;
if (newHeight > screenHeight) {
newHeight = screenHeight;
newWidth = newHeight / height * width;
newHeight -= 5;
newWidth -= 5;
$('.pp-image').css({ 'height': newHeight + 'px', 'width': newWidth + 'px' });
$('.pp-main').css({ 'left': '0px', 'top': '0px', 'width': screenWidth - 5, 'height': screenHeight - 5 });
// 返回新的宽高
return {
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight,
let isShowOnLeft = g_mousePos.x > screenWidth / 2;
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
newWidth = isShowOnLeft ? g_mousePos.x - fromMouseToDiv : screenWidth - g_mousePos.x - fromMouseToDiv;
newHeight = height / width * newWidth;
// 高度不足以完整显示,只能让两侧留空了
if (newHeight > screenHeight) {
newHeight = screenHeight;
newWidth = newHeight / height * width;
newWidth -= 5;
newHeight -= 5;
// 设置新的宽高
$('.pp-image').css({ 'height': newHeight + 'px', 'width': newWidth + 'px' });
// 调整下一次 loading 出现的位置
$('.pp-loading').css({ 'left': newWidth / 2 - 24 + 'px', 'top': newHeight / 2 - 24 + 'px' });
// 图片宽度大于高度很多时,会显示在页面顶部,鼠标碰不到,把它移动到下面
if (top + newHeight <= g_mousePos.y) {
top = (g_mousePos.y - newHeight - fromMouseToDiv);
// 调整DIV的位置
left = isShowOnLeft ? g_mousePos.x - newWidth - fromMouseToDiv : g_mousePos.x + fromMouseToDiv;
$('.pp-main').css({ 'left': left + 'px', 'top': top + 'px', 'width': newWidth, 'height': newHeight });
// 返回新的宽高
return {
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight,
// 请求显示的预览图ID
let displayTargetIllustId = '';
// 显示预览图
function ViewImages(regular, index, original, isShowOriginal, illustId) {
displayTargetIllustId = illustId;
if (!regular || regular.length === 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Regular url array is null, can not view images!');
if (index == null || index < 0 || index >= regular.length) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Index(' + index + ') out of range, can not view images!');
if (original == null || original.length === 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Original array is null, replace it with regular array.');
original = regular;
if (original.length < regular) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Original array\'s length is less than regular array, replace it with regular array.');
original = regular;
if (isShowOriginal == null) {
isShowOriginal = false;
if (original.length > 1) {
$('.pp-page').text((index + 1) + '/' + regular.length);
if (isShowOriginal) {
} else {
g_settings.original = isShowOriginal ? 1 : 0;
// 隐藏页数和原图标签
$('.pp-original, .pp-pageCount').hide();
// 第一次需要绑定事件
if ($('.pp-image').attr('index') == null || $('.pp-image').attr('pageCount') != regular.length) {
$('.pp-image').attr('pageCount', regular.length);
// 绑定点击事件,Ctrl+左键 单击切换原图
$('.pp-image').on('click', function (ev) {
let _this = $(this);
let isOriginal = _this.hasClass('original');
let index = _this.attr('index');
if (index == null) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = parseInt(index);
if (ev.ctrlKey) {
// 按住 Ctrl 来回切换原图
isOriginal = !isOriginal;
ViewImages(regular, index, original, isOriginal, illustId);
else if (ev.shiftKey) {
// 按住 Shift 点击图片新标签页打开原图
} else {
if (regular.length == 1) {
// 如果是多图,点击切换下一张
if (++index >= regular.length) {
index = 0;
ViewImages(regular, index, original, isOriginal, illustId);
// 预加载
for (let i = index + 1; i < regular.length && i <= index + 3; i++) {
let image = new Image();
image.src = isOriginal ? original[i] : regular[i];;
// mousewheel event,和上面一樣
$('.pp-image').bind('onwheel' in document.createElement('div') ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel', function (ev) {
let _this = $(this);
let isOriginal = _this.hasClass('original');
let index = _this.attr('index');
if (index == null) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = parseInt(index);
if (regular.length == 1) {
// 如果是多图,点击切换下一张
if (ev.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) {
if (++index >= regular.length) {
index = 0;
} else {
if (--index < 0) {
index = regular.length - 1;
ViewImages(regular, index, original, isOriginal, illustId);
// 预加载
for (let i = index + 1; i < regular.length && i <= index + 3; i++) {
let image = new Image();
image.src = isOriginal ? original[i] : regular[i];;
// scrollLock
if (!g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
$(".pp-image").mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
// 图片预加载完成
$('.pp-image').on('load', function () {
// 显示图片前也判断一下是不是目标图片
if (displayTargetIllustId != previewTargetIllustId) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, '(2)Drop this preview request.');
// 调整图片位置和大小
let _this = $(this);
let size = AdjustDivPosition();
let isShowOriginal = _this.hasClass('original');
$('.pp-loading').css('display', 'none');
// 显示图像、页数、原图标签
$('.pp-image').css('display', '');
if (regular.length > 1) {
if (isShowOriginal) {
// 预加载
for (let i = index + 1; i < regular.length && i <= index + 3; i++) {
let image = new Image();
image.src = isShowOriginal ? original[i] : regular[i];;
}).on('error', function () {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Load image failed!');
$('.pp-image').attr('src', isShowOriginal ? original[index] : regular[index]).attr('index', index);
// 显示动图
var g_ugoriaPlayer;
function ViewUgoira(regular, original, mime, frames, isShowOriginal, illustId) {
displayTargetIllustId = illustId;
if (isShowOriginal == null) {
isShowOriginal = false;
g_settings.original = isShowOriginal ? 1 : 0;
if (!g_settings.previewFullScreen) {
$(".pp-image").mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
if (g_ugoriaPlayer) {
g_ugoriaPlayer = createPlayer({
source: regular,
metadata: {
mime_type: mime,
frames: frames,
// scrollLock
$(g_ugoriaPlayer.canvas).mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
$(g_ugoriaPlayer).on("frameLoaded", function(ev, frame) {
if (displayTargetIllustId != previewTargetIllustId) {
if (frame != 0) {
let img = $('.pp-image');
let canvas = $(g_ugoriaPlayer.canvas);
$('.pp-loading').css('display', 'none');
let w = ev.currentTarget._frameImages[0].width;
let h = ev.currentTarget._frameImages[0].height;
canvas.attr({'width': w, 'height': h}).css({'border-radius': '20px'});
canvas.attr({'originWidth': w, 'originHeight': h});
// 处理自动加载
function ProcessAutoLoad() {
if (Pages[g_pageType].GetProcessedPageElements() == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Call ProcessPageElements first!');
let oldReturnMap = Pages[g_pageType].GetProcessedPageElements();
let newReturnMap = Pages[g_pageType].ProcessPageElements();
if (newReturnMap.loadingComplete) {
if (oldReturnMap.controlElements.length != newReturnMap.controlElements.length || newReturnMap.forceUpdate) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Page loaded ' + (newReturnMap.controlElements.length - oldReturnMap.controlElements.length) + ' new work(s).');
if (g_settings.linkBlank) {
$(newReturnMap.controlElements).find('a').attr('target', '_blank');
} else if (oldReturnMap.controlElements.length > newReturnMap.controlElements.length) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'works become less?');
Pages[g_pageType].private.returnMap = oldReturnMap;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Page not change.');
// 开启预览
/* ---------------------------------------- 排序 ---------------------------------------- */
let imageElementTemplate = null;
function PixivSK(callback) {
// 不合理的设定
if (g_settings.pageCount < 1 || g_settings.favFilter < 0) {
g_settings.pageCount = 1;
g_settings.favFilter = 0;
// 当前已经取得的页面数量
let currentGettingPageCount = 0;
// 当前加载的页面 URL
let currentUrl = 'https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/search/';
// 当前加载的是第几张页面
let currentPage = 0;
// 获取到的作品
let works = [];
// 作品数量
let worksCount = 0;
// 仅搜索页启用
if (g_pageType != PageType.Search) {
// 获取第 currentPage 页的作品
// 这个方法还是用带 cookie 的请求,防止未登录拉不到数据
let getWorks = function (onloadCallback) {
$('#progress').text(Texts[g_language].sort_getWorks.replace('%1', currentGettingPageCount + 1).replace('%2', g_settings.pageCount));
let url = currentUrl.replace(/p=\d+/, 'p=' + currentPage);
if (location.href.indexOf('?') != -1) {
let param = location.href.split('?')[1];
param = param.replace(/^p=\d+/, '');
param = param.replace(/&p=\d+/, '');
url += '&' + param;
if (url.indexOf('order=') == -1) {
url += '&order=date_d';
if (url.indexOf('mode=') == -1) {
url += '&mode=all';
if (url.indexOf('s_mode=') == -1) {
url += '&s_mode=s_tag_full';
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'getWorks url: ' + url);
let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', url, true);
req.onload = function (event) {
req.onerror = function (event) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Request search page error!');
function getFollowingOfType(user_id, type, offset) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if (offset == null) {
offset = 0;
let limit = 100;
let following_show = [];
$.ajax('https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/' + user_id + '/following?offset=' + offset + '&limit=' + limit + '&rest=' + type, {
async: true,
success: function (data) {
if (data == null || data.error) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Following response contains an error.');
if (data.body.users.length == 0) {
$.each(data.body.users, function (i, user) {
getFollowingOfType(user_id, type, offset + limit).then(function (members) {
error: function () {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Request following failed.');
function getFollowingOfCurrentUser() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let user_id = '';
try {
user_id = dataLayer[0].user_id;
} catch (ex) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Get user id failed.');
// show/hide
// 首先从Cookie读取
let following = GetLocalStorage('followingOfUid-' + user_id) || GetCookie('followingOfUid-' + user_id);
if (following != null && following != 'null') {
getFollowingOfType(user_id, 'show').then(function (members) {
getFollowingOfType(user_id, 'hide').then(function (members2) {
let following = members.concat(members2);
SetLocalStorage('followingOfUid-' + user_id, following);
// 筛选已关注画师作品
let filterByUser = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if (!g_settings.hideFollowed) {
getFollowingOfCurrentUser().then(function (members) {
let tempWorks = [];
let hideWorkCount = 0;
$(works).each(function (i, work) {
let found = false;
for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
if (members[i] == work.userId) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
} else {
works = tempWorks;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, hideWorkCount + ' works were hide.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
// 排序和筛选
let filterAndSort = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Start sort.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
// 收藏量低于 FAV_FILTER 的作品不显示
let text = Texts[g_language].sort_filtering.replace('%2', g_settings.favFilter);
text = text.replace('%1', (g_settings.hideFavorite ? Texts[g_language].sort_filteringHideFavorite : ''));
$('#progress').text(text); // 实际上这个太快完全看不到
let tmp = [];
let tagsToHide = new Set(g_settings.hideByTagList.replace(',', ',').split(','));
$(works).each(function (i, work) {
let bookmarkCount = work.bookmarkCount ? work.bookmarkCount : 0;
if (bookmarkCount < g_settings.favFilter) return true;
if (g_settings.hideFavorite && work.bookmarkData) return true;
if (g_settings.aiFilter == 1 && work.aiType == 2) return true;
if (g_settings.hideByTag && work.tags.some(tag => tagsToHide.has(tag))) return true;
works = tmp;
filterByUser().then(function () {
// 排序
works.sort(function (a, b) {
let favA = a.bookmarkCount;
let favB = b.bookmarkCount;
if (!favA) {
favA = 0;
if (!favB) {
favB = 0;
if (favA > favB) {
return -1;
if (favA < favB) {
return 1;
return 0;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Sort complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
if (currentPage === 0) {
let url = location.href;
if (url.indexOf('&p=') == -1 && url.indexOf('?p=') == -1) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Can not found page in url.');
if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) {
url += '?p=1';
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Add "?p=1": ' + url);
} else {
url += '&p=1';
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Add "&p=1": ' + url);
let wordMatch = url.match(/\/tags\/([^/]*)\//);
let searchWord = '';
if (wordMatch) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Search key word: ' + searchWord);
searchWord = wordMatch[1];
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found search key word!');
// page
let page = url.match(/p=(\d*)/)[1];
currentPage = parseInt(page);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Current page: ' + currentPage);
let type = url.match(/tags\/.*\/(.*)[?$]/)[1];
currentUrl += type + '/';
currentUrl += searchWord + '?word=' + searchWord + '&p=' + currentPage;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Current url: ' + currentUrl);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, '???');
let imageContainer = Pages[PageType.Search].GetImageListContainer();
// loading
$(imageContainer).hide().before('<div id="loading" style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><img src="' + g_loadingImage + '" /><p id="progress" style="text-align: center;font-size: large;font-weight: bold;padding-top: 10px;">0%</p></div>');
// page
if (true) {
let pageSelectorDiv = Pages[PageType.Search].GetPageSelector();
if (pageSelectorDiv == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found page selector!');
if ($(pageSelectorDiv).find('a').length > 2) {
let pageButton = $(pageSelectorDiv).find('a').get(1);
let newPageButtons = [];
let pageButtonString = 'Previewer';
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
let newPageButton = pageButton.cloneNode(true);
while ($(pageSelectorDiv).find('a').length > 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
$(pageSelectorDiv).find('a').attr('href', 'javascript:;');
let pageUrl = location.href;
if (pageUrl.indexOf('&p=') == -1 && pageUrl.indexOf('?p=') == -1) {
if (pageUrl.indexOf('?') == -1) {
pageUrl += '?p=1';
} else {
pageUrl += '&p=1';
let prevPageUrl = pageUrl.replace(/p=\d+/, 'p=' + (currentPage - g_settings.pageCount > 1 ? currentPage - g_settings.pageCount : 1));
let nextPageUrl = pageUrl.replace(/p=\d+/, 'p=' + (currentPage + g_settings.pageCount));
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Previous page url: ' + prevPageUrl);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Next page url: ' + nextPageUrl);
// 重新插入一遍清除事件绑定
let prevButton = $(pageSelectorDiv).find('a:first');
let nextButton = $(pageSelectorDiv).find('a:last');
$(pageSelectorDiv).find('a:first').attr('href', prevPageUrl).addClass('pp-prevPage');
$(pageSelectorDiv).find('a:last').attr('href', nextPageUrl).addClass('pp-nextPage');
let onloadCallback = function (req) {
let no_artworks_found = false;
try {
let json = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
if (json.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
if (json.error === false) {
let data;
if (json.body.illustManga) {
data = json.body.illustManga.data;
} else if (json.body.manga) {
data = json.body.manga.data;
} else if (json.body.illust) {
data = json.body.illust.data;
if (data.length > 0) {
works = works.concat(data);
} else {
no_artworks_found = true;
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'ajax error!');
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Key "error" not found!');
} catch (e) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'A invalid json string!');
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, req.responseText);
// 后面已经没有作品了
if (no_artworks_found) {
iLog.w(LogLevel.Warning, 'No artworks found, ignore ' + (g_settings.pageCount - currentGettingPageCount) + ' pages.');
currentPage += g_settings.pageCount - currentGettingPageCount;
currentGettingPageCount = g_settings.pageCount;
// 设定数量的页面加载完成
if (currentGettingPageCount == g_settings.pageCount) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Load complete, start to load bookmark count.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
// 获取到的作品里面可能有广告,先删掉,否则后面一些处理需要做判断
let tempWorks = [];
let workIdsSet = new Set();
for (let i = 0; i < works.length; i++) {
if (works[i].id && !workIdsSet.has(works[i].id)) {
} else {
iLog.w('ignore work: ' + works[i].id);
works = tempWorks;
worksCount = works.length;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Clear ad container complete.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, works);
} else {
let xhrs = [];
let currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex = 0;
function FillXhrsArray() {
xhrs.length = 0;
let onloadFunc = function (event) {
let json = null;
try {
json = JSON.parse(event.responseText);
} catch (e) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Parse json failed!');
DoLog(LogLevel.Element, e);
if (json) {
let illustId = '';
let illustIdMatched = event.finalUrl.match(/illust_id=(\d+)/);
if (illustIdMatched) {
illustId = illustIdMatched[1];
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not get illust id from url: ' + event.finalUrl);
let indexOfThisRequest = -1;
for (let j = 0; j < g_maxXhr; j++) {
if (xhrs[j].illustId == illustId) {
indexOfThisRequest = j;
if (indexOfThisRequest == -1) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'This url not match any request!');
xhrs[indexOfThisRequest].complete = true;
if (!json.error) {
let bookmarkCount = json.body.illust_details.bookmark_user_total;
works[currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex + indexOfThisRequest].bookmarkCount = parseInt(bookmarkCount);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'IllustId: ' + illustId + ', bookmarkCount: ' + bookmarkCount);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Some error occured: ' + json.message);
let completeCount = 0;
// 真实完成数(不包含没有发起请求的XHR,最后一批请求时)
let completeReally = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < g_maxXhr; j++) {
if (xhrs[j].complete) {
if (xhrs[j].illustId != '') {
$('#loading').find('#progress').text(Texts[g_language].sort_getBookmarkCount.replace('%1', currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex + completeReally).replace('%2', works.length));
if (completeCount == g_maxXhr) {
currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex += g_maxXhr;
let onerrorFunc = function (event) {
let illustId = '';
let illustIdMatched = event.finalUrl.match(/illust_id=(\d+)/);
if (illustIdMatched) {
illustId = illustIdMatched[1];
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not get illust id from url: ' + event.finalUrl);
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Send request failed, set this illust(' + illustId + ')\'s bookmark count to 0!');
let indexOfThisRequest = -1;
for (let j = 0; j < g_maxXhr; j++) {
if (xhrs[j].illustId == illustId) {
indexOfThisRequest = j;
if (indexOfThisRequest == -1) {
DoLog('This url not match any request!');
works[currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex + indexOfThisRequest].bookmarkCount = 0;
xhrs[indexOfThisRequest].complete = true;
let completeCount = 0;
let completeReally = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < g_maxXhr; j++) {
if (xhrs[j].complete) {
if (xhrs[j].illustId != '') {
$('#loading').find('#progress').text(Texts[g_language].sort_getBookmarkCount.replace('%1', currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex + completeReally).replace('%2', works.length));
if (completeCount == g_maxXhr) {
currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex += g_maxXhr;
GetBookmarkCount(currentRequestGroupMinimumIndex + g_maxXhr);
for (let i = 0; i < g_maxXhr; i++) {
illustId: '',
complete: false,
onabort: onerrorFunc,
onerror: onerrorFunc,
onload: onloadFunc,
ontimeout: onerrorFunc,
let GetBookmarkCount = function (index) {
if (index >= works.length) {
if (xhrs.length === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < g_maxXhr; i++) {
if (index + i >= works.length) {
xhrs[i].complete = true;
xhrs[i].illustId = '';
let illustId = works[index + i].id;
let url = 'https://www.pixiv.net/touch/ajax/illust/details?illust_id=' + illustId;
xhrs[i].illustId = illustId;
xhrs[i].complete = false;
method: 'GET',
url: url,
anonymous: true,
onabort: xhrs[i].onerror,
onerror: xhrs[i].onerror,
onload: xhrs[i].onload,
ontimeout: xhrs[i].onerror,
-------div: 多图标签、R18标签
-------div: 里面是 img (以及 svg 动图标签)
------div: 里面是 like 相关的元素
---a: 作品标题,跳转链接
---div: 作者头像和昵称
let clearAndUpdateWorks = function () {
filterAndSort().then(function () {
let container = Pages[PageType.Search].GetImageListContainer();
let firstImageElement = Pages[PageType.Search].GetFirstImageElement();
// 排序兼容 PixivBatchDownloader
if (imageElementTemplate == null) {
imageElementTemplate = firstImageElement.cloneNode(true);
//imageElementTemplate = firstImageElement;
// 清理模板
// image
let control = $(imageElementTemplate).find('.pp-control');
if (control == null) {
iLog.w('Cannot found some elements!');
let imageLink = control.find('a:first');
let img = imageLink.find('img:first');
let imageDiv = img.parent();
let imageLinkDiv = imageLink.parent();
let titleLinkParent = control.next();
if (img == null || imageDiv == null || imageLink == null || imageLinkDiv == null || titleLinkParent == null) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found some elements!');
let titleLink = $('<a></a>');
if (titleLinkParent.children().length == 0) {
} else {
titleLink = titleLinkParent.children('a:first');
// author
let authorDiv = titleLinkParent.next();
let authorLinkProfileImage = authorDiv.find('a:first');
let authorLink = authorDiv.find('a:last');
let authorName = authorLink;
let authorImage = $(authorDiv.find('img').get(0));
// others
let bookmarkDiv = imageLink.next();
let bookmarkSvg = bookmarkDiv.find('svg');
let additionTagDiv = imageLink.children('div:last');
let bookmarkCountDiv = additionTagDiv.clone();
bookmarkCountDiv.css({ 'top': 'auto', 'bottom': '0px', 'width': '65%' });
// 添加 class,方便后面修改内容
bookmarkSvg.attr('class', bookmarkSvg.attr('class') + ' ppBookmarkSvg');
img.attr('src', '');
let animationTag = img.next();
if (animationTag.length != 0 && animationTag.get(0).tagName == 'SVG') {
bookmarkSvg.find('path:first').css('fill', 'rgb(31, 31, 31)');
bookmarkSvg.find('path:last').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
if (g_settings.linkBlank) {
imageLink.attr('target', '_blank');
titleLink.attr('target', '_blank');
authorLinkProfileImage.attr('target', '_blank');
authorLink.attr('target', '_blank');
for (let i = 0; i < works.length; i++) {
let li = $(imageElementTemplate.cloneNode(true));
let regularUrl = works[i].url;
if (g_settings.fullSizeThumb) {
regularUrl = convertThumbUrlToSmall(works[i].url);
li.find('.ppImg').attr('src', regularUrl).css('object-fit', 'contain');
li.find('.ppImageLink').attr('href', '/artworks/' + works[i].id);
li.find('.ppTitleLink').attr('href', '/artworks/' + works[i].id).text(works[i].title);
li.find('.ppAuthorLink, .ppAuthorLinkProfileImage').attr('href', '/member.php?id=' + works[i].userId).attr({ 'userId': works[i].userId, 'profileImageUrl': works[i].profileImageUrl, 'userName': works[i].userName });
li.find('.ppAuthorImage').parent().attr('titile', works[i].userName);
li.find('.ppAuthorImage').attr('src', works[i].profileImageUrl);
li.find('.ppBookmarkSvg').attr('illustId', works[i].id);
if (works[i].bookmarkData) {
li.find('.ppBookmarkSvg').find('path').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 64, 96)');
li.find('.ppBookmarkSvg').attr('bookmarkId', works[i].bookmarkData.id);
if (works[i].xRestrict !== 0) {
let R18HTML = '<div style="margin-top: 2px; margin-left: 2px;"><div style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-weight: bold;font-size: 10px;line-height: 1;padding: 3px 6px;border-radius: 3px;background: rgb(255, 64, 96);">R-18</div></div>';
if (works[i].pageCount > 1) {
let pageCountHTML = '<div style="display: flex;-webkit-box-align: center;align-items: center;box-sizing: border-box;margin-left: auto;height: 20px;color: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-size: 10px;line-height: 12px;font-weight: bold;flex: 0 0 auto;padding: 4px 6px;background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32);border-radius: 10px;">\<svg viewBox="0 0 9 10" width="9" height="10" style="stroke: none;line-height: 0;font-size: 0px;fill: currentcolor;"><path d="M8,3 C8.55228475,3 9,3.44771525 9,4 L9,9 C9,9.55228475 8.55228475,10 8,10 L3,10 C2.44771525,10 2,9.55228475 2,9 L6,9 C7.1045695,9 8,8.1045695 8,7 L8,3 Z M1,1 L6,1 C6.55228475,1 7,1.44771525 7,2 L7,7 C7,7.55228475 6.55228475,8 6,8 L1,8 C0.44771525,8 0,7.55228475 0,7 L0,2 C0,1.44771525 0.44771525,1 1,1 Z"></path></svg><span style="margin-left: 2px;">' + works[i].pageCount + '</span></div>';
let bookmarkCountHTML = '<div style="margin-bottom: 6px; margin-left: 2px;"><div style="color: rgb(7, 95, 166);font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;line-height: 1;padding: 3px 6px;border-radius: 3px;background: rgb(204, 236, 255);">' + works[i].bookmarkCount + ' likes</div></div>';
if (works[i].illustType == 2) {
let animationHTML = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="width: 48px; height: 48px;stroke: none;fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);line-height: 0;font-size: 0px;vertical-align: middle;position:absolute;"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10" style="fill: rgb(0, 0, 0);fill-opacity: 0.4;"></circle><path d="M9,8.74841664 L9,15.2515834 C9,15.8038681 9.44771525,16.2515834 10,16.2515834 C10.1782928,16.2515834 10.3533435,16.2039156 10.5070201,16.1135176 L16.0347118,12.8619342 C16.510745,12.5819147 16.6696454,11.969013 16.3896259,11.4929799 C16.3034179,11.3464262 16.1812655,11.2242738 16.0347118,11.1380658 L10.5070201,7.88648243 C10.030987,7.60646294 9.41808527,7.76536339 9.13806578,8.24139652 C9.04766776,8.39507316 9,8.57012386 9,8.74841664 Z"></path></svg>';
// 监听加入书签点击事件,监听父节点,但是按照 <svg> 节点处理
$('.ppBookmarkSvg').parent().on('click', function (ev) {
if (g_csrfToken == '') {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'No g_csrfToken, failed to add bookmark!');
alert('获取 Token 失败,无法添加,请到详情页操作。');
// 非公开收藏
let restrict = 0;
if (ev.ctrlKey) {
restrict = 1;
let _this = $(this).children('svg:first');
let illustId = _this.attr('illustId');
let bookmarkId = _this.attr('bookmarkId');
if (bookmarkId == null || bookmarkId == '') {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Add bookmark, illustId: ' + illustId);
$.ajax('/ajax/illusts/bookmarks/add', {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
headers: { 'x-csrf-token': g_csrfToken },
data: '{"illust_id":"' + illustId + '","restrict":' + restrict + ',"comment":"","tags":[]}',
success: function (data) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'addBookmark result: ');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, data);
if (data.error) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Server returned an error: ' + data.message);
let bookmarkId = data.body.last_bookmark_id;
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Add bookmark success, bookmarkId is ' + bookmarkId);
_this.attr('bookmarkId', bookmarkId);
_this.find('path').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 64, 96)');
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Delete bookmark, bookmarkId: ' + bookmarkId);
$.ajax('/rpc/index.php', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'x-csrf-token': g_csrfToken },
data: { "mode": "delete_illust_bookmark", "bookmark_id": bookmarkId },
success: function (data) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'delete bookmark result: ');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, data);
if (data.error) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Server returned an error: ' + data.message);
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Delete bookmark success.');
_this.attr('bookmarkId', '');
_this.find('path:first').css('fill', 'rgb(31, 31, 31)');
_this.find('path:last').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
$('.ppAuthorLink').on('mouseenter', function (e) {
let _this = $(this);
function getOffset(e) {
if (e.offsetParent) {
let offset = getOffset(e.offsetParent);
return {
offsetTop: e.offsetTop + offset.offsetTop,
offsetLeft: e.offsetLeft + offset.offsetLeft,
} else {
return {
offsetTop: e.offsetTop,
offsetLeft: e.offsetLeft,
let isFollowed = false;
$.ajax('https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/' + _this.attr('userId') + '?full=1', {
method: 'GET',
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.error == false && data.body.isFollowed) {
isFollowed = true;
let pres = $('<div class="pp-authorDiv"><div class="ppa-main" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; z-index: 1; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); border-radius: 8px;"><div class=""style=" width: 336px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-top: 24px; flex-flow: column;"><div class=""style=" display: flex; align-items: center; flex-flow: column;"><a class="ppa-authorLink"><div role="img"size="64"class=""style=" display: inline-block; width: 64px; height: 64px; border-radius: 50%; overflow: hidden;"><img class="ppa-authorImage" width="64"height="64"style="object-fit: cover; object-position: center top;"></div></a><a class="ppa-authorLink"><div class="ppa-authorName" style=" line-height: 24px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 4px 0px 0px;"></div></a><div class=""style=" margin: 12px 0px 24px;"><button type="button"class="ppa-follow"style=" padding: 9px 25px; line-height: 1; border: none; border-radius: 16px; font-weight: 700; background-color: #0096fa; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;"><span style="margin-right: 4px;"><svg viewBox="0 0 8 8"width="10"height="10"class=""style=" stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255); stroke-linecap: round; stroke-width: 2;"><line x1="1"y1="4"x2="7"y2="4"></line><line x1="4"y1="1"x2="4"y2="7"></line></svg></span>关注</button></div></div></div></div></div>');
let offset = getOffset(this);
pres.find('.ppa-main').css({ 'top': offset.offsetTop - 196 + 'px', 'left': offset.offsetLeft - 113 + 'px' });
pres.find('.ppa-authorLink').attr('href', '/member.php?id=' + _this.attr('userId'));
pres.find('.ppa-authorImage').attr('src', _this.attr('profileImageUrl'));
if (isFollowed) {
pres.find('.ppa-follow').get(0).outerHTML = '<button type="button" class="ppa-follow followed" data-click-action="click" data-click-label="follow" style="padding: 9px 25px;line-height: 1;border: none;border-radius: 16px;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 700;cursor: pointer;">关注中</button>';
pres.find('.ppa-follow').attr('userId', _this.attr('userId'));
pres.on('mouseleave', function (e) {
}).on('mouseenter', function () {
pres.find('.ppa-follow').on('click', function () {
let userId = $(this).attr('userId');
if ($(this).hasClass('followed')) {
// 取关
$.ajax('https://www.pixiv.net/rpc_group_setting.php', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'x-csrf-token': g_csrfToken },
data: 'mode=del&type=bookuser&id=' + userId,
success: function (data) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'delete bookmark result: ');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, data);
if (data.type == 'bookuser') {
$('.ppa-follow').get(0).outerHTML = '<button type="button"class="ppa-follow"style=" padding: 9px 25px; line-height: 1; border: none; border-radius: 16px; font-weight: 700; background-color: #0096fa; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;"><span style="margin-right: 4px;"><svg viewBox="0 0 8 8"width="10"height="10"class=""style=" stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255); stroke-linecap: round; stroke-width: 2;"><line x1="1"y1="4"x2="7"y2="4"></line><line x1="4"y1="1"x2="4"y2="7"></line></svg></span>关注</button>';
else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Delete follow failed!');
} else {
// 关注
$.ajax('https://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_add.php', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'x-csrf-token': g_csrfToken },
data: 'mode=add&type=user&user_id=' + userId + '&tag=&restrict=0&format=json',
success: function (data) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'addBookmark result: ');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, data);
// success
if (data.length === 0) {
$('.ppa-follow').get(0).outerHTML = '<button type="button" class="ppa-follow followed" data-click-action="click" data-click-label="follow" style="padding: 9px 25px;line-height: 1;border: none;border-radius: 16px;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 700;cursor: pointer;">关注中</button>';
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Follow failed!');
}).on('mouseleave', function (e) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (!$('.pp-authorDiv').hasClass('mouseenter')) {
}, 200);
if (works.length === 0) {
$(container).show().get(0).outerHTML = '<div class=""style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center; height: 408px;flex-flow: column;"><div class=""style="margin-bottom: 12px;color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);"><svg viewBox="0 0 16 16"size="72"style="fill: currentcolor;height: 72px;vertical-align: middle;"><path d="M8.25739 9.1716C7.46696 9.69512 6.51908 10 5.5 10C2.73858 10 0.5 7.76142 0.5 5C0.5 2.23858 2.73858 0 5.5 0C8.26142 0 10.5 2.23858 10.5 5C10.5 6.01908 10.1951 6.96696 9.67161 7.75739L11.7071 9.79288C12.0976 10.1834 12.0976 10.8166 11.7071 11.2071C11.3166 11.5976 10.6834 11.5976 10.2929 11.2071L8.25739 9.1716ZM8.5 5C8.5 6.65685 7.15685 8 5.5 8C3.84315 8 2.5 6.65685 2.5 5C2.5 3.34315 3.84315 2 5.5 2C7.15685 2 8.5 3.34315 8.5 5Z"transform="translate(2.25 2.25)"fill-rule="evenodd"clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></div><span class="sc-LzMCO fLDUzU">'
+ Texts[g_language].sort_noWork.replace('%1', worksCount) + '</span></div>';
// 恢复显示
// 监听键盘的左右键,用来翻页
$(document).keydown(function (e) {
if (g_settings.pageByKey != 1) {
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
let btn = $('.pp-nextPage');
if (btn.length < 1 || btn.attr('hidden') == 'hidden') {
// 很奇怪不能用 click()
location.href = btn.attr('href');
} else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
let btn = $('.pp-prevPage');
if (btn.length < 1 || btn.attr('hidden') == 'hidden') {
location.href = btn.attr('href');
if (callback) {
/* ---------------------------------------- 小说 ---------------------------------------- */
function PixivNS(callback) {
function findNovelSection() {
let ul = $('section:first').find('ul:first');
if (ul.length == 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not found novel list.');
return null;
return ul;
function getSearchParamsWithoutPage() {
return location.search.substr(1).replace(/&?p=\d+/, '');
function getNovelTemplate(ul) {
if (!ul) {
return null;
if (ul.length == 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Empty list, can not create template.');
return null;
let template = ul.children().eq(0).clone(true);
// 左侧图片
let picDiv = template.children().eq(0).children().eq(0);
// 右侧详情
let detailDiv = template.children().eq(0).children().eq(1).children().eq(0);
let titleDiv = detailDiv.children().eq(0);
if (titleDiv.children().length > 1) {
} else {
// 如果作为模板的DIV没有系列,就自己加一个
let series = $('<a class="pns-series" href="/novel/series/000000"></a>');
'display': 'inline-block',
'white-space': 'nowrap',
'text-overflow': 'ellipsis',
'overflow': 'hidden',
'max-width': '100%',
'line-height': '22px',
'font-size': '14px',
'text-decoration': 'none'
let tagDiv = detailDiv.children().eq(2).children().eq(0);
let bookmarkDiv = tagDiv.children().eq(2);
if (bookmarkDiv.find('span').length < 2) {
let textSpan = bookmarkDiv.find('.pns-text-count');
textSpan.append('<span class="pns-bookmark-count"><span><div class="sc-eoqmwo-1 grSeZG"><span class="sc-14heosd-0 gbNjEj"><svg viewBox="0 0 12 12" size="12" class="sc-14heosd-1 YtZop"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9 0.75C10.6569 0.75 12 2.09315 12 3.75C12 7.71703 7.33709 10.7126 6.23256 11.3666C6.08717 11.4526 5.91283 11.4526 5.76744 11.3666C4.6629 10.7126 0 7.71703 0 3.75C0 2.09315 1.34315 0.75 3 0.75C4.1265 0.75 5.33911 1.60202 6 2.66823C6.66089 1.60202 7.8735 0.75 9 0.75Z"></path></svg></span><span class="sc-eoqmwo-2 dfUmJJ">2,441</span></div></span></span>');
} else {
let descDiv = tagDiv.children().eq(1);
// 右下角爱心
let likeDiv = detailDiv.children().eq(2).children().eq(1);
let svg = likeDiv.find('svg');
svg.attr('class', svg.attr('class') + ' pns-like');
likeDiv.find('path:first').css('color', 'rgb(31, 31, 31)');
likeDiv.find('path:last').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
return template;
function fillTemplate(template, novel) {
if (template == null || novel == null) {
return null;
let link = template.find('.pns-link:first').attr('href').replace(/id=\d+/g, 'id=' + novel.id);
template.find('.pns-link').attr('href', link);
template.find('.pns-img').attr('src', novel.url);
if (novel.seriesId) {
let seriesLink = template.find('.pns-series').attr('href').replace(/\d+$/, novel.seriesId);
template.find('.pns-series').text(novel.seriesTitle).attr('title', novel.seriesTitle).attr('href', seriesLink);
} else {
template.find('.pns-title').text(novel.title).attr('title', novel.title);
template.find('.pns-title').parent().attr('title', novel.title);
let authorLink = template.find('.pns-author').attr('href').replace(/\d+$/, novel.userId);
template.find('.pns-author').text(novel.userName).attr('href', authorLink);
template.find('.pns-author-img').attr('href', authorLink).find('img').attr('src', novel.profileImageUrl);
template.find('.pns-text-count').text(novel.textCount + '文字');
if (novel.bookmarkCount == 0) {
} else {
let tagList = template.find('.pns-tag-list');
let search = getSearchParamsWithoutPage();
if (search.length > 0) {
search = '?' + search;
$.each(novel.tags, function (i, tag) {
let tagItem = $('<span"><a style="color: rgb(61, 118, 153);" href="/tags/' + encodeURIComponent(tag) + '/novels' + search + '">' + tag + '</a></span>');
if (tag == 'R-18' || tag == 'R-18G') {
tagItem.find('a').css({ 'color': 'rgb(255, 64, 96)', 'font-weight': 'bold' }).text(tag);
template.find('.pns-desc').html(novel.description).attr('title', template.find('.pns-desc').text());
let like = template.find('.pns-like');
like.attr('novel-id', novel.id);
if (novel.bookmarkData) {
like.attr('bookmark-id', novel.bookmarkData.id);
like.find('path:first').css('color', 'rgb(255, 64, 96)');
like.find('path:last').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 64, 96)');
like.click(function () {
if ($(this).attr('disable')) {
let bid = $(this).attr('bookmark-id');
let nid = $(this).attr('novel-id');
if (bid) {
deleteBookmark($(this), bid);
} else {
addBookmark($(this), nid, 0);
if (g_settings.linkBlank) {
template.find('a').attr('target', '_blank');
return template;
function getNovelByPage(key, from, to, total) {
if (total == undefined) {
total = to - from;
let url = location.origin + g_getNovelUrl.replace(/#key#/g, key).replace(/#page#/g, from);
let search = getSearchParamsWithoutPage();
if (search.length > 0) {
url += '&' + search;
updateProgress(Texts[g_language].nsort_getWorks.replace('1%', total - to + from + 1).replace('2%', total));
let novelList = [];
function onLoadFinish(data, resolve) {
if (data && data.body && data.body.novel && data.body.novel.data) {
novelList = novelList.concat(data.body.novel.data);
if (from == to - 1) {
} else {
getNovelByPage(key, from + 1, to, total).then(function (list) {
if (list && list.length > 0) {
novelList = novelList.concat(list);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
url: url,
success: function (data) {
onLoadFinish(data, resolve);
error: function () {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'get novel page ' + from + ' failed!');
onLoadFinish(null, resolve);
function sortNovel(list) {
// 排序
list.sort(function (a, b) {
let bookmarkA = a.bookmarkCount;
let bookmarkB = b.bookmarkCount;
if (!bookmarkA) {
bookmarkA = 0;
if (!bookmarkB) {
bookmarkB = 0;
if (bookmarkA > bookmarkB) {
return -1;
if (bookmarkA < bookmarkB) {
return 1;
return 0;
// 筛选
let filteredList = [];
$.each(list, function (i, e) {
// 收藏量筛选
let bookmark = e.bookmarkCount;
if (!bookmark) {
bookmark = 0;
if (bookmark < g_settings.novelFavFilter) {
return true;
// 已收藏筛选
if (g_settings.novelHideFavorite && e.bookmarkData) {
return true;
return filteredList;
function rearrangeNovel(list) {
let ul = findNovelSection();
if (ul == null) {
let template = getNovelTemplate(ul);
if (template == null) {
let newList = [];
$.each(list, function (i, novel) {
let e = fillTemplate(template.clone(true), novel);
if (e != null) {
$.each(newList, function (i, e) {
$(e).css('display', 'block');
function getKeyWord() {
let match = location.pathname.match(/\/tags\/(.+)\/novels/);
if (!match) {
return '';
return match[1];
function getCurrentPage() {
let match = location.search.match(/p=(\d+)/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[1]);
return 1;
function showLoading() {
let ul = findNovelSection();
if (ul == null) {
iLog.e('Can not found novel section!');
ul.hide().before('<div id="loading" style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><img src="' + g_loadingImage + '" /><p id="progress" style="text-align: center;font-size: large;font-weight: bold;padding-top: 10px;">0%</p></div>');
function hideLoading() {
let ul = findNovelSection();
if (ul == null) {
iLog.e('Can not found novel section!');
function updateProgress(msg) {
let p = $('#progress');
function addBookmark(element, novelId, restrict) {
if (g_csrfToken == '') {
iLog.e('No g_csrfToken, failed to add bookmark!');
alert('获取 Token 失败,无法添加,请到详情页操作。');
element.attr('disable', 'disable');
iLog.i('add bookmark: ' + novelId);
$.ajax('/ajax/novels/bookmarks/add', {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
headers: { 'x-csrf-token': g_csrfToken },
data: '{"novel_id":"' + novelId + '","restrict":' + restrict + ',"comment":"","tags":[]}',
success: function (data) {
iLog.i('add novel bookmark result: ');
if (data.error) {
iLog.e('Server returned an error: ' + data.message);
let bookmarkId = data.body;
iLog.i('Add novel bookmark success, bookmarkId is ' + bookmarkId);
element.attr('bookmark-id', bookmarkId);
element.find('path:first').css('color', 'rgb(255, 64, 96)');
element.find('path:last').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 64, 96)');
error: function () {
function deleteBookmark(element, bookmarkId) {
if (g_csrfToken == '') {
iLog.e('No g_csrfToken, failed to add bookmark!');
alert('获取 Token 失败,无法添加,请到详情页操作。');
element.attr('disable', 'disable');
iLog.i('delete bookmark: ' + bookmarkId);
$.ajax('/ajax/novels/bookmarks/delete', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'x-csrf-token': g_csrfToken },
data: { 'del': 1, 'book_id': bookmarkId },
success: function (data) {
iLog.i('delete novel bookmark result: ');
if (data.error) {
iLog.e('Server returned an error: ' + data.message);
iLog.i('delete novel bookmark success');
element.find('path:first').css('color', 'rgb(31, 31, 31)');
element.find('path:last').css('fill', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
error: function () {
function changePageSelector() {
let pager = Pages[PageType.NovelSearch].GetPageSelector();
if (pager.length == 0) {
iLog.e('can not found page selector!');
let left = pager.find('a:first').clone().attr('aria-disabled', 'false').removeAttr('hidden').addClass('pp-prevPage');
let right = pager.find('a:last').clone().attr('aria-disabled', 'false').removeAttr('hidden').addClass('pp-nextPage');
let normal = pager.find('a').eq(1).clone().removeAttr('href');
let href = location.href;
let match = href.match(/[?&]p=(\d+)/);
let page = 1;
if (match) {
page = parseInt(match[1]);
} else {
if (location.search == '') {
href += '?p=1';
} else {
href += '&p=1';
if (page == 1) {
left.attr('hidden', 'hidden');
let lp = page - g_settings.novelPageCount;
left.attr('href', href.replace('?p=' + page, '?p=' + lp).replace('&p=' + page, '&p=' + lp));
let s = 'Previewer';
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
let n = normal.clone().text(s[i]);
let rp = page + g_settings.novelPageCount;
right.attr('href', href.replace('?p=' + page, '?p=' + rp).replace('&p=' + page, '&p=' + rp));
function listnerToKeyBoard() {
$(document).keydown(function (e) {
if (g_settings.pageByKey != 1) {
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
let btn = $('.pp-nextPage');
if (btn.length < 1 || btn.attr('hidden') == 'hidden') {
location.href = btn.attr('href');
} else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
let btn = $('.pp-prevPage');
if (btn.length < 1 || btn.attr('hidden') == 'hidden') {
location.href = btn.attr('href');
function main() {
let keyWord = getKeyWord();
if (keyWord.length == 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Parse key word error.');
let currentPage = getCurrentPage();
if ($('.gtm-novel-searchpage-gs-toggle-button').attr('data-gtm-label') == 'off') {
// 不常见,不要多语言了
$('#loading').find('#progress').text('由于启用了 "' + $('.gtm-novel-searchpage-gs-toggle-button').parent().next().text() + '",无法进行排序。');
setTimeout(() => hideLoading(), 3000);
getNovelByPage(keyWord, currentPage, currentPage + g_settings.novelPageCount).then(function (novelList) {
/* ---------------------------------------- 设置 ---------------------------------------- */
function SetLocalStorage(name, value) {
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(value));
function GetLocalStorage(name) {
const value = localStorage.getItem(name);
if (!value) return null;
return value;
function SetCookie(name, value, days) {
let Days = 180;
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if (arr = document.cookie.match(reg)) {
return unescape(arr[2]);
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return null;
function ShowInstallMessage() {
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function ShowUpgradeMessage() {
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+ Texts[g_language].install_title + g_version
+ '</div><br><div style="position:absolute;left:50%;top:30%;font-size:20px;color:white;transform:translate(-50%,0);height:50%;overflow:auto;">'
+ body + '</div>';
$('#pps-close').click(function () {
function FillNewSetting(st) {
// 升级可能会有部分新加字段在cookie里读不到
let changed = false;
$.each(g_defaultSettings, function (k, v) {
if (st[k] == undefined) {
st[k] = g_defaultSettings[k];
changed = true;
return {
'st': st,
'change': changed
function GetSettings() {
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// 新安装
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settings = JSON.parse(settingsData);
let mp = FillNewSetting(settings);
if (mp.change) {
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let settings = GetSettings();
let settingHTML = '<div style="color: white; font-size: 1em;">' +
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function getImageAction(id) {
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return '<input id="' + id + '" style="font-size: 24px; padding: 0; margin-right: 16px; border-width: 0px; width: 64px; text-align: center;"/>'
function getSelectAction(id) {
return '<select id="' + id + '" style="font-size: 20px; margin-right: 10px;"></select>';
function addItem(action, text) {
ul.append('<li style="font-size: 25px; padding-bottom: 5px;">' + action + text + '</li>');
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addItem('', ' ');
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$('#pps-previewByKey').attr('title', Texts[g_language].setting_previewByKeyHelp);
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addItem('', ' ');
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addItem(getImageAction('pps-novelHideBookmarked'), Texts[g_language].setting_novelHideFav);
let imgOn = 'https://pp-1252089172.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/On.png';
let imgOff = 'https://pp-1252089172.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/Off.png'
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.append('<option value="-1">Auto</option>')
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.append('<option value="' + Lang.ru_RU + '">Русский язык</option>')
.append('<option value="' + Lang.ja_JP + '">日本語</option>')
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let user_id = dataLayer[0].user_id;
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if ($('#pps-hideLess').val() == '') {
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'hideFollowed': $('#pps-hideFollowed').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
'hideByTag': $('#pps-hideByTag').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
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'linkBlank': $('#pps-newTab').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
'pageByKey': $('#pps-pageKey').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
'fullSizeThumb': $('#pps-fullSizeThumb').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
'enableNovelSort': $('#pps-novelSort').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
'novelPageCount': parseInt($('#pps-novelMaxPage').val()),
'novelFavFilter': parseInt($('#pps-novelHideWork').val()),
'novelHideFavorite': $('#pps-novelHideBookmarked').hasClass('on') ? 1 : 0,
'version': g_version,
SetLocalStorage('PixivPreview', settings);
location.href = location.href;
$('#pps-reset').click(function () {
let comfirmText = Texts[g_language].setting_resetHint;
if (confirm(comfirmText)) {
SetLocalStorage('PixivPreview', null);
location.href = location.href;
$('#pps-close').click(function () {
function SetTargetBlank(returnMap) {
if (g_settings.linkBlank) {
let target = [];
$.each(returnMap.controlElements, function (i, e) {
if (e.tagName == 'A') {
$.each($(returnMap.controlElements).find('a'), function (i, e) {
$.each(target, function (i, e) {
$(e).attr({ 'target': '_blank', 'rel': 'external' });
// js监听跳转,特殊处理
if (g_pageType == PageType.Home || g_pageType == PageType.Member || g_pageType == PageType.Artwork || g_pageType == PageType.BookMarkNew) {
e.addEventListener("click", function (ev) {
/* --------------------------------------- 主函数 --------------------------------------- */
let loadInterval = null;
let itv = null;
function AutoDetectLanguage() {
g_language = Lang.auto;
if (g_settings && g_settings.lang) {
g_language = g_settings.lang;
if (g_language == Lang.auto) {
let lang = $('html').attr('lang');
if (lang && lang.indexOf('zh') != -1) {
// 简体中文和繁体中文都用简体中文
g_language = Lang.zh_CN;
} else if (lang && lang.indexOf('ja') != -1) {
g_language = Lang.ja_JP;
} else {
// 其他的统一用英语,其他语言也不知道谷歌翻译得对不对
g_language = Lang.en_US;
function Load() {
// 匹配当前页面
for (let i = 0; i < PageType.PageTypeCount; i++) {
if (Pages[i].CheckUrl(location.href)) {
g_pageType = i;
if (g_pageType >= 0) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Current page is ' + Pages[g_pageType].PageTypeString);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Unsupported page.');
// 设置按钮
let toolBar = Pages[g_pageType].GetToolBar();
if (toolBar) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, toolBar);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Get toolbar failed.');
window.onresize = function () {
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// GetSettings 内部需要 g_language,先使用自动探测的语言
// 读取设置
g_settings = GetSettings();
// 自动检测语言
if ($('#pp-sort').length === 0 && !(g_settings?.enableSort)) {
const newListItem = toolBar.firstChild.cloneNode(true);
newListItem.innerHTML = '';
const newButton = document.createElement('button');
newButton.id = 'pp-sort';
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newButton.innerHTML = `<span style="color: white;vertical-align: text-top;">${Texts[g_language].text_sort}</span>`;
$(newButton).click(function() {
this.disabled = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.disabled = false;
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// g_csrfToken
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$.get(location.href, function (data) {
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DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Can not get g_csrfToken, so you can not add works to bookmark when sorting has enabled.');
// 排序、预览
itv = setInterval(function () {
let returnMap = Pages[g_pageType].ProcessPageElements();
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DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Process page comlete, sorting and prevewing begin.');
DoLog(LogLevel.Elements, returnMap);
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if (g_settings.enableNovelSort || eventFromButton) {
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catch (e) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Unknown error: ' + e);
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setInterval(function () {
if (location.href != initialUrl) {
// 排序中点击搜索tag,可能导致进行中的排序出现混乱,加取消太麻烦,直接走刷新
if (!g_sortComplete) {
location.href = location.href;
// fix 主页预览图出现后点击图片,进到详情页,预览图不消失的问题
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