Greasy Fork

YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)


// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)
// @name:ja     YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)
// @name:zh-CN  YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating)
// @namespace
// @description It shows rating bars which represents Like/Dislike rating ratio.
// @description:ja 動画へのリンクに「高く評価」された比率を示すバーを表示します。
// @description:zh-CN 在与动画的链接中显示表示被“高评价”的比率的栏。
// @include*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @include*
// @version     4.0.12
// @grant       none
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

  const SCRIPTID = 'YouTubeRatingBars';
  const SCRIPTNAME = 'YouTube RatingBars';
  const DEBUG = false;/*
Minor fix for YouTube's update.


[to do]
定期: 自動取得機能してるか
自分のアイコン内のメニューにあることを示唆するために ratingbars パネルを閉じる際は右上に向けて隠す


[to research]


API Document:
API Quotas:


  if(window === top && console.time) console.time(SCRIPTID);
  const SECOND = 1000, MINUTE = 60*SECOND, HOUR = 60*MINUTE, DAY = 24*HOUR, WEEK = 7*DAY, MONTH = 30*DAY, YEAR = 365*DAY;
  const INTERVAL = 1*SECOND;/*for core.observeItems*/
  const HEIGHT = 2;/*bar height(px)*/
  const THINHEIGHT = 1;/*bar height(px) for videos with few ratings*/
  const RELIABLECOUNT = 10;/*ratings less than this number has less reliability*/
  const STABLECOUNT = 100;/*ratings more than this number has stable reliability*/
  const CACHELIMIT = 30*DAY;/*cache limit for stable videos*/
  const LIKECOLOR = 'rgb(6, 95, 212)';
  const DISLIKECOLOR = 'rgb(204, 204, 204)';
  const FLAG = SCRIPTID.toLowerCase();/*dataset name to add for videos to append a RatingBar*/
  const MAXRESULTS = 48;/* API limits 50 videos per request */
  const API = `{ids}&part=statistics&fields=items(id,statistics)&maxResults=${MAXRESULTS}&key={apiKey}`;
  const VIDEOID = /\?v=([^&]+)/;/*video id in URL parameters*/
  const RETRY = 10;
  const sites = {
    youtube: {
      url: '',
      targets: {
        avatarBtn: () => $('#avatar-btn') || $('ytd-topbar-menu-button-renderer:last-of-type button#button'),
      views: {
        home: {
          url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/([?#].+)?$/,
          videos: () => [...$$('ytd-rich-item-renderer'), ...$$('ytd-rich-grid-video-renderer'), ...$$('ytd-grid-video-renderer'), ...$$('ytd-video-renderer')],
          anchor: (item) => item.querySelector('a'),
          insertAfter: (item) => item.querySelector('#metadata-line'),
        feed: {
          url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/feed\//,
          videos: () => [...$$('ytd-grid-video-renderer'), ...$$('ytd-video-renderer')],
          anchor: (item) => item.querySelector('a'),
          insertAfter: (item) => item.querySelector('#metadata-line'),
        results: {
          url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/results\?/,
          videos: () => $$('ytd-video-renderer'),
          anchor: (item) => item.querySelector('a'),
          insertAfter: (item) => item.querySelector('#metadata-line'),
        watch: {
          url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?/,
          videos: () => $$('ytd-compact-video-renderer'),
          anchor: (item) => item.querySelector('a'),
          insertAfter: (item) => item.querySelector('#metadata-line'),
        channel: {
          url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/(channel|c|user)\//,
          videos: () => [...$$('ytd-grid-video-renderer'), ...$$('ytd-video-renderer')],
          anchor: (item) => item.querySelector('a'),
          insertAfter: (item) => item.querySelector('#metadata-line'),
        default: {
          url: /^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\//,
          videos: () => [...$$('ytd-grid-video-renderer'), ...$$('ytd-video-renderer')],
          anchor: (item) => item.querySelector('a'),
          insertAfter: (item) => item.querySelector('#metadata-line'),
      get: {
        api: (ids) => new Request(API.replace('{apiKey}', configs.apiKey).replace('{ids}', ids.join())),
        bar: (item) => item.querySelector('#container.ytd-sentiment-bar-renderer'),
        accountMenuItem: () => $('ytd-popup-container a[href="/account"]', (a) => a.parentNode),
      is: {
        popupped: () => ($('ytd-popup-container > iron-dropdown:not([aria-hidden="true"])') === null),
    google: {
      views: {
        projectcreate: {/* 1-1. Create a new project */
          url: '',
          targets: {
            anchor: () => $('body'),
            projectName: () => $('proj-name-id-input input'),
            createButton: () => $('.projtest-create-form-submit'),
          styles: {
            'width': '400px',
            'top': '50%',
            'left': '60%',
            'transform': 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
        dashboard: {/* 1-2. Complete the creation */
          url: '',
          targets: {
            anchor: () => $('body'),
          styles: {
            'width': '400px',
            'top': '50%',
            'left': '50%',
            'transform': 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
          get: {
            createdProjects: () => $$('[icon="status-success"]', (icon) => icon.parentNode),
        library: {/* 2-1. Enable the API */
          url: '',
          targets: {
            anchor: () => $('body'),
          styles: {
            'width': '400px',
            'top': '50%',
            'left': '60%',
            'transform': 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
        api: {/* 2-2. After the enabling */
          url: '',
          redirect: '',
        credentials: {/* 3. Create an API Key */
          url: '',
          targets: {
            anchor: () => $('body'),
            createButton: () => $('button#action-bar-create-button'),
          styles: {
            'width': '400px',
            'top': '50%',
            'left': '50%',
            'transform': 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
          get: {/* MANY WEAK SELECTORS CAUTION */
            apiKeyMenuLabel: () => $('cfc-menu-item[label*="API"]'),
            apiKeyInput: () => $('span[label*="API"] input'),
            restrictKeyButton: () => $('.mat-dialog-actions button[tabindex="0"]'),/* SO WEAK */
            apiRestrictionRadioButtonLabel: () => $('services-key-api-restrictions mat-radio-button:nth-child(2) label'),
            apiRestrictionSelect: () => $('services-key-api-restrictions [role="combobox"]'),
            youtubeDataApiOption: () => Array.from($$('mat-option')).find(o => o.textContent.includes('YouTube Data API v3')),
            saveButton: () => $('form button[type="submit"]'),
            createdKey: () => $('ace-icon[icon="status-success"] + a[href^="/apis/credentials/key/"]'),
        quotas: {/* Check your quota */
          url: '',
        error: {
          url: undefined,
          targets: {
            anchor: () => $('body'),
          styles: {
            'width': '400px',
            'top': '50%',
            'left': '50%',
            'transform': 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
  class Configs{
      Configs.PROPERTIES = {
        apiKey: {type: 'string', default:  ''},
      }; = || {});
      return new Proxy(this, {
        get: function(configs, field){
          if(field in configs) return configs[field];
      let newConfigs = {};
      Object.keys(Configs.PROPERTIES).forEach(key => {
        if(configs[key] === undefined) return newConfigs[key] = Configs.PROPERTIES[key].default;
          case('bool'):  return newConfigs[key] = (configs[key]) ? 1 : 0;
          case('int'):   return newConfigs[key] = parseInt(configs[key]);
          case('float'): return newConfigs[key] = parseFloat(configs[key]);
          default:       return newConfigs[key] = configs[key];
      return newConfigs;
      let json = {};
      Object.keys( => {
        json[key] =[key];
      return json;
    set apiKey(apiKey){ = apiKey;}
    get apiKey(){return;}
  let elements = {}, timers = {}, site, view, panels, configs;
  let cache = {};/* each of identical video elements has a reference to its video ID. */
  /* {'ID': {commentCount: "123", dislikeCount: "12", favoriteCount: "0", likeCount: "1234", viewCount: "12345", timestamp: 1234567890}} */
  let cached = 0;/*cache usage*/
  let videoIdTable = {};/* each of identical video elements has a reference to its video ID. */
  /* {'ID': [element, element, element]} */
  let queue = [];/* each item of the queue has ids to get data from API at once */
  const core = {
    initialize: function(){
      elements.html = document.documentElement;
      text.setup(texts, elements.html.lang);
          site =;
          site =;
          log('Doesn\'t match any sites:', location.href)
    readyForYouTube: function(){
      if(core.commingBack()) return;
      if(document.hidden) return setTimeout(core.readyForYouTube, 1000);
      core.getTargets(site.targets, RETRY).then(() => {
        log("I'm ready for YouTube.");
        if(configs.apiKey !== ''){
          log('No API key.');
      }).catch(e => {
        console.error(`${SCRIPTID}:${e.lineNumber} ${}: ${e.message}`);
    commingBack: function(){
      let commingBack ='commingBack');
        location.assign(commingBack + location.hash);
        return true;
    cacheReady: function(){
      let now =;
      cache ='cache') || {};
      Object.keys(cache).forEach(id => {
          case(cache[id].timestamp < now - CACHELIMIT):
          case(parseInt(cache[id].dislikeCount) + parseInt(cache[id].likeCount) < STABLECOUNT):
            return delete cache[id];
      window.addEventListener('unload', function(e){'cache', cache);
    observeItems: function(){
      let previousUrl = '';
      timers.observeItems = setInterval(function(){
        if(document.hidden) return;
        /* select the view of the current page */
        if(location.href !== previousUrl){
          let key = Object.keys(site.views).find(key => site.views[key].url.test(location.href));
          view = site.views[key];
          previousUrl = location.href;
        /* get the target videos of the current page */
        /* get ratings from the API */
        if(queue[0] && queue[0].length){
      }, INTERVAL);
    getVideos: function(view){
      let items = view.videos();
      if(items.length === 0) return;
      /* pushes id to the queue */
      const push = function(id){
        for(let i = 0; true; i++){
          if(queue[i] === undefined) queue[i] = [];
          if(queue[i].length < MAXRESULTS){
      /* push ids to the queue */
      for(let i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++){
        let a = view.anchor(item);
        if(!a || !a.href){
          log('Not found: anchor.');
        let m = a.href.match(VIDEOID), id = m ? m[1] : null;
        if(id === null) continue;
        if(item.dataset[FLAG] === id) continue;/*sometimes DOM was re-used for a different video*/
        item.dataset[FLAG] = id;/*flag for video found by the script*/
        if(!videoIdTable[id]) videoIdTable[id] = [item];
        else videoIdTable[id].push(item);
        if(cache[id]) core.appendBar(item, cache[id]), cached++;
        else push(id);
    getRatings: function(ids){
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(json => {
        log('JSON from API:', json);
        let items = json.items;
        if(!items || !items.length) return;
        for(let i = 0, now =, item; item = items[i]; i++){
          videoIdTable[] = videoIdTable[].filter(v => v.isConnected);
          videoIdTable[].forEach(v => {
            core.appendBar(v, item.statistics);
          cache[] = item.statistics;
          cache[].timestamp = now;
    appendBar: function(item, statistics){
      let s = statistics, likes = parseInt(s.likeCount), dislikes = parseInt(s.dislikeCount);
      if(s.likeCount === undefined) return log('Not found: like count.', item);
      if(likes === 0 && dislikes === 0) return
      let height = (RELIABLECOUNT < likes + dislikes) ? HEIGHT : THINHEIGHT;
      let percentage = (likes / (likes + dislikes)) * 100;
      let bar = createElement(, percentage));
      let insertAfter = view.insertAfter(item);
      if(insertAfter === null) return log('Not found: insertAfter.');
      if({/*bar already exists*/
        insertAfter.parentNode.replaceChild(bar, insertAfter.nextElementSibling);
        insertAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(bar, insertAfter.nextElementSibling);
    export: function(){
      if(DEBUG !== true) return; = function(){
          'Cache length:', Object.keys(cache).length,
          'videoElements:', Object.keys(videoIdTable).map(key => videoIdTable[key].length).reduce((x, y) => x + y),
          'videoIds:', Object.keys(videoIdTable).length,
          'usage:', cached,
          'saved:', ((cached / Object.keys(videoIdTable).length)*100).toFixed(1) + '%',
    configs: {
      prepare: function(){
        panels = new Panels(document.body.appendChild(createElement(html.panels())));
        configs = new Configs('configs') || {});
          configs.apiKey = location.hash.match(/#apiKey=(.+)/)[1];
'configs', configs.toJSON());
        if(configs.apiKey === '' || location.hash.includes('#apiKey='))'configs');
      observePopup: function(){
        let button = elements.avatarBtn;
        button.addEventListener('click', function(e){
          if( === false) return;
          let timer = setInterval(function(){
            let account = site.get.accountMenuItem();
          }, 125);
      appendConfigButton: function(account){
        let config = elements.configButton = createElement(html.configButton());
        config.addEventListener('click', function(e){
        account.parentNode.insertBefore(config, account.nextElementSibling);
      createPanel: function(){
        let panel = createElement(html.configPanel()), items = {};
        Array.from(panel.querySelectorAll('[name]')).forEach(e => items[] = e);
        /* getKeyButton */
        let getKeyButton = panel.querySelector(`#${SCRIPTID}-getKeyButton`);
        getKeyButton.addEventListener('click', function(e){
          if(location.href === site.url) return;
'commingBack', location.href.replace(location.hash, ''), + 1*HOUR);
        if(items.apiKey.value === '') getKeyButton.classList.add('active');
        items.apiKey.addEventListener('input', function(e){
          if(items.apiKey.value === '') getKeyButton.classList.add('active');
          else getKeyButton.classList.remove('active');
        /* cancel */
        panel.querySelector('button.cancel').addEventListener('click', function(e){
        /* save */
        const save = panel.querySelector('');
        save.addEventListener('click', function(e){
          configs = new Configs({
            apiKey: items.apiKey.value,
'configs', configs.toJSON());
        panels.add('configs', panel);
    readyForGoogle: function(){
      /* check the guidance session */
      if('guiding', true, + 1*HOUR);
      if('guiding') === undefined) return log('Guidance session time out.');
      /* choose guidance */
      let key = Object.keys(site.views).find(key => location.href.startsWith(site.views[key].url)) || 'error';
      view = site.views[key];
      /* should be redirected */
      if(view.redirect) location.assign(view.redirect);
      /* can show guidance */
      core.getTargets(view.targets, RETRY).then(() => {
        log("I'm ready for Google.");
      }).catch(e => {
        view = site.views.error;
        console.error(`${SCRIPTID}:${e.lineNumber} ${}: ${e.message}`);
    createGuidance: function(key){
      let anchor = elements.anchor, guidance = createElement(html[key](view));
      Object.keys(view.styles).forEach(key =>[key] = view.styles[key]);
      guidance.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(a => a.addEventListener('click', e => {
        location.assign(a.href);/* for avoiding google's silent refresh and properly activating this script */
      setTimeout(() => guidance.classList.remove('hidden'), 1000);
    prepareGuidances: {
      projectcreate: function(guidance){
        /* default name */
        let projectName = elements.projectName;
        let defaultName = guidance.querySelector('.name.default');
        defaultName.textContent = projectName.value;
        /* auto selection for convenience */
        Array.from(guidance.querySelectorAll('.name')).forEach(name => {
          name.addEventListener('click', function(e){
        /* create button */
        let createButton = elements.createButton;
        createButton.addEventListener('click', function(e){
          /* it doesn't refresh the page */
'projectName', projectName.value);
          /* hide the guidance */
          setTimeout(() => guidance.parentNode.removeChild(guidance), 1000);
          /* append body layer */
          let layer = createElement(html.bodyLayer());
          /* show new guidance for dashboard */
          view = site.views.dashboard;
        /* leave the guidance */
        let leave = guidance.querySelector(`a[href="${}"]`);
        leave.addEventListener('click', function(e){
      dashboard: function(guidance){
        let projectName = ('projectName') || '').trim();
        let seconds = guidance.querySelector('.secondsLeft');
        let timer = setInterval(function(){
          /* automatically redirect to next step in 60s */
          /* even if project was not created in this page, it will be created on next step */
          seconds.textContent = parseInt(seconds.textContent) - 1;
          if(seconds.textContent === '0') return location.assign(site.views.library.url);
          /* also automatically redirect when the project surely created */
          let projects = view.get.createdProjects();
          if(projects.length === 0) return;
          if(Array.from(projects).some(p => p.textContent.includes(projectName))){
            return setTimeout(() => location.assign(site.views.library.url), 2500);
        }, 1000);
      library: function(guidance){
        /* there're completely different versions of html by unknown conditions, so... */
        let timer = setInterval(function(){
          if(location.href.startsWith(site.views.api.url) === false) return;
        }, 1000);
      credentials: function(guidance){
        let createButton = elements.createButton, apiKey;
        /* redirect timer */
        let seconds = guidance.querySelector('.secondsLeft');
        let timer = setInterval(function(){
          /* automatically redirect to YouTube in 60s */
          seconds.textContent = parseInt(seconds.textContent) - 1;
          if(seconds.textContent === '0') return location.assign( + `#apiKey=${apiKey}`);
        }, 1000);
        /* append body layer */
        let layer = createElement(html.bodyLayer());
        /* procedure */
        wait(2500).then(() => {
          return core.getTarget(view.get.apiKeyMenuLabel, RETRY);
        }).then((apiKeyMenuLabel) => {
          return core.getTarget(view.get.apiKeyInput, RETRY);
        }).then(apiKeyInput => {
          apiKey = apiKeyInput.value;
          return core.getTarget(view.get.restrictKeyButton, RETRY);
        }).then(restrictKeyButton => {
          return core.getTarget(view.get.apiRestrictionRadioButtonLabel, RETRY);
        }).then(apiRestrictionRadioButtonLabel => {
          return core.getTarget(view.get.apiRestrictionSelect, RETRY);
        }).then(apiRestrictionSelect => {
          return core.getTarget(view.get.youtubeDataApiOption, RETRY);
        }).then(youtubeDataApiOption => {
          if(youtubeDataApiOption.classList.contains('mat-selected') === false);
          return core.getTarget(view.get.saveButton, RETRY);
        }).then(saveButton => {
          return core.getTarget(view.get.createdKey, RETRY);
        }).then(createdKey => {
          log('Automation completed:');
        }).catch((selector) => {
          log('Automation error:', selector);
      error: function(guidance){
        let restart = guidance.querySelector(`a[href="${}?${SCRIPTID}=true"]`);
        restart.addEventListener('click', function(e){
        let search = guidance.querySelector(`#${SCRIPTID}-google-how-to`);
        search.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    getTarget: function(selector, retry = 10, interval = 1*SECOND){
      const key =;
      const get = function(resolve, reject){
        let selected = selector();
        if(selected && selected.length > 0) selected.forEach((s) => s.dataset.selector = key);/* elements */
        else if(selected instanceof HTMLElement) selected.dataset.selector = key;/* element */
        else if(--retry) return log(`Not found: ${key}, retrying... (${retry})`), setTimeout(get, interval, resolve, reject);
        else return reject(new Error(`Not found: ${}, I give up.`));
        elements[key] = selected;
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        get(resolve, reject);
    getTargets: function(selectors, retry = 10, interval = 1*SECOND){
      return Promise.all(Object.values(selectors).map(selector => core.getTarget(selector, retry, interval)));
    addStyle: function(name = 'style'){
      let style = createElement(html[name]());
      if(elements[name] && elements[name].isConnected) document.head.removeChild(elements[name]);
      elements[name] = style;
  const texts = {
    /* common */
    '${SCRIPTNAME}': {
      en: () => `${SCRIPTNAME}`,
      ja: () => `${SCRIPTNAME}`,
      zh: () => `${SCRIPTNAME}`,
    /* setup */
    '${SCRIPTNAME} setup': {
      en: () => `${SCRIPTNAME} setup`,
      ja: () => `${SCRIPTNAME} 設定`,
      zh: () => `${SCRIPTNAME} 设定`,
    'YouTube Data API key': {
      en: () => `YouTube Data API key`,
      ja: () => `YouTube Data API キー`,
      zh: () => `YouTube Data API 密钥`,
    'To make it work properly, you should have a YouTube Data API key. Or you can get it now from Google Cloud Platform for FREE. (I shall guide you!!)': {
      en: () => `To make it work properly, you should have a YouTube Data API key. Or you can get it now from Google Cloud Platform for FREE. (I shall guide you!!)`,
      ja: () => `このスクリプトの動作には YouTube Data API キー が必要です。お持ちでなければ無料でいま取得することもできます。(ご案内します!)`,
      zh: () => `要使其正常工作,您应该有一个 YouTube Data API 密钥。或者你现在可以从 Google Cloud Platform 免费得到它。(我来给你带路!)`,
    'Create your API key on Google': {
      en: () => `Create your API key on Google`,
      ja: () => `Google で API キー を作成する`,
      zh: () => `在 Google 上创建您的 API 密钥`,
    'Check your API key already you have': {
      en: () => `Check your API key already you have`,
      ja: () => `すでにお持ちの API キー を確認する`,
      zh: () => `查看您已经拥有的 API 密钥`,
    'Check your API quota and usage': {
      en: () => `Check your API quota and usage`,
      ja: () => `API 割り当て量と使用量を確認する`,
      zh: () => `检查您的 API 配额和使用情况`,
    'Cancel': {
      en: () => `Cancel`,
      ja: () => `キャンセル`,
      zh: () => `取消`,
    'Save': {
      en: () => `Save`,
      ja: () => `保存`,
      zh: () => `保存`,
    /* guidance */
    '${SCRIPTNAME} guidance': {
      en: () => `${SCRIPTNAME} guidance`,
      ja: () => `${SCRIPTNAME} ガイド`,
      zh: () => `${SCRIPTNAME} 向导`,
    /* projectcreate */
    'Create a new project': {
      en: () => `Create a new project`,
      ja: () => `新しいプロジェクトの作成`,
      zh: () => `创建新项目`,
    '<em>Project name</em>: You can input any name such as "<span class="name">${SCRIPTNAME}</span>" or "<span class="name">Private</span>" or just leave it as "<span class="name default">default</span>".': {
      en: () => `<em>Project name</em>: You can input any name such as "<span class="name">${SCRIPTNAME}</span>" or "<span class="name">Private</span>" or just leave it as "<span class="name default">default</span>".`,
      ja: () => `<em>プロジェクト名</em>: 自由な名前をご入力ください。"<span class="name">${SCRIPTNAME}</span>" や "<span class="name">Private</span>" などでも、"<span class="name default">デフォルト</span>" のままでもかまいません。`,
      zh: () => `<em>项目名称</em>: 可以输入 "<span class="name">${SCRIPTNAME}</span>"、"<span class="name">Private</span>" 等任意名称、也可以保留为 "<span class="name default">默认</span>"。`,
    '<em>Location</em>: Leave it as "No organization".': {
      en: () => `<em>Location</em>: Leave it as "No organization".`,
      ja: () => `<em>場所</em>: "組織なし" のままで大丈夫です。`,
      zh: () => `<em>位置</em>: 保留为 "无组织"。`,
    'Click the <em>CREATE</em> button.': {
      en: () => `Click the <em>CREATE</em> button.`,
      ja: () => `<em>作成</em> ボタンをクリックします。`,
      zh: () => `单击 <em>创建</em> 按钮。`,
    'If you already have a project to use, <a href="${}">skip this step</a>.': {
      en: () => `If you already have a project to use, <a href="${}">skip this step</a>.`,
      ja: () => `すでに利用するプロジェクトを作成済みの場合は、<a href="${}">このステップを飛ばしてください</a>。`,
      zh: () => `如果您已经有项目要使用,<a href="${}">跳过此步骤</a>。`,
    'Or you can <a href="${}">leave this guidance</a>.': {
      en: () => `Or you can <a href="${}">leave this guidance</a>.`,
      ja: () => `または<a href="${}">このガイダンスを終了することもできます</a>。`,
      zh: () => `或者你可以<a href="${}">离开这份向导</a>。`,
    /* dashboard */
    'Wait until the project has been created.': {
      en: () => `Wait until the project has been created.`,
      ja: () => `プロジェクトの作成が完了するまでお待ちください。`,
      zh: () => `等待项目创建完成。`,
    'After creation, you can go to the next step. (You will automatically be redirected within <span class="secondsLeft">60</span> seconds at the most)': {
      en: () => `After creation, you can go to the next step. (You will automatically be redirected within <span class="secondsLeft">60</span> seconds at the most)`,
      ja: () => `完了後に次のステップにお進みいただけます。 (<span class="secondsLeft">60</span>秒以内に自動的に移動します)`,
      zh: () => `完成后可以进入下一步。 (您最多会在<span class="secondsLeft">60</span>秒内自动重定向)`,
    'Enable the YouTube Data API': {
      en: () => `Enable the YouTube Data API`,
      ja: () => `YouTube Data API を有効にする`,
      zh: () => `启用 YouTube Data API`,
    /* library */
    'Enable the API': {
      en: () => `Enable the API`,
      ja: () => `API を有効にします`,
      zh: () => `启用 API`,
    'Just click the <em>ENABLE</em> button.': {
      en: () => `Just click the <em>ENABLE</em> button.`,
      ja: () => `<em>有効にする</em> ボタンをクリックしてください。`,
      zh: () => `只需单击 <em>启用</em> 按钮。`,
    'If a dialog to select a project is shown, select the project you just created.': {
      en: () => `If a dialog to select a project is shown, select the project you just created.`,
      ja: () => `もしプロジェクトを選択するダイアログが表示されたら、先ほど作成したプロジェクトを選択します。`,
      zh: () => `如果显示选择项目的对话框,请选择您刚刚创建的项目。`,
    'Then wait a moment.': {
      en: () => `Then wait a moment.`,
      ja: () => `しばらくお待ちください。`,
      zh: () => `那么请稍等片刻。`,
    'If the API is already enabled, you can go to the next step.': {
      en: () => `If the API is already enabled, you can go to the next step.`,
      ja: () => `すでに API が有効になっている場合は、次のステップにお進みください。`,
      zh: () => `如果 API 已经启用,您可以进入下一步。`,
    'Create an API key': {
      en: () => `Create an API key`,
      ja: () => `API キー を作成する`,
      zh: () => `创建 API 密钥`,
    /* credentials */
    'Now automatically creating API key... (You will be redirected back to <a href="${}">YouTube</a> in <span class="secondsLeft">60</span> seconds)': {
      en: () => `Now automatically creating API key... (You will be redirected back to <a href="${}">YouTube</a> in <span class="secondsLeft">60</span> seconds)`,
      ja: () => `API キー を作成しています... (<span class="secondsLeft">60</span>秒後に自動的に <a href="${}">YouTube</a> に戻ります)`,
      zh: () => `正在自动创建 API 密钥... (您将在<span class="secondsLeft">60</span>秒内被重定向回 <a href="${}">YouTube</a>)`,
    'If it fails and stuck, you can check and do the following steps by yourself.': {
      en: () => `If it fails and stuck, you can check and do the following steps by yourself.`,
      ja: () => `失敗して処理が止まった場合は、次の手続きをご自身で確認してください。`,
      zh: () => `如果失败并停止,您可以自行检查并执行以下步骤。`,
    'Click the <em>+ CREATE CREDENTIALS</em> button.': {
      en: () => `Click the <em>+ CREATE CREDENTIALS</em> button.`,
      ja: () => `<em>+ 認証情報を作成</em> ボタンをクリックします。`,
      zh: () => `单击 <em>+ 创建凭据</em> 按钮。`,
    'Click <em>API key</em> on the dropdown menu.': {
      en: () => `Click <em>API key</em> on the dropdown menu.`,
      ja: () => `表示されたメニュー内の <em>API キー</em> をクリックします。`,
      zh: () => `单击下拉菜单上的 <em>API 密钥</em>`,
    'API key will be created.': {
      en: () => `API key will be created.`,
      ja: () => `API キーが作成されます。`,
      zh: () => `将创建 API 密钥。`,
    'Click the <em>RESTRICT KEY</em> button.': {
      en: () => `Click the <em>RESTRICT KEY</em> button.`,
      ja: () => `<em>キーを制限</em> ボタンをクリックします。`,
      zh: () => `单击 <em>限制键</em> 按钮。`,
    'Click the <em>Restrict key</em> radio button on the <em>API restrictions</em> section.': {
      en: () => `Click the <em>Restrict key</em> radio button on the <em>API restrictions</em> section.`,
      ja: () => `<em>API の制限</em> セクション内の <em>キーを制限</em> ラジオボタンをクリックします。`,
      zh: () => `单击 <em>API 限制</em> 部分上的 <em>限制密钥</em> 单选按钮。`,
    'Click the <em>Select APIs</em> dropdown menu and check <em>YouTube Data API v3</em> at (probably) the bottom of the menu.': {
      en: () => `Click the <em>Select APIs</em> dropdown menu and check <em>YouTube Data API v3</em> at (probably) the bottom of the menu.`,
      ja: () => `<em>Select APIs</em> ドロップダウンメニューをクリックし、(おそらく)一番下に表示される <em>YouTube Data API v3</em> にチェックを入れます。`,
      zh: () => `单击 <em>Select APIs</em> 下拉菜单,然后选中菜单底部(可能)的 <em>YouTube Data API v3</em>。`,
    'Click the <em>SAVE</em> button.': {
      en: () => `Click the <em>SAVE</em> button.`,
      ja: () => `<em>保存</em> ボタンをクリックします。`,
      zh: () => `单击 <em>保存</em> 按钮。`,
    'Copy the created API key with the copy icon button on the right.': {
      en: () => `Copy the created API key with the copy icon button on the right.`,
      ja: () => `作成された API キー を、すぐ右隣のコピーアイコンボタンをクリックしてコピーします。`,
      zh: () => `使用右侧的复制图标按钮复制创建的 API 密钥。`,
    'Go to <a href="${}">YouTube</a>, then paste and save the key on ${SCRIPTNAME} setup panel.': {
      en: () => `Go to <a href="${}">YouTube</a>, then paste and save the key on ${SCRIPTNAME} setup panel.`,
      ja: () => `<a href="${}">YouTube</a> へ移動して、${SCRIPTNAME} 設定 パネル内にキーを貼り付け保存します。`,
      zh: () => `转到 <a href="${}">YouTube</a>,然后在 ${SCRIPTNAME} 设置 面板上粘贴并保存密钥。`,
    /* error */
    'Sorry, no guidance was found for this page.': {
      en: () => `Sorry, no guidance was found for this page.`,
      ja: () => `申し訳ありません。このページ向けのガイダンスが見つかりませんでした。`,
      zh: () => `抱歉,找不到此页的指导。`,
    'Start over from the first step': {
      en: () => `Start over from the first step`,
      ja: () => `最初からやり直す`,
      zh: () => `从第一步开始`,
    'You can also get an API key by yourself and enter it on YouTube.': {
      en: () => `You can also get an API key by yourself and enter it on YouTube.`,
      ja: () => `独自に API キー を取得してYouTubeで入力することもできます。`,
      zh: () => `您也可以自己获取 API 密钥,然后在 YouTube 上输入。`,
    '': {
      en: () => ``,
      ja: () => `キー+取得`,
      zh: () => `密钥+获取`,
    'Serach how to get an API key': {
      en: () => `Serach how to get an API key`,
      ja: () => `API キー の取得の仕方を検索する`,
      zh: () => `研究如何获取 API 密钥。`,
    '<a href="">Your reporting of this error is very welcomed.</a>': {
      en: () => `<a href="">Your reporting of this error is very welcomed.</a>`,
      ja: () => `<a href="">エラーの報告を歓迎します。</a>`,
      zh: () => `<a href="">欢迎报告错误。</a>`,
  const html = {
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      <div id="container" class="style-scope ytd-sentiment-bar-renderer" style="height:${height}px; background-color:${DISLIKECOLOR}">
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    configButton: () => `
      <div id="${SCRIPTID}-configButton">
        <span class="icon"><!-- Svg Vector Icons : --><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" enable-background="new 0 0 1000 1000" xml:space="preserve"><metadata> Svg Vector Icons : </metadata><g><path d="M10,141.7v211.4h980V141.7H10z M960.2,323.3H636V171.6h324.2V323.3z"/><path d="M10,604.6h980V393.1H10V604.6z M960.2,574.7H365.7V423h594.5V574.7z"/><path d="M10,858.3h980V646.8H10V858.3z M960.2,828.4H815.1V676.7h145.1V828.4z"/></g></svg></span>
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    configPanel: () => `
      <div class="panel" id="${SCRIPTID}-configPanel" data-order="1">
        <h1>${text('${SCRIPTNAME} setup')}</h1>
          <legend>${text('YouTube Data API key')}:</legend>
          <p><input type="text" name="apiKey" value="${configs.apiKey}" placeholder="API key"></p>
          <p class="description">${text('To make it work properly, you should have a YouTube Data API key. Or you can get it now from Google Cloud Platform for FREE. (I shall guide you!!)')}</p>
          <p class="description"><a href="${}?${SCRIPTID}=true" id="${SCRIPTID}-getKeyButton" class="button">${text('Create your API key on Google')}</a></p>
          <p class="note"><a href="${}">${text('Check your API key already you have')}</a></p>
          <p class="note"><a href="${}">${text('Check your API quota and usage')}</a></p>
        <p class="buttons"><button class="cancel">${text('Cancel')}</button><button class="save primary">${text('Save')}</button></p>
    projectcreate: () => `
      <div class="${SCRIPTID}-guidance">
        <h1>${text('${SCRIPTNAME} guidance')}</h1>
        <p class="message">${text('Create a new project')}</p>
          <li>${text('<em>Project name</em>: You can input any name such as "<span class="name">${SCRIPTNAME}</span>" or "<span class="name">Private</span>" or just leave it as "<span class="name default">default</span>".')}</li>
          <li>${text('<em>Location</em>: Leave it as "No organization".')}</li>
          <li>${text('Click the <em>CREATE</em> button.')}</li>
        <p class="note">${text('If you already have a project to use, <a href="${}">skip this step</a>.')}</p>
        <p class="note">${text('Or you can <a href="${}">leave this guidance</a>.')}</p>
    bodyLayer: () => `<div class="${SCRIPTID}-bodyLayer"></div>`,
    dashboard: () => `
      <div class="${SCRIPTID}-guidance">
        <h1>${text('${SCRIPTNAME} guidance')}</h1>
          <li>${text('Wait until the project has been created.')}</li>
          <li>${text('After creation, you can go to the next step. (You will automatically be redirected within <span class="secondsLeft">60</span> seconds at the most)')} <a href="${}">${text('Enable the YouTube Data API')}</a></li>
    library: () => `
      <div class="${SCRIPTID}-guidance">
        <h1>${text('${SCRIPTNAME} guidance')}</h1>
        <p class="message">${text('Enable the API')}</p>
            ${text('Just click the <em>ENABLE</em> button.')}
            <p class="note">${text('If the API is already enabled, you can go to the next step.')} → <a href="${}">${text('Create an API key')}</a></p>
          <li>${text('If a dialog to select a project is shown, select the project you just created.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Then wait a moment.')}</li>
    credentials: () => `
      <div class="${SCRIPTID}-guidance">
        <h1>${text('${SCRIPTNAME} guidance')}</h1>
        <p class="message">${text('Now automatically creating API key... (You will be redirected back to <a href="${}">YouTube</a> in <span class="secondsLeft">60</span> seconds)')}</p>
        <p>${text('If it fails and stuck, you can check and do the following steps by yourself.')}</p>
          <li>${text('Click the <em>+ CREATE CREDENTIALS</em> button.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Click <em>API key</em> on the dropdown menu.')}</li>
          <li>${text('API key will be created.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Click the <em>RESTRICT KEY</em> button.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Click the <em>Restrict key</em> radio button on the <em>API restrictions</em> section.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Click the <em>Select APIs</em> dropdown menu and check <em>YouTube Data API v3</em> at (probably) the bottom of the menu.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Click the <em>SAVE</em> button.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Copy the created API key with the copy icon button on the right.')}</li>
          <li>${text('Go to <a href="${}">YouTube</a>, then paste and save the key on ${SCRIPTNAME} setup panel.')}</li>
    error: () => `
      <div class="${SCRIPTID}-guidance">
        <h1>${text('${SCRIPTNAME} guidance')}</h1>
        <p class="message">${text('Sorry, no guidance was found for this page.')}</p>
        <p><a href="${}?${SCRIPTID}=true" class="button active">${text('Start over from the first step')}</a></p>
        <p>${text('You can also get an API key by yourself and enter it on YouTube.')}</p>
        <p><a href="${text('')}" class="button active" id="${SCRIPTID}-google-how-to">${text('Serach how to get an API key')}</a></p>
        <p class="note">${text('<a href="">Your reporting of this error is very welcomed.</a>')}</p>
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  class Storage{
    static key(key){
      return (SCRIPTID) ? (SCRIPTID + '-' + key) : key;
    static save(key, value, expire = null){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify({
        value: value,
        expire: expire,
    static read(key){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      if(localStorage[key] === undefined) return undefined;
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
      if(data.value === undefined) return data;
      if(data.expire === undefined) return data;
      if(data.expire === null) return data.value;
      if(data.expire < return localStorage.removeItem(key);/*undefined*/
      return data.value;
    static remove(key){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      delete localStorage.removeItem(key);
    static delete(key){
    static saved(key){
      key = Storage.key(key);
      if(localStorage[key] === undefined) return undefined;
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
      if(data.saved) return data.saved;
      else return undefined;
  class Panels{
      this.parent = parent;
      this.panels = {};
      window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
        if(e.key !== 'Escape') return;
        if(['input', 'textarea'].includes(document.activeElement.localName)) return;
        Object.keys(this.panels).forEach(key => this.hide(key));
      }, true);
    add(name, panel){
      this.panels[name] = panel;
      let panel = this.panels[name];
      if(panel.isConnected === false || panel.classList.contains('hidden'));
      else this.hide(name);
      let panel = this.panels[name];
      if(panel.isConnected) return;
      this.parent.dataset.panels = parseInt(this.parent.dataset.panels) + 1;
      animate(() => panel.classList.remove('hidden'));
      let panel = this.panels[name];
      if(panel.classList.contains('hidden')) return;
      panel.addEventListener('transitionend', (e) => {
        this.parent.dataset.panels = parseInt(this.parent.dataset.panels) - 1;
      }, {once: true});
  const text = function(key, ...args){
    if(text.texts[key] === undefined){
      log('Not found text key:', key);
      return key;
    }else return text.texts[key](args);
  text.setup = function(texts, language){
    let languages = [...window.navigator.languages];
    if(language) languages.unshift(...String(language).split('-').map((p,i,a) => a.slice(0,1+i).join('-')).reverse());
    if(!languages.includes('en')) languages.push('en');
    languages = => l.toLowerCase());
    Object.keys(texts).forEach(key => {
      Object.keys(texts[key]).forEach(l => texts[key][l.toLowerCase()] = texts[key][l]);
      texts[key] = texts[key][languages.find(l => texts[key][l] !== undefined)] || (() => key);
    text.texts = texts;
  const $ = function(s, f){
    let target = document.querySelector(s);
    if(target === null) return null;
    return f ? f(target) : target;
  const $$ = function(s, f){
    let targets = document.querySelectorAll(s);
    return f ? Array.from(targets).map(t => f(t)) : targets;
  const animate = function(callback, ...params){requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => callback(...params)))};
  const wait = function(ms){return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))};
  const createElement = function(html = '<span></span>'){
    let outer = document.createElement('div');
    outer.innerHTML = html;
    return outer.firstElementChild;
  const observe = function(element, callback, options = {childList: true, attributes: false, characterData: false}){
    let observer = new MutationObserver(callback.bind(element));
    observer.observe(element, options);
    return observer;
  const draggable = function(element){
    const DELAY = 125;/* catching up mouse position while fast dragging (ms) */
    const mousedown = function(e){
      if(e.button !== 0) return;
      [screenX, screenY] = [e.screenX, e.screenY];
      [a,b,c,d,tx,ty] = (getComputedStyle(element).transform.match(/[-0-9.]+/g) || [1,0,0,1,0,0]).map((n) => parseFloat(n));
      window.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);
      window.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseup, {once: true});
      document.body.addEventListener('mouseleave', mouseup, {once: true});
      element.addEventListener('mouseleave', mouseleave, {once: true});
    const mousemove = function(e){ = `matrix(${a},${b},${c},${d},${tx + (e.screenX - screenX)},${ty + (e.screenY - screenY)})`;
    const mouseup = function(e){
      window.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);
    const mouseleave = function(e){
      let timer = setTimeout(mouseup, DELAY);
      element.addEventListener('mouseenter', clearTimeout.bind(window, timer), {once: true});
    let screenX, screenY, a, b, c, d, tx, ty;
    element.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedown);
  const log = function(){
    if(!DEBUG) return;
    let l = log.last = || new Date(), n = = new Date();
    let error = new Error(), line = log.format.getLine(error), callers = log.format.getCallers(error);
      SCRIPTID + ':',
      /* 00:00:00.000  */ n.toLocaleTimeString() + '.' + n.getTime().toString().slice(-3),
      /* +0.000s       */ '+' + ((n-l)/1000).toFixed(3) + 's',
      /* :00           */ ':' + line,
      /* caller.caller */ (callers[2] ? callers[2] + '() => ' : '') +
      /* caller        */ (callers[1] || '') + '()',
  log.formats = [{
      name: 'Firefox Scratchpad',
      detector: /MARKER@Scratchpad/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Console',
      detector: /MARKER@debugger/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 3',
      detector: /\/gm_scripts\//,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 4+',
      detector: /MARKER@user-script:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 500,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Tampermonkey',
      detector: /MARKER@moz-extension:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 6,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Console',
      detector: /at MARKER \(<anonymous>/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(<anonymous>)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Tampermonkey',
      detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:.*?\/userscript.html\?id=/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1] - 3,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Edge Console',
      detector: /at MARKER \(eval/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(eval)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Edge Tampermonkey',
      detector: /at MARKER \(Function/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1] - 4,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(Function)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Safari',
      detector: /^MARKER$/m,
      getLine: (e) => 0,/*e.lineが用意されているが最終呼び出し位置のみ*/
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.split('\n'),
    }, {
      name: 'Default',
      detector: /./,
      getLine: (e) => 0,
      getCallers: (e) => [],
  log.format = log.formats.find(function MARKER(f){
    if(!f.detector.test(new Error().stack)) return false;
    //console.log('//// ' + + '\n' + new Error().stack);
    return true;
  if(window === top && console.timeEnd) console.timeEnd(SCRIPTID);