Greasy Fork

Amazon Category Selector

Automatically redirects to the daily sales page with preselected categories

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Amazon Category Selector
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @description  Automatically redirects to the daily sales page with preselected categories
// @author       Thomas Lewisch
// @match        **
// @require
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';

var CategorySelector = function(options) {
    this.options = options || {};

    this.defaults = {
        url: '', // the base url for daily offers,
        sortOrder: 'BY_SCORE', // the sort order for displaying the offers
        categories: [  // the category-ids to auto-select
            340843031, // pc
            300992,    // games
            284266,    // movies
            562066,    // electronics
        keys: {                               // the keys to use for building the url
            base: 'gb_f_GB-SUPPLE',           // the base query string argument used by amazon
            sortOrder: 'sortOrder',           // the key for the sort order
            categories: 'enforcedCategories', // the key for the categories
        concatenators: {     // the concatenators to concatenate the different parts of the url
            qs: '?',         // the concatentor for the query string
            kv: ':',         // the key-value concatenator for different arguments
            ba: '=',         // the base-arguments concatentator for the base key to the other arguments
            args: ',',       // the arguments concatentator for joining various arguments
            values: '%252C', // the concatentor for the values of a single argument
        selectors: {                               // the selectors used to find the categories
            categoryContainer: '#widgetFilters',   // the selector for the category container
            activeCategories: ':checkbox:checked', // the selector for the active categories

    this.settings = jQuery.extend({}, this.defaults, options);

 * starts the category selector
 * @return {void}
 */ = function () {
    var self = this,
        exists = window.setInterval(function() {
            if (self.filters().length) {
        }, 100);

 * redirects the browser to the filtered
 * daily offers page if necessary
 * @return {void}
CategorySelector.prototype.redirectIfNecessary = function () {
    if (this.hasActiveCategories()) {


 * builds the url to redirect to
 * @return {string}
CategorySelector.prototype.buildUrl = function () {
    var args = [];

    if (! this.hasSettings()) {
        return this.settings.url;

    if (this.hasSortOrder()) {
        args.push(this.settings.keys.sortOrder + this.settings.concatenators.kv + this.settings.sortOrder);

    if (this.hasCategories()) {
        args.push(this.settings.keys.categories + this.settings.concatenators.kv + this.buildCategoryString());

    return this.settings.url +
        this.settings.concatenators.qs +
        this.settings.keys.base + +

 * gets the active categories
 * @return {jQuery element|array}
CategorySelector.prototype.activeCategories = function () {
    return this.filters().find(this.settings.selectors.activeCategories);

 * checks if categories are currently active
 * @return {boolean}
CategorySelector.prototype.hasActiveCategories = function () {
    return this.activeCategories().length > 0;

 * checks if settings have been supplied to
 * build a custom url and redirect
 * @return {boolean}
CategorySelector.prototype.hasSettings = function () {
    return this.hasSortOrder() || this.hasCategories();

 * checks of a sort order has been supplied
 * @return {boolean}
CategorySelector.prototype.hasSortOrder = function () {
    return this.settings.sortOrder !== false && this.settings.sortOrder !== null;

 * checks if categories have been supplied
 * @return {boolean}
CategorySelector.prototype.hasCategories = function () {
    return jQuery.isArray(this.settings.categories) && this.settings.categories.length > 0;

 * builds the category string for the url
 * @return {string}
CategorySelector.prototype.buildCategoryString = function () {
    return this.settings.categories.join(this.settings.concatenators.values);

 * gets the container element that holds the filters
 * @return {jQuery element|array}
CategorySelector.prototype.filters = function () {
    return jQuery(document).find(this.settings.selectors.categoryContainer);

 * initializes a new category selector
 * @param  {Object} options
 * @return {CategorySelector}
CategorySelector.init = function(options) {
    var selector = new CategorySelector(options);;

    return selector;

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {